ZB MED - Deutsche Zentralbibiothek fuer Medizin


Die Liste enthält 711 Titel für 1. Halbjahr 2005

Futures Forum on Rapid Response Decision Making Tools <5, 2003, Madrid>:
Fifth Futures Forum on Rapid Response Decision Making Tools
: [Madrid, Spain, 16 - 17 December 2003]. - Copenhagen : WHO, Regional Office for Europe, 2004. - 28 S.
ISBN: 92-890-1096-7
2005 A 420
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Futures Forum on Crisis Communication <6, 2004, Reykjavík>:
Sixth Futures Forum on Crisis Communication
: [Reykjavík, Iceland, 10 - 11 May 2004]. - Copenhagen : WHO, Regional Office for Europe, 2004. - 30 S.
ISBN: 92-890-1067-3
2005 A 418
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

10 Jahre Onkologie und Palliativmedizin am Fachkrankenhaus Marienstift : der schwerkranke Patient im Zentrum unseres Handelns ; ein interdisziplinärer wissenschaftlicher Erfahrungsaustausch ; [die vorliegende Broschüre wurde nach dem 11. Schwarzenberger Treffen, welches im Onkologischen Fachkrankenhaus Marienstift Schwarzenberg, Mitglied des Tumorzentrums Chemnitz e.V. am 1. Juni 2002 stattfand, basierend auf den Manuskripten der Referenten, sowie auf den Zusammenfassungen der Posterpräsentationen zusammengestellt]. - Schwarzenberg : EKH, 2002. - 120 S.
2005 A 1724
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Heilquellenseminar <4, 2004, Ems>:
4. Heilquellenseminar in Bad Ems am 25. Mai 2004
: Seminarband. - Mainz, 2004. - I, 17 S.
(LfW-Bericht ; [20]04,213)
2005 A 1755
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Anwendungsfelder der medizinischen Psychologie : mit 13 Tabellen ; [Beiträge des Kongresses "Medizinische Psychologie - state of the art" in Dresden 2002]. - Heidelberg : Springer, 2005
ISBN: 3-540-24845-5
2005 A 1575
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Arbeitstreffen Neue Altenpflegeausbildung - Gemeinsam Perspektiven Entwickeln <2003, Bielefeld>:
Arbeitstreffen "Neue Altenpflegeausbildung" - Gemeinsam Perspektiven Entwickeln
: 16. Mai 2003. - Bielefeld : Fachhochsch., Fachbereich Pflege und Gesundheit, 2003. - 48 S. : graph. Darst.
(Workshop-Reader / Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Fachbereich Pflege und Gesundheit ; 16)
2005 A 1401
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Asthma bronchiale im Kindes- und Jugendalter - was können wir heute empfehlen? Was ist Standard? Worum müssen wir kämpfen?. - Bad Kreuznach : Viktoriastift, 2002. - 79 Bl.
ISBN: 3-00-010939-0
2004 A 5035
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Asthma prevention and management guidelines : 2003, Japan (JGL 2003): English summary ; report of the Research Group for Asthma Prevention and Management Guidelines ; 20 tables. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005. - VIII, 49 S. : graph. Darst.
(International archives of allergy and immunology ; 136, Suppl. 1)
ISBN: 3-8055-7943-8
Uh III Zs 155 -136,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Back protecting work practices in health care : training and prevention concepts in Europe ; experts' workshop Paris 2002, ISSA Health Services Section = Rückengerechtes Arbeiten in der Pflege. - Hamburg, Germany : ISSA Health Services Section, 2002
ISBN: 92-843-0170-X
2005 MO 413
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bindungstheorie in der Psychiatrie : ["Die Bindungstheorie - wiederentdeckt: Umdenken in der Psychiatrie?"... Titel eines Symposiums, das am 9. Mai 2003 im Rahmen des achten Forum Rehabilitation in Hamburg gehalten wurde] ; mit 5 Tabellen. - Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005. - 153 S.
ISBN: 3-525-46231-X
2005 A 1607
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Breast cancer treatment induced bone loss : biology, diagnosis, and management ; highlights from the 3rd Annual Breast Cancer Congress. - Dallas, Tex. : Cancer Information Group, 2005. - S. S31 - S70 : graph. Darst.
(Clinical breast cancer ; 5, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 5800 -5,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cancer bronchique : cours du Groupe d'Oncologie Thoracique de Langue Française (GOLF 2004). - Paris : Masson, 2004. - S118 S. : graph. Darst.
(Revue de pneumologie clinique ; 60,5, Cah. 2)
Uk I Zs 141 -60,5,Cah.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cardiovascular development and congenital malformations : molecular & genetic mechanisms ; [the published proceedings... the Takao conference...]. - Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2005. - XXIV, 292 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 1-4051-3128-4
2005 A 1534
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Chancen und Grenzen der Biomedizin : Diakonische Perspektiven zur Bioethik ; Symposium des Diakonischen Werkes der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland e. V., 8. bis 9. Oktober 2001 im Rahmen der Diakonischen Konferenz in Stuttgart. - Leinfelden-Echterdingen : Zentraler Vertrieb d. Diakonischen Werks der EKD, 2002
(Diakonie-Dokumentation ; [20]02,5)
2005 A 2352
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Consensus perspectives on surgery in haemophilia patients with inhibitors (FEIBA®). - Oxford : Blackwell, 2004. - 52 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Haemophilia ; 10, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 4249 -10,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Czarnobyl - jod - tarczyca : program zamawiany PBZ 38-08 ; II faza badan. - Warszawa : Polskiego Towarzystwa Endokrynologicznego, 2002. - 183 S. : graph. Darst.
(Endokrynologia polska ; 53,2, Supl. 2)
Zs A 204 -53,2,Supl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Müller, Norbert:
Depressionen - Krankheitsbild und Therapie
: [Vorträge und Arbeitsunterlagen der Fortbildungsveranstaltungen im Frühjahr 2005 in Bayreuth, Deggendorf, Kempten, München, Nürnberg, Regensburg, Rosenheim und Würzburg]. - Eschborn : Govi-Verl., 2005. - 112 S.
(Schriftenreihe der Bayerischen Landesapothekerkammer ; 70) (Vorträge und Arbeitsunterlagen der Fortbildungsveranstaltungen / Bayerische Landesapothekerkammer, Ausschuß für Aus- und Fortbildung : im Frühjahr ; 2005)
2005 A 957
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Gli esercenti le professioni sanitarie nel recente riassetto formativo : interazioni e responsabilità nell'attuale cornice normativa delle aziende sanitarie ; Convegno nazionale in ricordo del Professor Antonio Fornari, Pavia, 26-27 settembre 2002. - Milano : Giuffrè, 2003. - ix, 271 p.
ISBN: 88-14-10620-7
2005 A 1421
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

European Society for Medical Oncology:
ESMO minimum clinical recommendations
. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. - 85 S. : Ill.
(Annals of oncology ; 16, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 2862 -16,Suppl.1-
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The future of ErbB1 and ErbB2 pathway inhibition in breast cancer : targeting multiple receptors. - Miamisburg, Ohio : AlphaMed Press, 2004. - 28 S. : graph. Darst.
(The oncologist ; 9, Suppl. 3)
Zs A 4845 -9,Suppl.3-
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Future trends in the treatment of Rosacea : proceedings from an expert roundtable meeting. - Chatham, NJ : Quadrant HealthCom, 2005. - 36 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Cutis ; 75,3S = Suppl.)
Zs B 1315 -75,3S-
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Informe anual regional de los países participantes de la Red de Monitoreo, Vigilancia de la Resistencia a los Antibióticos = Annual regional report of countries participants of the Network of Monitoring, Surveillance of Antibiotic Resistance. - Goiânia : Inst. de Patologia Tropical e Saúde Pública, 2003. - 174 S. : graph. Darst., Kt.
(Revista de patologia tropical ; 32, Supl. 2)
Zs A 4102 -32,Supl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

International classification of primary care : ICPC-2-R. - Rev. 2. ed. - Oxford [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. - X, 193 S. : graph. Darst.
(Oxford medical publications)
ISBN: 0-19-856857-6
WB 15 H 27
2005 MO 436 [Begleitmaterial]
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Invasive Candida infections: redefining outcomes. - Manhasset, NY : CMP Healthcare Media, 2004. - 24 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Oncology ; 18,14, Suppl. 13)
Zs A 3168 -18,14,Suppl.13-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Katastrophenmedizin : Beiträge der 7. Arbeitstagung Umweltmedizin/ -hygiene vom 08.11.2001, [Dortmund]. - Bielefeld [u.a.] : lögd, 2002. - 122 S.
(Materialien "Umwelt und Gesundheit" ; 35)
2005 A 339
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Kommunikation und Kooperation in der Onkologie : eine Tagung der Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Onkologische Versorgung Brandenburg e.V. (LAGO) ; [3. LAGO-Tagung Onkologie Land Brandenburg]. - Münster : LIT-Verl., 2005. - 194 S.
(Medizin und Gesellschaft ; 11)
ISBN: 3-8258-8310-8
2005 A 1042
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Management of recurrent angina : an unmet challenge ; based on a satellite symposium from Vastarel MR, 2003 - 2004. - Hagerstown, Md. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004. - S27 S. : graph. Darst.
(Coronary artery disease ; 15, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3039 -15,Suppl.1-
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Modellprojekt "Verhütung arbeitsbedingter Gesundheitsgefahren im Entsorgungsbereich - VerEna" : Tagungsdokumentation Fachtagung am 3. und 4. Juni 2002 "Vernetzte Arbeit - vernetzte Prävention" in der BAuA Berlin. - Dortmund ; Berlin ; Dresden : Bundesanst. für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2003. - 198 S.
(Amtliche Mitteilungen der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin : Sonderausgabe ; 23)
2005 A 2007
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Mycophenolate mofetil : an advance in the therapy of autoimmune disease. - London : Hodder Arnold, 2005. - S72 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Lupus ; 14, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3717 -14,Suppl.1-
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Novel pharmacologic options in the treatment of neuropathic pain : CME accredited roundtable monograph. - New York, NY : MBL Communications, 2004. - 16 S.
(CNS spectrums ; 9,10, Suppl. Oct.)
Zs A 5171 -9,10,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

OCAS - the evolution of tamsulosin for the treatment of LUTS, BPH. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2005. - 68 S. : graph. Darst.
(European urology : Supplements ; 4,2)
Zs A 1247 -Suppl.4,2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

"Od hormonu do genomu" : profesorowi Januszowi Naumanowi w 45-lecie pracy naukowej ; materiaºly naukowe. - Warszawa : Polskiego Towarzystwa Endokrynologicznego, 2002. - 156 S. : Ill.
(Endokrynologia polska ; 53,4, Supl. 2)
Zs A 204 -53,4,Supl.2-
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Oncologie thoracique : prise en charge et optimisation des stratégies thérapeutiques. - Paris : Masson, 2004. - S64 S. : graph. Darst.
(Revue de pneumologie clinique ; 60,5, Cah. 3)
Uk I Zs 141 -60,5,Cah.3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Ovarian cancer supplement : the Chemotherapy Foundation symposium 2003. - Monticello, NY : Dekker, 2004. - 44 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Cancer investigation ; 22, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 1862 -22,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Palliativmedizin : Vorträge des 13. Fortbildungstages der Ärztekammer Sachsen-Anhalt. - [S.l.], 2005. - 12 S. : Ill.
(Ärzteblatt Sachsen-Anhalt ; 16,1, Beil.)
Zs A 4420 -16,1,Beil.-
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Conference on the Adrenal Cortex <11, 2004, New Orleans, La.>:
Papers presented at the Eleventh Conference on the Adrenal Cortex
: [New Orleans, Louisiana, June 12 - 15, 2004]. - New York [u.a.] : Dekker, 2004. - XXI S., S. 499 - 966 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Endocrine research ; 30,4 = Special issue)
Zs A 1273 -30-
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Plaque imaging : pixel to molecular level. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press, 2005. - XXIV, 461 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Studies in health technology and informatics ; 113)
ISBN: 1-58603-516-9
2005 A 2277
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Podiumsdiskussion Finanzierung der Kranken- und Kinderkrankenpflegeschulen <2003, Bielefeld>:
Podiumsdiskussion "Finanzierung der Kranken- und Kinderkrankenpflegeschulen"
: Zukunft und Perspektiven ; 10. April 2003. - Bielefeld : Fachhochsch., Fachbereich Pflege und Gesundheit, 2003. - 36 S.
(Workshop-Reader / Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Fachbereich Pflege und Gesundheit ; 13)
2005 A 1400
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Prise en charge de la dermatite atopique de l'enfant : conférence de consensus. - Paris [u.a.] : Masson, 2005. - S295 S. : graph. Darst.
(Annales de dermatologie et de vénéréologie ; 132, Hors sér. 1)
Ui IV Zs 30 -132,HorsSér.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Proceedings / International NIR Workshop & Symposium : Seville, Spain, 20 - 22 May. - Oberschleißheim : ICNIRP Secretariat c/o BfS, 2004
ISBN: 3-934994-04-0
2005 MO 386
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Prostate Cancer Global Opinion Leaders' Workshop <2004, Paris>:
Proceedings from the Prostate Cancer Global Opinion Leaders' Workshop
: 28 - 29 January 2004, Paris, France. - Oxford : Blackwell, 2004. - 19 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(BJU international ; 94, Suppl. 3)
Ui VI Zs 107 -94,Suppl.3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Congreso Chileno de Endocrinología y Diabetes <15, 2004>:
Resúmenes de trabajos libres
/ XV Congreso Chileno de Endocrinología y Diabetes 2004 : y Jornadas Chileno-Argentinas. - Santiago, 2004. - S. 1263 - 1326
(Revista medica de Chile ; 132,10, Supl.)
Zs B 402 - 132-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

S3-Leitlinienkonferenz Kolorektales Karzinom <2004>:
S3-Leitlinienkonferenz "Kolorektales Karzinom" 2004
. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Thieme, 2005. - S. S1 - S53 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift ; 130, Suppl. 1)
Ua VI Zs 60 -130,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

SARS : a case study in emerging infections ; orginating from a Royal Society discussion meeting. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. - IX, 133 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
ISBN: 0-19-856819-3. - 0-19-856818-5
2005 A 1087
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Seelische Gesundheit von Vorschulkindern : Dokumentation der 2. Leipziger Gesundheitskonferenz, 5. - 6. Juni 2003. - Leipzig : Stadt Leipzig, Dezernat Jugend, Soziales, Gesundheit und Schule, 2003. - 114 S.
2005 A 1750
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Die Selbsthilfe entwickeln : Beiträge zum 1. Landesweiten Selbsthilfesymposium in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - Neubrandenburg : Fachhochsch. Neubrandenburg, Rektor, 2003. - 123 S. : graph. Darst.
(Schriftenreihe der Fachhochschule Neubrandenburg : Reihe C., Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit und Gesundheit ; 18)
ISBN: 3-932227-49-2
2005 A 1949
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Social and economic dimensions of an aging population : research from the SEDAP Project = Dimensions socio-économiques du vieillissement de la population. - Montréal, Québec : Canadian Assoc. on Gerontology, 2004. - S169 S. : graph. Darst.
(Canadian journal on aging ; 23, Suppl. 1)
Zs B 2923 -23,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Special issue on HIV. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S106 S. : graph. Darst.
(Journal of clinical virology ; 31, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3790 -31,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Special issue: Disparities and discrimination in health care and health outcomes : [proceedings of a conference]. - Baltimore, MD : Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 2005. - S194 S. : grpah. Darst.
(Perspectives in biology and medicine ; 48,1, Suppl.)
Ua VI Zs 434 -48,1,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Special needs of women with bipolar disorder : CME certified symposium monograph. - New York, NY : MBL Communications, 2004. - 11 S. : graph. Darst.
(CNS spectrums ; 9,8, Suppl. Aug.)
Zs A 5171 -9,8,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Ein Spiegel der Fortschritte in Forschung, Klinik und Praxis in Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie : 1967 - 2003 ; 193 internationale Falk Symposien und Workshops, begleitet von 11.000 äörztlichen Fortbildungsveranstaltungen (1974 - 2003) in Deutschland. - 3. Aufl. - Freiburg i.Br., c2002. - 81 S. : Ill.
WI 100 B 4
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Ten years of peripheral endovascular interventions. - Phoenix, Ariz. : Internat. Soc. of Endovascular Specialists, 2004. - II-222 S. : Ill.
(Journal of endovascular therapy ; 11, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 4547 -11,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Trauma und Traumafolgen - ein Thema für die Jugendhilfe. - Köln : Kinderschutz-Zentren, 2003. - 288 S.
ISBN: 3-9805068-0-0
2005 A 2581
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Société Française d'Arthroscopie:
Travaux de la Société Française d'Arthroscopie
. - Paris : Masson, 2004. - S95 S. : Ill.
(Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et réparatrice de l'appareil moteur ; 90,8, Suppl.)
Uk I Zs 46 -90,8,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Treatment options in the management of uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections : report from a clinical roundtable. - Chatham, NJ : Quadrant HealthCom, 2005. - 24 S.
(Cutis ; 75,1S = Suppl.)
Zs B 1315 -75,1,Suppl.-
Zs MG 44 -75,Beil.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Unique approaches for the topical treatment and prevention of cutaneous infections : report from a clinical roundtable. - Chatham, NJ : Quadrant HealthCom, 2004. - 24 S.
(Cutis ; 74,2S = Suppl.)
Zs B 1315 -74,2S-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Unmasking anticholinergic load: when 1 + 1 = 3 : CME accredited roundtable monograph. - New York, NY : MBL Communications, 2004. - 12 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(CNS spectrums ; 9,12, Suppl. Dec.)
Zs A 5171 -9,12,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Which options when: how to maximize the treatment outcomes for actinic keratosis : roundtable. - Chatham, NJ : Quadrant HealthCom, 2004. - 25 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Cutis ; 74,6S = Suppl.)
Zs B 1315 -74,6,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Women and anxiety disorders: implications for diagnosis and treatment : scientific symposium monograph. - New York, NY : MBL Communications, 2004. - 16 S.
(CNS spectrums ; 9,9, Suppl. Sept.)
Zs A 5171 -9,9,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Workshop Konzeptionelles Arbeiten in der Pflegeausbildung <2003, Bielefeld>:
Workshop "Konzeptionelles Arbeiten in der Pflegeausbildung"
: 05. Juni 2003. - Bielefeld : Fachhochsch., Fachbereich Pflege und Gesundheit, 2003. - 42, 6, 6 S.
(Workshop-Reader / Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Fachbereich Pflege und Gesundheit ; 17)
2005 A 1402
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Leaders on the horizon resident program : reviews on the latest MRI, US, and CT procedures from RSNA 2003 ; [based on CT, MRI, and US proceedings from the Radiological Society of North America meeting, 2003]. - Ocean, NJ : Anderson, 2004. - 144 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Applied radiology ; 2004,Oct., Suppl.)
Zs B 1933 -2004,Oct.,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


18th highlights of gastroenterology : [proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Gastroenterology Symposium "Highlights of Gastroenterology"]. - Oslo : Taylor & Francis, 2004. - 97 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology : Supplement ; 241)
Zs A 567 -Suppl.241-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Congress of Nephrology in Internet <3, 2003>:
3rd Congress of Nephrology in Internet
: CIN2003, November 10 - 25, 2003. - [S.l.], 2004
([Nefrología ; 25,2, Beil.])
Zs MO 56 -25,2,Beil.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Assessing inflammation and epithelial integrity in vaginal product research : report from a workshop held in the Dominical Republic in September 2003 ; [Meeting Entitled "Assessing Inflammation and Epithelial Integrity in Vaginal Product Research"... November 19 - 21, 2003]. - Hagerstown, MD : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004. - S. S143 - S200 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes ; 37, Suppl. 3)
Zs A 2442 -37,Suppl.3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Beyond refractory obsessions and anxiety states: toward remission : [derived from the proceedings of the 6th International Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Conference "Beyond Refractory Obsessions and Anxiety States: Toward Remission", which was held November 13 - 15, 2003, in Lanzarote, Spain]. - Memphis, TN : Physicians Postgraduate Press, 2004. - 52 S. : graph. Darst.
(The journal of clinical psychiatry ; 65, Suppl. 14)
Zs B 108 -65,Suppl.14-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Biomaterials : from molecules to engineered tissues ; [proceedings of BIOMED 2003, the 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Science and Technology, held October 10 - 12, 2003, in Northern Cyprus]. - New York [u.a.] : Kluwer/Plenum, 2004. - XX, 375 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Advances in experimental medicine and biology ; 553)
Zs A 3192 -553-
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Consilium Mycologicum:
Consilium Mycologicum
: [Referate der Workshops 2003 und 2004 des Consilium Mycologicum]. - Berlin [u.a.] : Blackwell, 2004. - 65 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Mycoses ; 47, Suppl. 1)
Ud II Zs 176 -47,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Dietary management of chronic kidney disease patients: protein restricted diets supplemented with keto amino acids : abstracts from the International Advisory Board meetings 2003/2004 ; 5 tables. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005. - 28 S. : graph. Darst., Kt.
(American journal of nephrology ; 25, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1635 -25,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Drug abuse and suicidal behavior : [on 27 - 28 March 2003... Workshop on Drug Abuse and Suicidal Behavior]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S105 S. : graph. Darst.
(Drug and alcohol dependence ; 76, Suppl.)
Zs A 1310 -76,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


From targets to therapy: novel drugs in advanced clinical trials : [based on the proceedings of a CME certified satellite symposium held at ASCO 2003]. - Philadelphia, PA : Saunders, 2004. - 38 S. : graph. Darst.
(Seminars in oncology ; 31,6, Suppl. 16)
Zs A 1348 -31,Suppl.16-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Gene environment interplay in alcoholism and other substance abuse disorders : derived in part from presentations in a 2003 meeting of the Fundación Cerebro y Mente in Spain. - Abingdon : Taylor & Francis, 2004. - S. 343 - 414 : graph. Darst.
(Neurotoxicity research ; 6,5)
Zs A 5749 -6-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Irinotecan in the management of multiple tumor types : highlights from the 6th University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center investigators' workshop [July 16 - 20, 2003, in Amelia Island, Florida]. - Melville, NY : PRR, 2004. - 64 S. : graph. Darst.
(Oncology ; 18,14, Suppl. 14)
Zs A 3168 -18,Suppl.14-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Paradigm shifts in obesity research and treatment : [Conference "Paradigm Shifts in Obesity Research and Treatment"] December 3, 2003. - Silver Spring, MD : North American Assoc. for the Study of Obesity, 2004. - S. 85S - 148S : graph. Darst., Kt.
(Obesity research ; 12,Nov., Suppl. 2)
Zs A 4061 -12,Nov.,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Blood Conservation Symposium <2003>:
Proceedings of the 2003 AABB Blood Conservation Symposium
. - Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2004. - 62S S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Transfusion ; 44,12S = Suppl.)
Zs A 284 -44,12S-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Joint Meeting of Pharmacochemistry <2, 2003>:
Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Meeting of Pharmacochemistry... and the 16th French Belgian Meeting of Pharmacochemistry (JFBPC)
: [circa 2003]. - Abingdon [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis, 2003. - S. 77 - 208 : graph. Darst.
(Proceedings of the... annual conference of the Grouping of Pharmacochemistry of the Atlantic Arc (GP2A) ; 11) (Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry ; 18,2)
Zs A 3004 -18-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


State health insurance market reform : toward inclusive and sustainable health insurance markets ; [the chapters of this volume were commissioned as papers for a Conference on State Insurance Market Reform held in April 2003...]. - London : Routledge [u.a.], 2004. - XVI, 173 S.
(Routledge international studies in health economics ; 2)
ISBN: 0-415-70035-3
2004 A 5671
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


The voyage to old age: searching for human longevity genes : [during a Three-Day Conference on the Voyage to Old Age: Searching for Human Longevity Genes] ; Lake of Galilee, Israel, December 1 - 4, 2003. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 223 - 361 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Mechanisms of ageing and development ; 126,2 = Special issue)
Zs A 1012 -126-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Journées d'Echanges et d'Auto-Évaluation en Urologie <13, 2004>:
13ème Journées d'Echanges et d'Auto-Évaluation en Urologie (J.E.A.U)
: [2004]. - Paris : CNIT, 2005. - 28 S. : Ill.
(Progrès en urologie ; 15,1, FMC)
Zs A 3959 -15,1,FMC-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Joint European North American Symposium on Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult <2, 2003>:
2nd Joint European North American Symposium on Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult
: in honour of Professor Joseph K. Perloff ; Santorini, Greece, September 19 - 20, 2003. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - 125 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(International journal of cardiology ; 97, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1673 -97,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop: Basic Principles and Clinical Implications <13, 2004>:
Abstracts presented at the XIII International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop: Basic Principles & Clinical Implications
: 8 - 12 June 2004, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. - London : Internat. Med. Press, 2004
Zs A 4877 -9-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Advances in the management of hypertension and diabetes: why we need to integrate biology, evidence, and treatment strategies : [a symposium presented at the nineteenth annual scientific meeting of the American society of Hypertension, May 19, 2004]. - New York, NY : Elsevier, 2004. - 20S S. : graph. Darst.
(American journal of hypertension ; 17,11, Pt. 2 = Suppl.)
Zs A 2329 -17,11,Pt.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Allergic rhinitis after hours: the relevance and consequence of nighttime symptoms : [Symposium "Allergic Rhinitis After Hours: the Relevance and Consequence of Nighttime Symptoms"... 2004]. - [St. Louis, Mo.] : Mosby, 2004. - 3A S., S. S133 - S153 : graph. Darst.
(The journal of allergy and clinical immunology ; 114,5, Suppl.)
Uh III Zs 92 -114,5,Suppl.-
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Antimicrobial resistance and community acquired respiratory tract infections: from bench to bedside and beyond : [closed symposium in September 2004]. - [S.l.] : Adis International, 2005. - 30 S.
(Treatments in respiratory medicien ; 4, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5876 -4,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Research Symposium Social, Economic and Environmental Influences on Disorders of Hearing, Language and Speech <2004>:
ASHA 2004 Research Symposium Social, Economic and Environmental Influences on Disorders of Hearing, Language and Speech
. - New York, NY [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 261 - 329 : graph. Darst.
(Journal of communication disorders ; 38,4)
Zs A 590 -38-
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BNP Consensus Panel 2004: a clinical approach for the diagnostic, prognostic, screening, treatment monitoring, and therapeutic roles of natriuretic peptides in cardiovascular diseases. - Darien, CT : CHF, 2004. - 30 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Congestive heart failure ; 10,5, Suppl. 3)
Zs A 4325 -10,Suppl.3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Contemporary perspectives on topical retinoids : [Roundtable Entitled "Contemporary Perspectives on Topical Retinoids" in March 2004]. - Chatham, NJ : Quadrant HealthCom, 2005. - 40 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Cutis ; 75,2S = Suppl.)
Zs B 1315 -75,2S-
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Déficit androgénique lié à l'âge et vieillissement masculin : rapport du congrès 2004 de l'Association Française d'Urologie. - Paris : CNIT, 2004. - S. 607 - 868 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Progrès en urologie ; 14,5)
Zs A 3959 -14-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Diagnostic et traitement médicamenteux de la douleur en pédiatrie : symposium parrainé par les Laboratoires Grünenthal ; [symposium issu du congrès de la SFP du 3 juin 2004]. - Paris : Elsevier, 2004. - 10 S.
(Archives de pédiatrie ; 11, Hors-sér. 2)
Zs A 3942 -11,Hors-sér.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Differential diagnosis and management of daytime sleepiness and nighttime wakefulness : [presented at the Teleconference "Differential Diagnosis and Management of Daytime Sleepiness and Nighttime Wakefulness," which was held April 5, 7 and 22, 2004]. - Memphis, TN : Physicians Postgraduate Press, 2004. - 52 S. : graph. Darst.
(The journal of clinical psychiatry ; 65, Suppl. 16)
Zs B 108 -65,Suppl.16-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Drug and gene targeting of the lungs and airways : Nineteenth Transatlantic Airway Conference ; January 2004. - New York, NY : American Thoracic Society, 2004. - S. [291] - 367 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society ; 1,4)
Zs A 5828 -1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Endocrine treatment and prevention of breast and gynaecological cancers : proceedings and extended abstracts from presentations during the 4th international meeting of the Flemish Gynaecological Oncology Group [held in 2004]. - Oxford [u.a.] : Pergamon Press, 2004. - 112 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(EJC Supplements ; 2,9)
Zs A 456 -Suppl.2,9-
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Expertengespräch: Akute Abstoßung nach Nierentransplantation <2004>:
Expertengespräch: Akute Abstoßung nach Nierentransplantation
. - Lengerich [u.a.] : Pabst, 2004. - 24 S. : graph. Darst.
(Transplantationsmedizin ; 2004, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 2876 -2004,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


The gap between well-differentiated and anaplastic carcinomas of the thyroid : [circa 2004], 2004
(Proceedings of the... annual meeting of the Endocrine Pathology Society ; 13)
Zs A 2956 -15-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


National Indigenous Dialysis and Transplant Symposium <2004>:
National Indigenous Dialysis and Transplant Symposium
: June 2004. - Carlton South, Victoria : Blackwell, 2004. - S106 S.
(Nephrology ; 9, Suppl. 4)
Zs A 4822 -9,Suppl.4-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


A new dawn in cardiovascular protection II: the challenge of end organ protection in high risk patients : based on day one of a two-day stand-alone meeting held at the end of April, 2004. - Hagerstown, Md. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. - S49 : graph. Darst.
(Journal of hypertension ; 23, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1885 -23,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


New perspectives in treating bipolar disorder : [presented at the Teleconference "New Perspectives in Treating Bipolar Disorder," which was held May 26, 2004]. - Memphis, TN : Physicians Postgraduate Press, 2005. - 32 S. : graph. Darst.
(The journal of clinical psychiatry ; 66, Suppl. 1)
Zs B 108 -66,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


New strategies for treatment of intractable diseases : international symposium ; Awaji Island, Japan, August 9, 2004, 2005
Ua VI Zs 111 -230-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Australian and New Zealand Scientific Meeting on Intensive Care <29, 2004>:
Poster, poster oral and paediatric abstracts
: 29th Australian and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting on Intensive Care incorporating 10th Australian and New Zealand Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Meeting ; [circa 2004], 2004
Zs A 3762 -17-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


The role of atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of bipolar disorder : [presented at the Teleconference "the Role of Atypical Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder," which was held July 29, 2004]. - Memphis, TN : Physicians Postgraduate Press, 2005. - 50 S. : graph. Darst.
(The journal of clinical psychiatry ; 66, Suppl. 3)
Zs B 108 -66,Suppl.3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Techniques moléculaires en mycologie médicale : 8 mai 2004 = Moleculaire technieken in de medische mycologie. - Bruxelles, 2004
(Réunion annuelle / Société Belge de Mycologie Humaine et Animale ; 2004)
Ua VI Zs 283 -59-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Thrombin, platelets and inflammation: clinical relevance in percutaneous coronary angioplasty and streamlining anticoagulation for cardiovascular interventions: a real world challenge : [based on presentations from educational symposia... at the 16th Annual Transcatheter Therapeutics Scientific Symposium 2004]. - [S.l.] : HPM Communications, 2004. - 28 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(The journal of invasive cardiology ; 16, Suppl. G)
Zs A 3701 -16,Suppl.G-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Trends in the use of hematopoietic growth factors in neutropenia and anemia : selected abstracts from ASCO 2004 and MASCC, ISOO 2004. - Manhasset, NY : CMP Healthcare Media, 2004. - 48 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Oncology ; 18,13, Suppl. 9)
Zs A 3168 -18,Suppl.9-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


International Congress on Oral Cancer <10, 2005, Herakleion>:
Abstracts of the 10th International Congress on Oral Cancer
: 19th - 24th April 2005, Island of Crete, Greece. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - VI, 217 S.
(Oral oncology : Supplement ; 1,1)
Zs A 4869 -Suppl.1,1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Gary P. Wratten Surgical Symposium <25, 2003>:
Gary P. Wratten Surgical Symposium
: [papers] ; [circa 2005], 2005
Uk I Zs 230 -62-
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Second Santorini Conference From Human Genetic Variations to Prediction of Risks and Responses to Drugs and to the Environment : Santorini, September 30 - October 4, 2004, 2005
Zs A 121 -43-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Special issue issue: Menopausal health in 2005 : proceedings of the 3rd international symposium of the Portuguese Menopause Society, October 23, 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 1 - 109 : graph. Darst.
(Maturitas ; 51,1)
Zs A 1432 -51-
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Symposium Materials and Tribology in Total Hip Replacement:
Symposium Materials and Tribology in Total Hip Replacement
: [circa 2005], 2005
Uk I Zs 188 -430-
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Symposium Treatment of Neglected Trauma <2005>:
Symposium Treatment of Neglected Trauma
: [circa 2005], 2005
Uk I Zs 188 -431-
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Simposio Avances y Nuevas Perspectivas en Linfomas y Leucemias <6, 2005>:
VI Simposio Avances y Nuevas Perspectivas en Linfomas y Leucemias
: 10 y 11 de Marzo de 2005. - Madrid : Arán Ed., 2005. - S. 1 - 111 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Hematología ; 7,4)
Zs A 5846 -7-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Workshop on Cancer Biometrics: Identifying Biomarkers and Surrogates of Cancer in Patients <2005>:
Workshop on Cancer Biometrics: Identifying Biomarkers and Surrogates of Cancer in Patients
: report from the International Society for Biological Therapy of Cancer ; [circa 2005], 2005
Zs A 1778 -28-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Aix-les-Bains 2004

Table Ronde Médicale sur les Ostéonécroses <2004, Aix-les-Bains>:
La Table Ronde Médicale sur les Ostéonécroses
: Aix-les-Bains, avril 2004. - Paris : Méditions Carline, 2004. - S. 4 - 28 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Rhumatologie ; 56,6)
Zs B 29 -56-
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Aix-les-Bains 2005

Semaine de Rhumatologie <50, 2005, Aix-les-Bains>:
/ 50ème Semaine de Rhumatologie d'Aix-les-Bains : [6,7 et 8 avril 2005]. - Paris : Méditions Carline, 2005. - S. 7 - 30
(Rhumatologie ; 57,2)
Zs B 29 -57-
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Ambleside 2003

Information processing in medical imaging : 18th international conference ; proceedings. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2003. - XVI, 698 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Lecture notes in computer science ; 2732)
ISBN: 3-540-40560-7
2005 A 2318
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Anaheim <Calif.> 2004

Chemistry and safety of acrylamide in food. - New York : Springer, 2005. - XI, 476 S. : graph. Darst.
(Advances in experimental medicine and biology ; 561)
ISBN: 0-387-23920-0
Zs A 3192 -561-
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Anchorage <Alas.> 2004

Frontiers in aerospace medicine : Egan Convention Center, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2 - 6, 2004. - Alexandria, VA : Aerospace Med. Assoc., 2004. - B151 S.
(Aviation, space, and environmental medicine ; 75,4, Sect. 2 = Suppl.)
Zs A 57 -75,4,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Ann Arbor <Mich.> 2004

Implants, microimplants, onplants and transplants: new answers to old questions in orthodontics : includes the proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Moyers Symposium February 28 - 29, 2004, Ann Arbor Michigan. - Ann Arbor, Mich. : Univ. of Michigan, Dept. of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry [u.a.], 2005. - 305 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Craniofacial Growth Series ; 42)
ISBN: 0-929921-38-0
2005 A 2280
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Annapolis <Md.> 2004

Anaerobe 2004 : Annapolis, Maryland, USA, 19 - 21 July 2004 ; abstracts, 2005
(Abstracts / the... biennial congress of the Anaerobe Society of the Americas ; 7)
Zs A 4318 -11-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Annecy 2004

International Bone Densitometry Workshop <16, 2004, Annecy>:
Abstracts from the 16th International Bone Densitometry Workshop
: June 20 - 24th, 2004, Annecy, France, 2005
Zs A 5425 -8-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Antalya 2002

Chlamydial infections : proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Human Chlamydial Infections. - San Francisco, Calif. : Internat. Chlamydia Symposium, 2002. - XXVIII, 628 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 0-9664383-1-0
2005 A 1429
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Antalya 2003

Frontiers in neurodegenerative disorders and aging : fundamental aspects, clinical perspectives and new insights ; [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Frontiers in Neurodegenerative Disorders and Aging: Fundamental Aspects, Clinical Perspectives and New Insights 27 May 2003 - 1 June 2003 Antalya, Turkey]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press, 2004. - VIII, 291 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(NATO science series : Series 1, Life and behavioural sciences ; 358)
ISBN: 1-58603-428-6
2005 A 396
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Antalya 2005

International Congress on Spinal Surgery <7, 2005, Antalya>:
Abstracts of the 7th International Congress on Spinal Surgery
: meeting held at Antalya, Turkey, 14 - 17 April 2005, 2005
Zs A 3427 -14-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Anvers 1999

Grenzüberschreitende Inanspruchnahme von Gesundheitsleistungen im Gemeinsamen Markt : Belgisch-deutsch-niederländische Tagung in Antwerpen. - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2003. - 249 S.
(Studien aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Sozialrecht ; 28)
ISBN: 3-8329-0048-9
2005 A 2122
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Anvers 2004

North Sea Meeting on Venous Diseases <5, 2004, Anvers>:
5th North Sea Meeting on Venous Diseases
: Antwerp, Belgium, 14 - 15 May 2004 ;... abstracts, 2004
Zs A 2538 -19-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Arnoldshain 2001

Selbstbestimmung und Integrität am Lebensende : Trauern und Trösten in der hospizlichen Arbeit. - Frankfurt am Main : Haag + Herchen, 2003. - 190 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Arnoldshainer Texte ; 121)
ISBN: 3-89846-224-2
2005 A 1002
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Aspen <Colo.> 2004

Mechanisms of toxicity, carcinogenesis, cancer prevention and cancer therapy : [extended abstracts], 2004
Zs A 1975 -32-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Athenai 2004

Euroecho <8, 2004, Athenai>:
Abstracts of EUROECHO
: Athens, Greece, 1 - 4 December 2004. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2004. - S185, XIV S. : graph. Darst.
(European journal of echocardiography ; 5, Suppl. 1) (The... annual meeting of the European Association of Echocardiography ; 8)
Zs A 5614 -5,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Atlanta <Ga.> 2003

Special topic: Methods of information in the age of prospective medicine : selected papers from the International Conference on Health Promotion, Atlanta 2003, 2005
Zs A 126 -44-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Atlanta <Ga.> 2004

The impact of maternal thyroid diseases on the developing fetus : implications for diagnosis, treatment, and screening ; Atlanta, Georgia, January 12 - 13, 2004 ; [workshop proceedings], 2005
Zs A 3307 -15-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Aventura <Fla.> 2004

Emerging trends in the management of colorectal cancer : selected topics from the 3rd International congress on Colorectal Cancer, October 2004, Aventura, FL. - Dallas, Tex. : Cancer Information Group, 2005. - S51 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Clinical colorectal cancer ; 5, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5798 -5,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Baden <Niederösterreich> 2002

Carbon ion therapy : proceedings of the heavy charged particles in biology and medicine (HCPBM) and ENLIGHT meetings held in Baden (September 2002) and Lyon (October 2003). - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - IV, S217 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Radiotherapy & oncology ; 73, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 1926 -73,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Baltimore <Md.> 2003

Nutritional modulation of aging and age related diseases : June 6 - 9, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland, 2003
(... annual meeting of the American Aging Association ; 32) (... annual meeting of the American College of Clinical Gerontology ; 17)
Zs A 1502 -26-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Baltimore <Md.> 2004

Ion exchange, adsorption desorption processes and related separation techniques : 17th International Symposium on Preparative and Process Chromatography ; Baltimore, MD, USA, 23 - 26 May 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 1 - 151 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of chromatography : A ; 1069,1 = Symposium vol.)
Zs A 813 -1069-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Baltimore <Md.> 2004

Malaria: a grand challenge : Johns Hopkins [Malaria] Research Institute meeting ; 25 - 26 March 2004, Baltimore, USA. - Oxford [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - IV S., S. 1413 - 1554 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(International journal for parasitology ; 34,13/14)
Zs A 789 -34-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Baltimore <Md.> 2004

Braunstein, Seth N.:
Trends in the management of type 2 diabetes: an emerging role for insulin
: [based on the proceedings of a symposium held on October 14, 2004, at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy's 2004 educational conference in Baltimore, Maryland]. - Alexandria, VA : Acad. of Managed Care Pharmacy, 2005. - S13 S. : graph. Darst.
(Journal of managed care pharmacy ; 11,1, Suppl. B)
Zs A 5450 -11,1,Suppl.B-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bamberg 2003

Bone Symposium on Advances in Renal Osteodystrophy <2003, Bamberg>:
Highlights of the Bamberg Bone Symposium on "Advances in Renal Osteodystrophy"
: Bamberg, Germany, June 2003, 2005
Zs A 873 -63-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bamberg 2005

ÖGD - Investition in die Zukunft : 14. - 16. April 2005, Bamberg ; Abstracts, 2005
(Abstracts / Bundesverband [Bundesverbände] der Ärzte und Zahnärzte des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes ; 55)
Un I Zs 402 -67-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Banff <Alberta> 2003

Mechanism of action of tumor necrosis factor antagonists : Canadian expert roundtable meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 28 - 30, 2003. - Toronto, Ont., 2005. - 47 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(The journal of rheumatology : Supplement ; 74)
Zs A 1168 -Suppl.74-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bar Harbor <Me.> 2003

International Mouse Lung Tumorigenesis Symposium <4, 2003, Bar Harbor, Me.>:
4th International Mouse Lung Tumorigenesis Symposium
: [Bar Harbor, Maine, October 23 - 26, 2003]. - Philadelphia, PA : Taylor & Francis, 2005
(Experimental lung research ; 31,2)
Zs A 1568 -31-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Barcelona 1999

Dissociative states : [constitute the proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Controversies in Psychiatry: Dissociative States, held in Barcelona (Spain) on March 26 - 27, 1999]. - Barcelona : Springer Ibérica, 2000. - X, 154 S. : graph. Darst.
ISBN: 84-07-00225-9
2005 A 979
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Barcelona 2001

Neurología basada en la evidencia : LII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Neurología, Barcelona, 2001. - Barcelona : Ars Medica, 2004. - 72 S. : graph. Darst.
(Neurología ; 19, Supl. 1)
Zs A 3093 -19,Supl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Barcelona 2002

Société de Physiologie et de Médecine Subaquatiques et Hyperbares de Langue Française:
Reunion d'automne
/ Société de Physiologie et de Médecine Subaquatiques et Hyperbares de Langue Française : Barcelone, Espagne, Octobre 2002. - Marseille, 2003. - S. 77 - 109 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Bulletin de médecine subaquatique et hyperbare ; 13, Suppl.)
Zs A 3602 -13,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Barcelona 2003

Barrett's oesophagus and oesophageal adenocarcinoma : proceedings of a symposium held in Barcelona, Spain, on 5 April 2003. - London : BMJ Publ. Group, 2005. - i42 S.
(Gut ; 54, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 160 -54,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Barcelona 2003

RALGA - the first association of retinaldehyde and glycolic acid : a new compound for the acne patient with depigmenting properties ; based on a satellite symposium held at the 12th congress of the EADV, Barcelona, October 2003. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005. - 45 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Dermatology ; 210, Suppl. 1)
ISBN: 3-8055-7875-X
Ui VI Zs 35 -210,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Barcelona 2004

Effects and benefits of fibre in clinical practice : proceedings of a consensus conference, Barcelona, 2 - 3 October 2004. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2004. - 80 S.
(Clinical nutrition : Supplements ; 1,2)
Zs A 1774 -Suppl.1,2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Barcelona 2005

International Conference on Antiviral Research <18, 2005, Barcelona>:
Program and abstracts
/ The Eighteenth International Conference on Antiviral Research : Barcelona, Spain, April 11 - 14, 2005. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. A1 - A108
(Antiviral research ; 65,3)
Zs A 1627 -65-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Barcelona 2005

Somatostatin receptor physiology and targets for somatostatin analogue therapy : young investigators' meeting, 28 - 30 January 2005, Barcelona, Spain. - Bradley Stoke [u.a.] : BioScientifica, 2005. - [64] S.
(European journal of endocrinology ; 152, Suppl. 1)
Uh III Zs 147 -152,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bari 1998

International Symposium on Urticaria: Allergic? Autoimmune? Inflammatory? <1, 1998, Bari>:
Special issue: Proceedings of the I (Bari, Italy: May 29 - 30, 1998) and II (Rome, Italy: Novembre 23 - 24, 2001) International Symposium on Urticaria: Allergic? Autoimmune? Inflammatory?
. - Silvi Marina (TE) : Biolife, 2003. - 144 S.
(European journal of inflammation ; 1,1(S) = Spec. iss.)
Zs A 6036 -1,1,Spec.iss.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Basel 2004

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie:
Annual conference
/ Swiss Society of Paediatrics ; Swiss Society of Medical Genetics : Basel, June 24 - 26, 2004 ; abstracts. - [S.l.] : EMH Swiss Med. Publ., 2004. - S46 S.
(Swiss medical weekly : Suppl. ; 141)
Ua VI Zs 152 -Suppl.141-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Basel 2005

Osteologie 2005 : Basel (Schweiz), 3. - 5. März 2005. - Bern [u.a.] : Huber, 2005. - 115 S.
(Osteologie ; 14, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3442 -14,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Beaune 2004

B-cell tolerance in transplantation : 4th Beaune Seminar in Transplant Research, Hôtel-Dieu de Beaune, France, 3 - 4 June 2004. - [Philadelphia, Pa.] : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. - S50 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Transplantation ; 79,3, Suppl.)
Zs A 488 -79,3,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Beijing 2004

The impact of maternal nutrition on the offspring : [... 55th Nestlé Pediatric Nutrition Workshop, which took place in April 2004 in Bejing...]. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005
(Nestlé Nutrition Workshop series ; 55 : Pediatric program)
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Beijing 2004

Sino-British Joint Conference on Neurology <2004, Beijing>:
Proceedings of the Sino-British Joint Conference on Neurology
: ABN abstracts ; Beijing, China, 15 - 17 November 2004, 2005
Ui II Zs 93 -76-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bensberg 2003

Relapse mechanisms and prophylactic principles in schizophrenia and affective disorders : result of a Research Workshop [on Relapse Mechanisms and Prophylactic Principles in Schizophrenia and Affective Disorders], Bensberg Castle, Bensberg, Germany, September 18 - 19, 2003. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Thieme, 2004. - S. S89 - S164 : graph. Darst.
(Pharmacopsychiatry ; 37, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 481 -37,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Beograd 2003

Seminar Kontinuirane Medicinske Edukacije Novija Saznanja o Prevenciji i Dijagnostici Tuberkuloze <2003, Beograd>:
Seminar Kontinuirane Medicinske Edukacije Novija Saznanja o Prevenciji i Dijagnostici Tuberkuloze
: Beograd, 19. septembar 2003. - Novi Sad, 2004. - 80 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Medicinski pregled ; 57, Suppl. 1)
Zs B 878 -57,Supl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Berlin-Pankow 2003

Rehabilitative Behandlung : Standortbestimmung "Suchtkrankheiten" und "Gerontopsychiatrie und -psychotherapie" ; [am 03. und 04. April 2003 fanden in der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Berlin-Weißensee die Frühjahrstagung und am 09. und 10. Oktober 2003 die Herbsttagung im Krankenhaus für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Neurologie Mühlhausen in Thüringen der Bundesdirektorenkonferenz der Ärztlichen Leiterinnen und Leiter deutscher Kliniken für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie ("Bundesdirektorenkonferenz") statt]. - Regensburg : Roderer, 2004. - 78 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Schriftenreihe der Bundesdirektorenkonferenz Psychiatrischer Krankenhäuser ; 11)
ISBN: 3-89783-424-3
2005 A 1041
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Berlin 1999

Genom und Umwelt. - Bielefeld : Kleine, 2001. - 158 S. : graph. Darst.
(Berliner Studien zur Wissenschaftsphilosophie & Humanontogenetik ; Bd. 19)
ISBN: 3-89370-350-0
2005 A 1450
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Berlin 2001

World Congress of Biological Psychiatry:
/ 7th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry : 1 - 6 July, 2001, Berlin, Germany. - Glasgow : WFSBP, 2001. - 407S S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(The world journal of biological psychiatry ; 2, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5956 -2,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Berlin 2004

Arbeitsbedingtheit depressiver Störungen : zur Bedeutung arbeitsbedingter Faktoren für das Auftreten depressiver Störungen ; Workshop am 1. Juli 2004 in Berlin. - Bremerhaven : Wirtschaftsverl. NW, Verl. für Neue Wiss., 2005. - 75 S. : graph. Darst., Kt.
(Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin : Tagungsbericht ; 138)
2005 A 1871
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Berlin 2004

New molecular mechanisms of estrogen action and their impact on future perspectives in estrogen therapy : [based on the International Workshop on New Molecular Mechanisms of Estrogen Action and Their Impact on Future Perspectives of Estrogen Therapy held in Berlin, 5 - 7 March, 2003]. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2004. - XVI, 209 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop ; 46)
ISBN: 3-540-40250-0
2005 A 253
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Berlin 2004

Sozialpsychiatrie an der Charité : Symposium zum 30-jährigen Bestehen der Sozialpsychiatrie ; Schizophrenie: Gene, Kognition, Behandlung, Rehabilitation ; 11. und 12. Juni 2004, Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Thieme, 2004. - S. S185 - S279 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Psychiatrische Praxis ; 31, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 971 -31,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Berlin 2004

Suchtbekämpfung oder Bekämpfung der Süchtigen : Berlin, 5. - 7. November 2004 ; abstracts, 2004
(Abstracts /.. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Suchtmedizin ; 13)
Zs A 5431 -5-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Berlin 2004

Therapie der Schizophrenie mit langwirksamem Risperidon : [Vorträge von Satellitensymposien und Posterbeiträgen des DGPPN-Kongresses 2004 in Berlin, des ECNP-Kongresses 2004 in Stockholm sowie des CINP-Kongresses 2004 in Paris]. - Stuttgart : Wiss. Verl.-Ges., 2005. - 13 S. : graph. Darst.
(Psychopharmakotherapie : Supplement ; 12)
Zs A 4999 -Suppl.12-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Berlin 2005

Instrumenten-Management : Forum 2005 ; Medizinprodukte-Aufbereitung - Medical device processing ; 25. Februar 2005 in Berlin. - Wiesbaden : mhp-Verl., 2005. - 48 S. : Ill.
ISBN: 3-88681-075-5
2005 C 99
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Berne 2005

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie:
Annual meeting
/ Swiss Society of Allergology and Immunology ; : Locarno, 16 - 17 September, 2004 ; abstracts. - [S.l.] : EMH Swiss Med. Publ., 2004. - S40 S.
(Swiss medical weekly : Suppl. ; 144)
Ua VI Zs 152 -Suppl.144-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bethesda <Md.> 2003

Investigation of fetal origins of adult health in twin cohorts : presented at a meeting in April 2003... in Bethesda, MD, USA. - Oxford : Blackwell Science, 2005. - 59 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology ; 19, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 2231 -19,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bethesda <Md.> 2003

Vitamin D and health in the 21st century : bone and beyond ; proceedings of a conference held in Bethesda, MD, October 9 - 10, 2003. - Bethesda, Md. : American Soc. for Clinical Nutrition, 2004. - S. 1673S - 1766S : graph. Darst.
(The American journal of clinical nutrition ; 80,6,S = Suppl.)
Ue I Zs 208 -80,6,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bethesda <Md.> 2004

Carnitine: the science behind a conditionally essential nutrient : [result of a Conference Entitled Carnitine: The Science behind an Essential Nutrient... held March 25 - 26, 2004, at the National Institutes of Health Campus in Bethesda, Maryland]. - New York, NY, 2004. - XI, 199 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; 1033)
ISBN: 1-57331-555-9. - 1-57331-556-7
Se 110 -1033-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bethesda <Md.> 2004

Hepatocellular carcinoma : screening, diagnosis and management ; proceedings of workshop, April 1 - 3, 2004, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. - Philadelphia, Pa. : Elsevier, 2004. - S323 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Gastroenterology ; 127,5, Suppl. 1)
Ui V Zs 44 -127,5,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bhuket 2002

State of the art for minimally invasive spine surgery : the second congress of the Pacific Asian Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery held in Phuket, Thailan, August 5-6, 2002... - Tokyo [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - X, 156 S. : Ill.
ISBN: 4-431-01248-6
2005 A 311
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Biaºlowie±za 2003

International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing <2003, Biaºlowie±za>:
SMCBS 2003
: proceedings of the International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing ; Bialowieza, Poland, 13 - 16 November 2003. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 1 - 143 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Bioelectrochemistry ; 66,1/2 = Special issue)
Zs A 1178 -66-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Biel 2005

Schweizerische Neurologische Gesellschaft:
175e réunion de la Société Suisse de Neurologie, 33e réunion annuelle de la Société Suisse de Médecine Intensive, réunion annuelle de la Communauté Suisse d'Intérêts pour les Soins Intensifs et réunion annuelle de la Société Suisse d'Ethique Biomédicale
: Bienne/Biel, 28 - 30 avril 2005 ; abstracts = 175. Tagung der Schweizerischen Neurologischen Gesellschaft, 33. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Intensivmedizin, Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Interessengemeinschaft für Intensivpflegepersonal und Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Bioethik, 2005
Ui II Zs 90 -156-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bled 2005

ACENDIO 2005 : proceedings of the fifth biennal European Conference of the Association of Common European Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes held in Bled, Slovenia [April 2005] ; "Documenting Nursing Care - Enhancing Patient Care through Nursing Documentation: New directions for Novices and Experts". - 1. Aufl. - Bern [u.a.] : Huber, 2005. - 465 S. : graph. Darst.
(Verlag hans Huber, Programmbereich Pflege : Pflegeklassifikation)
ISBN: 3-456-84213-9
2005 A 1601
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


The precautionary principle : implications for research and prevention in environmental and occupational health ; an international conference [convened in Bologna]. - Bologna : European Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences "B. Ramazzini", 2003. - 247 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Ramazzini Foundation library ; 2) (European journal of oncology)
ISBN: 88-86235-80-1
2005 A 1438
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bologna 2002

Convegno le Malattie Muscolo-Scheletriche negli Ambienti di Lavoro <2002, Bologna>:
Atti del Convegno le Malattie Muscolo-Scheletriche negli Ambienti di Lavoro
: Bologna, 22 - 24 ottobre 2002, 2005
Zs B 2328 -27-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bologna 2005

European Stroke Conference <14, 2005, Bologna>:
/ 14th European Stroke Conference : Bologna, Italy, May 25 - 28, 2005. - Basel : Karger, 2005
(Cerebrovascular diseases ; 19, Suppl. 2)
Zs MO 226 -19,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bonn 2002

Exposure assessment in studies on the chronic effects of long term exposure to air pollution : report on a WHO HEI workshop, Bonn, Germany, 4 - 5 February 2002. - Copenhagen : WHO, Regional Office for Europe, 2003. - 28 S.
2005 A 1356
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bonn 2002

International Collaborative Workshop on Seizure Prediction <1, 2002, Bonn>:
Special section: First International Collaborative Workshop on Seizure Prediction
: [Bonn, April 24 - 28, 2002]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 489 - 737 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Clinical neurophysiology ; 116,3)
Ui II Zs 140 -116-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bonn 2004

International Symposium Highfield MR in Clinical Applications <3, 2004, Bonn>:
/ 3rd International Symposium Highfield MR in Clinical Applications : September 17th - 18th, 2004, Bonn, 2005
Ue I Zs 12 -177-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bonn 2004

Development of environment and health indicators for European Union countries : results of a pilot study ; report on a WHO working group meeting ; Bonn, Germany, 7 - 9 July 2004. - Copenhagen, 2004. - 113 S.
2005 A 871
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bonn 2005

Bonner Venentage <11, 2005, Bonn>:
/ 11. Bonner Venentage : 18. - 19. Februar 2005, Bonn ; [erweiterte Zusammenfassungen ausgewählter Vorträge], 2005
Zs A 3069 -17-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bordeaux 2004

Société Française de Recherche sur le Sommeil:
Résumés du congrès
/ SFRS ; SPLF : 31 août 2004, Bordeaux, France, 2005
Zs A 1049 -35-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bordeaux 2005

Société Française de Pharmacologie:
Abstracts of the 9th annual meeting of the Société Française de Pharmacologie, 26th Pharmacovigilance Meeting and 11th CHU CIC meeting
: Bordeaux, 26 - 28 April 2005, 2005
Zs A 2247 -19-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Boston <Mass.> 2004

Contemporary diagnosis and management of head and neck cancer : [Multidisciplinary Conference held at Boston University / Boston Medical Center in June 2004 Entitled "Diagnosis & Management of Head and Neck Cancer for the Community-Based Practitioner"]. - Philadelphia [u.a.] : Saunders, 2005. - XIV, 184 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(The otolaryngologic clinics of North America ; 38,1)
Zs B 183 -38,1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Boston <Mass.> 2004

Utilizing benzodiazepines in clinical practice : an evidence-based discussion; [presented at the Roundtable Discussion "Utilizing Benzodiazepines in Clinical Practice: an Evidence-Based Discussion," which was held August 16, 2004, in Boston, Mass.]. - Memphis, TN : Physicians Postgraduate Press, 2005. - 46 S. : graph. Darst.
(The journal of clinical psychiatry ; 66, Suppl. 2)
Zs B 108 -66,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bratislava 2004

Weltkongress Manual Musculoskeletal Medicine and Pain - Evidence and New Challenges <2004, Bratislava>:
Abstracts from the 14th FIMM World Congress "Manual Musculoskeletal Medicine and Pain - Evidence and New Challenges"
: Bratislava, [15th - 18th] September 2004, 2004
Zs A 5495 -26-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Braunschweig 1999

"Kann das Kind nicht oder will das Kind nicht? : sozialmedizinische Aspekte der pädagogischen Förderung von behinderten Kindern im Kindergarten" ; Dokumentation der 5. landesweiten Fachtagung am 21. September 1999 in Braunschweig. - Hannover : Niedersächsisches Landesjugendamt, 2000. - 24, [10] S.
(Jugendhilfe in Niedersachsen : Sonderausgabe ; 7)
2005 A 1418
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Brdo <Kranj> 2004

Slovenian Congress of Nephrology <3, 2004, Brdo, Kranj>:
Dialysis and apheresis abstracts
: abstracts from the 3rd Slovenian Congress of Nephrology ; [Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, September 29 - October 2, 2004], 2005
Zs A 5208 -9-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bremen 1999

Expertise über 'Beratung und Begleitung von Eltern mit Behinderungen' : Darstellung von Einrichtungen und Projekten, die geistig behinderte und/oder psychisch kranke Eltern begleiten ; Materialien für eine Fachtagung an der Universität Bremen am 16. März 1999. - Bremen, 1999. - 69 S.
2004 A 5702
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bremen 2002

Zukunft der Altenpflege : neue Perspektiven - neue Aufgaben ; [Texte wurden auf der Jahrestagung des Stauss-Instituts mit dem Thema: "Zukunft der Altenpflege: Neue Perspektiven - Neue Aufgaben" im Oktober 2002 vorgestellt]. - Bremen : ESI, 2003. - 134 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Arbeitshilfen für die Praxis der Altenhilfe)
ISBN: 3-8311-5016-8
2005 A 1222
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Brest <Finistère> 2004

Journées d'Actualité en Perfusion <13, 2004, Brest>:
13es journées du GEP: actualités en perfusion
: 1er et 2 octobre 2004, Brest ; [XIIIes Journées d'Actualité en Perfusion]. - Paris : Elsevier, 2004. - S56 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(ITBM RBM ; 25, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5220 -25,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Brno 2004

Internistický Den <127, 2004, Brno>:
127. Internistický Den
: XX. jubilejní Vanýsk¹uv den, ohlédnutí do budoucna ; XI. sjezd Ceské Internistické Spolecnosti, Brno, 20. - 23. ríjen 2004, volná sdelení. - Praha, 2004. - S140 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Vnitrni lékarství ; 50, Supl. 1)
Zs B 327 -50,Supl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bruges 2001

Case mix: global views, local actions : evolution in twenty countries ; [in addition to the proceedings... EFMI (European Federation for Medical Informatics) working group 1 conference to be held in Bruges on 10 - 14 October 2001]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press [u.a.], 2001. - XIII, 177 S.
(Studies in health technology and informatics ; 86)
ISBN: 1-58603-217-8. - 4-274-90474-1
2005 A 176
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bruges 2004

Congrès Français de Médecine Interne <50, 2004, Bruges>:
50e Congrès Français de Médecine Interne
: Bruges, 7 - 11 juin 2004. - Paris : Elsevier, 2004. - [26], S204 S.
(La revue de médecine interne ; 25, Suppl. 1)
Zs B 2451 -25,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bruxelles 2004

Improving the performance of health systems in the enlarged European Union : possibilities of effective interventions in the field of avoidable mortality ; [meeting, Brussels, 29th November, 2004]. - [Paris], [2004]. - 84 S. : graph. Darst.
(ISS statistics ; 2)
2005 A 1384
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bruxelles 2005

International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine <25, 2005, Bruxelles>:
Abstracts of posters
/ 25th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine : Brussels, Belgium, 21 - 25 March 2005. - London : BioMed Central Ltd., 2005. - S183 S. : graph. Darst.
(Critical care ; 9, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5517 -9,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Bucuresti 2003

Das serotonerge System aus neurologischer und psychiatrischer Sicht : [Symposium... 2003 in Bukarest]. - Darmstadt : Steinkopff, 2005. - X, 110 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 3-7985-1499-2
2005 A 2194
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Budapest 2004

International Congress on Autoimmunity <4, 2004, Budapest>:
Abstracts of 4th International Congress on Autoimmunity
: Budapest, Hungary, November 3 - 7, 2004. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2004. - 158 S.
(Autoimmunity reviews ; 3, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 5913 -3,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Budapest 2004

Using patient friendly composite endpoints to measure the success of acute migraine medications : proceedings from the 4th Annual Migraine Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, October 15 - 17, 2004 ; 4 tables. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005. - 48 S. : graph. Darst.
(European neurology ; 53, Suppl. 1)
ISBN: 3-8055-7966-7
Zs A 575 -53,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Budapest 2005

International Symposium on Women's Health Issues in Thrombosis and Hemostasis <2005, Budapest>:
State-of-the-art lectures and abstracts of the International Symposium on Women's Health Issues in Thrombosis and Hemostasis
: Budapest, Hungary, February 4 - 6, 2005. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - 154 S. : Ill.
(Thrombosis research ; 115, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 863 -115,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Buenos Aires 2004

Congreso Internacional de Medicina Interna <Hospital de Clínicas, Buenos Aires, 10, 2004, Buenos Aires>:
10o Congreso Internacional de Medicina Interna del Hospital de Clínicas
: 24 - 27 de agosto de 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Buenos Aires, 2004. - 72 S.
(Medicina ; 64, Supl. 1)
Zs B 163 -64,Supl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cagliari 2004

International Congress on Immune Intervention in Nephrology <3, 2004, Cagliari>:
Special issue on advances in kidney diseases
: proceedings from the 3rd International Congress on Immune Intervention in Nephrology ; Chia Laguna, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 29th April - 1st May, 2004. - Milano : Wichtig, 2004. - S96 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of nephrology : Supplement ; 8)
Zs A 3369 -Suppl.8-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cairns <Queensland> 2001

International Gastric Cancer Clinical Update Meeting <2001, Cairns, Queensland>:
International Gastric Cancer Clinical Update Meeting
: August 4 - 5, 2001, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. - Tokyo : Springer, 2002. - 40 S.
(Gastric cancer ; 5, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5290 -5,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cambridge 2004

European Symposium on Calcium Binding Proteins in Normal and Transformed Cells <8, 2004, Cambridge>:
The 8th European Symposium on Calcium Binding Proteins in Normal and Transformed Cells
: campus of Hinxton Hall near Cambridge, Great Britain, from 28th to 31st July 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S. 1 - 206 : Ill., graph. Darst,
(Meeting of the European Calcium Society ; 8) (Biochimica et biophysica acta : Molecular cell research ; 1742 = Special issue)
Uc I Zs 247 -1742-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cambridge 2004

Immunology of diabetes III : [result of a conference entitled the 7th meeting of the Immunology of Diabetes Society (IDS), held on March 28 - 31, 2004 in Cambridge, UK]. - New York, NY, 2004. - XII, 226 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; 1037)
ISBN: 1-57331-539-7. - 1-57331-540-0
Se 110 -1037-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Campos do Jordão 2003

International Symposium on ESR Dosimetry and Applications <6, 2003, Campos do Jordão>:
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on ESR Dosimetry and Applications
: Brazil, [Campos do Jordão, October 12 - 16], 2003. - Orlando, FL [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 115 - 381 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Applied radiation and isotopes ; 62,2)
Ue I Zs 279 -62-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cancún 2004

Meningococcal disease prevention: current options and future prospects : based on a satellite symposium presented at the Eleventh International Congress of Infectious Diseases, March 5, 2004 [in Cancún]. - Hagerstown, Md. : Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2004. - S. S273 - S298 : graph. Darst.
(The pediatric infectious disease journal ; 23,12 Suppl.)
Zs A 1852 -23,12,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cancún 2004

World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery <9, 2004, Cancún>:
Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery
: Cancun, Mexico, February 2 - 7, 2004. - Bologna : Medimond, 2004. - XII, 158 S. : Ill.
ISBN: 88-7587-084-5
2005 A 46
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cannes 2004

Acute heart failure syndromes : a reassessment of current therapies ; based on... the opening session of the 1st International Meeting on Acute Heart Failure Syndromes... held in Cannes, France on 1 - 2 May 2004. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. - B30 S. : graph. Darst.
(European heart journal : Supplements ; 7B)
Zs A 1563 -Suppl.7B-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Carmel <Calif.> 2005

American Federation for Medical Research / Western Section:
Included in this issue are the meeting programs and abstracts for western, southern and participating societies regional meetings
: [Carmel, California, February 2 - 5, 2005]. - Beverly, MA : Decker, 2005. - S. 1 - 48, S1 - S343 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of investigative medicine ; 53,1)
Zs A 307 -53-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Catania 2003

Creating coordination in the cerebellum : [this volume contains the proceedings of the Meeting Entitled "Creating Coordination in the Cerebellum" held October 2 - 4, 2003 in Catania, Italy]. - 1. ed. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - XVIII, 411 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Progress in brain research ; 148)
ISBN: 0-444-51754-5
2004 A 5677
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Chalkidike 2004

International Congress on Colorectal Cancer <2004, Chalkidike>:
Proceedings of the International Congress on Colorectal Cancer (ICCRC)
: May 28 - 30, 2004, Chalkidiki, Greece. - Milano [u.a.] : Springer, 2004. - S237 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Techniques in coloproctology ; 8, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5842 -8,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cheju <Do> 2004

Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology:
: the 11th Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology congress (APLAR 2004) ; JCR Sponsored Symposium "Efficacy and Safety of TNF-Alpha Blockers in Rheumatoid Arthritis" ; September 12, 2004, Jeju, Korea, 2004
Zs B 2982 -14-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Chersonesos 2004

Functional genomics of ageing : II ; [Second International Conference on Functional Genomics of Ageing] ; Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 28th April - 1st May 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier. - S. 1 - 215 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Mechanisms of ageing and development ; 126,1 = Special issue)
Zs A 1012 -126-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Chicago <Ill.> 2003

Cultural issues and children's sleep: : international perspectives ; International Pediatric Sleep Education Task Force, June 3, 2003, Chicago, Illinois. - [S.l.] : American Acad. of Pediatrics, 2005. - S. 201 - 271 : graph. Darst.
(Pediatrics ; 115,1, Pt. 2 = Suppl.)
Um IV Zs 131 -115,1,Pt.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Chicago <Ill.> 2003

Modeling effective treatment of psychoses in the elderly: a focus on avoiding movement disorders : International Psychogeriatric Association's eleventh international congress ; [Satellite Symposium "Modeling Effective Treatment of Psychoses in the Elderly: a Focus on Avoiding Movement Disorders", Chicago, 2003]. - Malden, MA : Blackwell Publ., 2004. - S. S247 - S277 : graph. Darst.
(Journal of the American Geriatrics Society ; 52,12, Suppl.)
Ud II Zs 168 -52,12,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Chicago <Ill.> 2004

International Congress on Respiratory Viruses <2004, Chicago, Ill.>:
2004 International Congress on Respiratory Viruses
: [in Chicago, April 23 - 25]. - Hagerstown, Md. : Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2004. - S. S187 - S269 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(The pediatric infectious disease journal ; 23,11 Suppl.)
Zs A 1852 -23,11,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Chicago <Ill.> 2004

Addressing the challenges of managing HIV AIDS in the African American and Latino patient : [meeting... in Chicago on June 11 - 12, 2004]. - Darien, CT : Cliggott, 2004. - S32 S. : graph. Darst.
(The AIDS reader ; 14,10, Spec. suppl.)
Zs A 5489 -14,10,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Chicago <Ill.> 2005

Central Society for Clinical Research:
2005 combined annual meeting
/ Central Society for Clinical Research ; Midwestern Section American Federation for Medical Research : Hyatt Regency Chicago on the Riverwalk, Chicago, Illinois, April 15, 2005. - Beverly, MA : Decker, 2005. - S. S345 - S414
(Journal of investigative medicine ; 53,2, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 307 -53,2,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Chicago <Ill.> 2005

International Workshop on Electrogastrography <13, 2005, Chicago, Ill.>:
Thirteenth International Workshop on Electrogastrography
: Chicago, Illinois, May 18 - 19, 2005 ; [abstracts], 2005
Zs A 2979 -17-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Chongqing 2005

International Congress of Biorheology <12, 2005, Chongqing>:
Scientific program
/ 12th International Congress of Biorheology and 5th International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology : Chongqing, China, May 30, 2005 - June 3, 2005 ; [abstracts]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Pr., 2005. - S. 5 - 191
(Biorheology ; 42,1/2)
Zs A 394 -42-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Clermont-Ferrand 2004

Special topic: The future of healthGrids : selected papers from HealthGRID 2004 Conference from January 29 - 30, 2004, Clermont-Ferrand, 2005
Zs A 126 -44-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cleveland <Ohio> 2003

World Summit on Kidney Surgery <1, 2003, Cleveland, Ohio>:
Proceedings of the First World Summit on Kidney Surgery
: [held at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation on February 5 - 7, 2003]. - Oxford : Blackwell, 2005. - 119 S. : Ill.
(BJU international ; 95, Suppl. 2)
Ui VI Zs 107 -95,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Cork 2004

Cardiovascular renal interactions: central and peripheral autonomic control : collection of articles from the basis of a Symposium Entitled Cardiovascular Renal Interactions: Central and Peripheral Autonomic Control, which took place at the Physiological Society's meeting at... Cork, Republic of Ireland, September 2004, 2005
Uc I Zs 102 -90-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Davis <Calif.> 2004

Multiple perspectives on decision making : [an Interdisciplinary Conference Titled Exploring the Mind: Multiple Perspectives on Decision Making held at the University of California at Davis in April, 2004]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 1 - 151 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Brain research : Cognitive brain research ; 23,1 = Special issue)
Zs A 3532 -23-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Davos 2004

Ärzteforum <2004, Davos>:
Ärzteforum Davos
: 8. - 12. März 2004, 2005
Ua VI Zs 118 -94-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Davos 2005

Cardiology update® 2005 : Davos, Switzerland, 14 - 18 February 2005. - Zürich : Hospitalis-Verl., 2005. - 20S S.
(Hospitalis ; 75,2, Suppl.)
Zs B 1155 -75,2,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Davos 2005

Musculoskeletal diseases : diagnostic imaging and interventional techniques. - Milan [u.a.] : Springer Italia, 2005. - VIII, 192 S. : zahlr. Ill.
ISBN: 88-470-0318-0
2005 A 2556
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Davos 2005

International Conference on Cancer Induced Bone Disease (CIBD) <5, 2005, Davos>:
Program and abstracts
/ Vth International Conference on Cancer-Induced Bone Disease (CDBD) : Davos, Switzerland, 20 - 24 March 2005. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2005. - S59, V S.
(Cancer treatment reviews ; 31, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1022 -31,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Dayton <Ohio> 2003

Cell volume and signaling : [proceedings of the 2003 Dayton International Symposium on Cell Volume Regulation and Signaling]. - New York : Springer, 2004. - XXIII, 444 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Notenbeisp.
(Advances in experimental medicine and biology ; 559)
ISBN: 0-387-23299-0
Zs A 3192 -559-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Del Mar <Calif.> 2004

Active living research : [Active Living Research Conference... held January 30 - 31, 2004, in Del Mar, California]. - New York, NY : Elsevier Science, 2005. - S. 93 - 221 : graph. Darst., Kt.
(American journal of preventive medicine ; 28,2, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 2096 -28,2,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Delhi 2004

International Conference on Medical Physics <2004, Delhi>:
Book of synopses, abstracts
/ International Conference on Medical Physics : ICMP 2004 ; Twentyfifth annual AMPI conference ; silver jubilee conference ; Delhi, October 28 - 31, 2004. - [Bombay] : Association of Medical Physicists of India, 2004
(Journal of medical physics ; 29,3)
Zs B 2683 -29-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Dresden 2002

Telemonitoring and tele home care : methodische Grundlagen, technische Voraussetzungen, organisatorische Konzepte, praktische Erfahrungen, medizintechnische Produkte. - Dresden-Friedrichstadt : General Hospital, 2002. - 157 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Health academy ; 2002,1)
2005 A 1550
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Dresden 2003

Laser in der Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie : Referate ; [27. Mai - 1. Juni 2003, Kulturpalast Dresden]. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Thieme, 2003. - S180 S. : zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst.
(Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-, Nasen-, Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie ; 74) (Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie ; 82, Suppl. 1)
Ul II Zs 95 -82,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Dresden 2003

Telematics in health care : networked health care II: national strategies - European convergence ; proceedings of the International Section of the National and International Congress, 21 - 23 October 2003, Hilton Hotel Dresden, Germany. - Berlin : Aka, 2004. - 112 S.
(Schriftenreihe der GVG ; 46)
ISBN: 3-89838-056-4. - 1-58603-437-5
2005 A 519
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Dresden 2005

Körper und Emotion : 16. bis 19. März 2005, Dresden. - Stuttgart : Thieme, 2005
(Abstracts /... Jahrestagung des Deutschen Kollegiums für Psychosomatische Medizin ; 56)
Ui I Zs 202 -55-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Dresden 2005

Symposium Experimentelle Strahlentherapie und Klinische Strahlenbiologie <14, 2005, Dresden>:
Proceedings des 14. Symposiums Experimentelle Strahlentherapie und Klinische Strahlenbiologie
: Dresden, 03. - 05. März 2005. - Dresden : Selbstverl., 2005. - 143 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Experimentelle Strahlentherapie und klinische Strahlenbiologie ; 14)
2005 A 1081
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Dublin 2003

Assistive technology - shaping the future : [2003, Dublin]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS, 2003. - XXVI, 1103 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Assistive technology research series ; 11)
ISBN: 1-58603-373-5. - 4-274-90615-9
2005 A 491
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Dublin 2005

European Society of Pediatric Radiology:
ESPR 2005
: May 30 - June 3, 2005, Dublin, Ireland ; [42nd annual meeting and 28th postgraduate course...]. - Heidelberg [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - XXVIII S., S. S97 - S170
(Pediatric radiology ; 35, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 927 -35,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Dubrovnik 2004

Inflammatory bowel disease: translation from basic research to clinical practice : proceedings of the Falk Symposium 140 held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 7 - 8, 2004. - Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - XIII, 284 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Falk symposium series ; 140)
ISBN: 1-4020-2847-4
2005 A 65
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Duisburg 2003

Chromosome aberrations : [papers... presented at the 6th International Symposium on Chromosome Aberrations held at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, 10th to 13th September, 2003... are included] ; single topic volume. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2004. - 393 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Gytogenetic and genome research ; 104)
ISBN: 3-8055-7767-2
Zs A 512 -104-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Edinburgh 2005

Molecular pathogenesis of virus infections : sixty-fourth symposium of the Society for General Microbiology, held at Heriot-Watt University April 2005. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. - X, 347 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Symposia of the Society for General Microbiology ; 64)
ISBN: 0-521-83248-9
2005 A 1469
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

El Monte <Calif.>

Orthotic and pedorthic management of the neuropathic foot : official findings of the Consensus Conference [in South El Monte, California]. - Hagerstown, MD : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. - S49 S. : Ill.
(Journal of prosthetics and orthotics ; 17,2, Suppl.)
Zs A 2522 -17,2,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Erfurt 2005

Passivrauchen, Rauchen in der Schule und Möglichkeiten der Raucherentwöhnung : 8. Deutsche Nikotinkonferenz ; 27. - 28. Mai 2005, Erfurt ; [Abstracts], 2005
Zs A 5418 -7-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Erice 2003

Signal transduction and communication in cancer cells : [result of a Conference Entitled Signal Transduction and Communication in Cancer Cells... held October 24 - 31, 2003 in Erice, Sicily]. - New York, NY, 2004. - XVIII, 499 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; 1028)
ISBN: 1-57331-559-1. - 1-57331-560-5
Se 110 -1028-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Erice 2004

International School on Magnetic Resonance and Brain Function <2004, Erice>:
Proceedings of the International School on Magentic Resonance and Brain Function, 2nd Course Frontiers of Brain Functional MRI and Electrophysiologcal Methods
: Erice (Sicily), Italy, 23 - 27 May 2004. - New York [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S. 1341 - 1577 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Magnetic resonance imaging ; 22,10 = Special issue)
Zs A 1817 -22-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Erlangen 2003

Innenraumbelastung durch flüchtige organische Verbindungen - VOC : Projekt "Ermittlung und Vermittlung von Basisdaten zum umweltbezogenen Gesundheitsschutz" ; Tagung 15.10.03 Redoutensaal Erlangen. - München : Utz, 2004. - IV, 213 S. : graph. Darst.
ISBN: 3-8316-0380-4
2004 A 5795
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Ermatingen 2001

Wolfsberg Meeting on Molecular Radiation Biology, Oncology <5, 2001, Ermatingen>:
Proceedings of the 5th Wolfsberg Meeting on Molecular Radiation Biology, Oncology
: [Ermatingen, Switzerland, June, 23 - 24, 2001]. - Tübingen : Verein zur Durchführung des Annual Wolfsberg Meeting on Molecular Radiation Biology, Oncology, 2001. - 89 Bl.
(Molecular radiation biology, oncology ; 2)
ISBN: 3-00-007231-4
2004 A 4552
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Espoo 2000

Biomag <12, 2000, Espoo>:
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Biomagnetism
: August 13 - 17, 2000, Espoo, Finland. - Espoo : Helsinki Univ. of Technology, 2001
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Exeter 2004

Symposium on Complementary Health Care <11, 2004, Exeter>:
/ 11th Annual Symposium on Complementary Health Care : 17th - 19th November 2004, Exeter, UK. - London : Pharmaceutical Press, 2004. - VI, 71 S.
(Focus on alternative and complementary therapies ; 9, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5854 -9,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Farmington <Conn.> 2004

International Conference on Heat Shock Proteins in Immune Response <1, 1998, Farmington, Conn.>:
/ IV International Conference on Heat Shock Proteins in Immune Response : Farmington, Connecticut, USA, October 10 - 13, 2004, 2005
Ud II Zs 181 -114-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Firenze 2004

International Congress Laser Medicine <19, 2004, Firenze>:
Laser Florence 2004
: laser safety ; PDD/PDT ; laser diabetology..., 2004
Zs A 2148 -19-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Fiuggi 2003

International Workshop on Nuclear Oncology <1, 2003, Fiuggi>:
First International Workshop on Nuclear Oncology
: [held in Fiuggi, Italy, in May 2003]. - Philadelphia, PA : Saunders, 2005. - S67 S. : graph. Darst.
(Seminars in oncology ; 32,1, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1348 -32,1,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Florianópolis 2005

Encontro de Medicina Tropical do Cone Sul <1, 2005, Florianópolis>:
/ XLI congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical e Primeiro Encontro de Medicina Tropical do Cone Sul : Florianópolis, SC, 6 a 10 de março de 2005. - [S.l.], 2005. - 484 S.
(Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical ; 38, Supl. 1) (Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical ; 41)
Zs A 2726 -38,Supl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Fort Lauderdale <Fla.> 2003

Advances in the long-term treatment of obesity : [based on a symposium that was held on October 2003 at the annual meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA]. - Silver Spring, MD : North American Assoc. for the Study of Obesity, 2004. - S. 149S - 184S : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Obesity research ; 12,Dec., Suppl. 23)
Zs A 4061 -12,Dec.,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Fort Lauderdale <Fla.> 2003

Recent advances in otitis media : report of the eighth research conference... held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, June 3 - 7, 2003. - St. Louis, Mo. : Annals Publ., 2005. - 160 S.
(Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology ; 114,1, Pt. 2)
Ul II Zs 75 114,1,Pt.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Fort Lauderdale <Fla.> 2004

The mouse visual system: from photoreceptors to cortex : [meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 23 - 24 April, 2004]. - New York, NY : Elsevier [u.a.], 2004. - S. 3233 - 3427 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Vision reserach ; 44,28 = Special issue)
Zs A 521 -44-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Foz do Iguaçu 2003

Impact of ecological changes on tropical animal health and disease control : [result of the 7th Biennial Conference of the Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Entitled Impact of Ecological Changes on Tropical Animal Health and Disease Control, held June 22 - 27, 2003, in Iguaçu Falls, Brazil]. - New York, NY, 2004. - XV, 327 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; 1026)
ISBN: 1-57331-504-4. - 1-57331-505-2
Se 110 -1026-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Frankfurt <Main> 2003

Sigma ligands in neuropsychiatry : [November 21, 2003 at... Frankfurt]. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Thieme, 2004. - S. S166 - S220 : graph. Darst.
(Pharmacopsychiatry ; 37, Suppl. 3)
Zs A 481 -37,Suppl.3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Frankfurt <Main> 2004

Laparoscopic obesity surgery. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005. - 44 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Chirurgische Gastroenterologie interdisziplinär ; 21, Suppl. 1)
ISBN: 3-8055-7946-2
Zs A 2103 -21,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Frankfurt <Main> 2004

Symposium for the Future of Cardiac Surgery <2004, Frankfurt, Main>:
Symposium for the Future of Cardiac Surgery
: 1 - 2 July 2004, Frankfurt, Germany. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S87 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery ; 26, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 2303 -26,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Frankfurt <Main> 2005

Deutscher Parkinson-Kongress <4, 2005, Frankfurt, Main>:
4. Deutscher Parkinson-Kongress
: Frankfurt am Main, 3. - 5. März 2005. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Thieme, 2005. - S38 S.
(Aktuelle Neurologie ; 32, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 970 -32,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Frauenchiemsee 2004

Molecular basis of chronic myeloproliferative disorders : with 32 tables. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2004. - XII, 218 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 3-540-22485-8
2005 A 2017
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Freiburg <Breisgau> 2000

Prostate cancer review : diagnosis, staging, histopathology, ultrasound & magnetic resonance imaging, external beam radiotherapy, surgery, LDR & HDR brachytherapy, hyperthermia, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, outcomes, incidence, risk factors, prediction modelling of long-term survival rates, prostate cancer reference listing 1997 - 2002. - München [u.a.] : Zuckschwerdt, 2003. - VII, 210 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 3-88603-803-3
2005 A 1118
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Freiburg <Breisgau> 2004

Freiburger Symposium Arbeitsmedizin im Gesundheitsdienst <18, 2004, Freiburg, Breisgau>:
18. Freiburger Symposium "Arbeitsmedizin im Gesundheitsdienst"
: 15. - 17. September 2004. - Freiburg im Breisgau : Ed. FFAS, 2005. - 272 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Arbeitsmedizin im Gesundheitsdienst ; 18)
ISBN: 3-9807531-7-4
2005 A 1988
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Fribourg 2003

Molecular physiological pathways to ectopic fat storage, lipotoxicity and chronic metabolic diseases : University of Fribourg, Switzerland, October 03, 2003. - Basingstoke : Nature Publ. Group, 2004. - S74 S. : graph. Darst.
(International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders ; 28, Suppl. 4)
Zs A 1325 -28,Suppl.4-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Fukuoka <Aichi-ken> 2002

Environmental ergonomics : the ergonomics of human comfort, health and performance in the thermal environment ; [this book contains papers presented at the 10th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics held in Fukuoka, Japan, from september 23rd to 27th 2002]. - 1. ed. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - XIII, 522 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Elsevier ergonomics book series ; 3)
ISBN: 0-08-044466-0
2005 A 1967
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Fulda 2005

Metabolic and genetic infantile epilepsies - diagnostic and therapeutic issues : abstracts of the 2nd Focus on Neuropediatrics - International Symposium ; January 12 - 14, 2005, Fulda, Germany, 2005
Zs A 728 -36-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Gallarate 2004

Atypical forms of multiple sclerosis : proceedings ; Gallarate (VA), May 12, 2004. - Milano : Springer, 2004. - A5 S., S. S319 - S388 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Neurological sciences ; 25, Suppl. 4)
Zs A 1877 -25,Suppl.4-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Gdansk 2004

International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance <12, 2004, Gdansk>:
12th International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance and 5th Electrical Impedance Tomography Conference
: Gdansk, Poland, 20 - 24 June 2004. - Bristol : Inst. of Physics Publ., 2005. - S. S1 - S331 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Physiological measurement ; 26,2 = Special issue)
Zs A 1559 -26-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Geelong <Victoria> 2004

Regional healthcare technologies overcoming the tyranny of distance : EPSM 2004 ; 14 - 18 November 2004, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, 2004
Zs B 2684 -27-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Genève 2003

Training and research in group therapy : a challenge in a changing mental health scenario ; papers presented at the international conference. - Bilbao : Core Acad., 2004. - 114 S. : graph. Darst.
(The European journal of psychiatry ; 18, Suppl.)
Zs A 2607 -18,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Genova 2004

Meeting on Hypertension, Diabetes, and Renal Diseases <3, 2004, Genova>:
Proceedings of the Third Genoa Meeting on Hypertension, Diabetes, and Renal Diseases
: [held in Genoa, Italy, on February 26 to 28, 2004]. - Hagerstown, MD : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. - S91 S.
(Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ; 16, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3344 -16,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Genova 2005

National Congress of Digestive Diseases <11, 2005, Genova>:
Abstracts of the XI National Congress of Digestive Diseases
: Genoa, 12 - 16 March 2005. - [S.l.] : Elsevier, 2005
(Digestive and liver disease ; 37, Suppl. 1)
Zs MO 382 -37,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Gießen 2004

German EEG EP Mapping Meeting <13, 2004, Gießen>:
/ 13th German EEG/EP Mapping Meeting : Giessen, December 4 - 6, 2004, 2005
Zs A 3304 -17-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Glasgow 2004

Gefitinib (IRESSA) in NSCLC: a real alternative to chemotherapy? : proceedings of a symposium at the 14th European Respiratory Society annual congress held in Glasgow, UK, September 6, 2004. - Leeds : Maney, 2004. - S. 119 - 141 : graph. Darst.
(European respiratory review ; 13,93)
Zs A 3265 -13-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Glasgow 2004

Lipids, rafts and traffic : held at BioScience 2004, Glasgow, July 2004 ; [the annual symposium of the Biochemical Society]. - London : Portland Press, 2005. - XVI, 235 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Biochemical Society symposium ; 72)
ISBN: 1-8557-8162-X
2005 A 989
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Glasgow 2004

Ontologies and bio-images : a special section of articles from the 7th Annual Bio-Ontologies Meeting ; a special interest group (SIG) Workshop of the 12th Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) & 3rd European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) ; held at Glasgow, 30th July 2004, 2004
Zs A 5880 -5-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Gleneagles 2003

Advances in endocrine therapy of breast cancer : proceedings of the 2003 Gleneagles Conference. - New York : Dekker [u.a.], 2004. - XV, 317 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 0-8247-2228-0
2005 A 1473
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Göteborg 2005

Instructional Course Tendon Transfers in Reconstructive Hand Surgery <2005, Göteborg>:
Instructional Course tendon transfers in reconstructive hand surgery
: Göteborg, Sweden, 15 - 18 June 2005. - [S.l.] : Churchill Livingstone, 2005. - 86 S.
(FESSH... congress ; 10) (EFSHT congress ; 8)
Zs A 1940 -30B,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Göttingen 2004

Workshop for Pediatric Research <40, 2004, Göttingen>:
/ 40th Workshop for Pediatric Research : held at the Max-Planck-Institute for Experimentel Medicine, Göttingen, February 19 - 20, 2004, 2004
Um IV Zs 75 -163-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Göttingen 2005

Workshop for Pediatric Research <41, 2005, Göttingen>:
/ 41st Workshop for Pediatric Research : held at the Max-Planck-Institute for Experimentel Medicine, Göttingen, February 24 - 25, 2005, 2005
Um IV Zs 75 -164-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Graz 2005

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie:
Frühjahrstagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Hämato-Onkologischer Pflegepersonen
: 28. und 30. April 2005, Graz. - Wien [u.a] : Springer, 2005. - 22 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift : Skriptum ; 2,4)
Zs A 903 -Skriptum2,4-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Greifswald 2003

Evolutionary changes in the craniofacial morphology of primates : 1st International Workshop on Evolutionary Changes in the Craniofacial Morphology of Primates ; Greifswald, Germany, 18th to 20th September 2003. - Jena : Elsevier, 2004. - S. 385 - 565 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of anatomy ; 186,5/6)
Ub I Zs 55 -186-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Grenoble 2004

Journées Nationales Homocystéine <9, 2004, Grenoble>:
IXès Journées Nationales Homocystéine
: Grenoble, 15 et 16 octobre 2004, 2005
Ud II Zs 203 -63-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Großschweidnitz 2002

Psychotherapie als Haltung und Struktur in der klinischen Psychiatrie : Beiträge der Frühjahrstagung 25./26. April 2002 in Großschweidnitz und der Herbsttagung 10./11. Oktober 2002 in Hildesheim. - 1. Aufl. - Regensburg : Roderer, 2003. - 98 S. : graph. Darst.
(Schriftenreihe der Bundesdirektorenkonferenz Psychiatrischer Krankenhäuser ; 9)
ISBN: 3-89783-377-8
2005 A 1039
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Hakone 2003

Satellite Symposium on G-Protein Coupled Receptors <2003, Hakone>:
Satellite Symposium on G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs)
: (held during the 6th International Symposium on VIP, PACAP and Related Peptides) ; Hakone, Japan, September 4, 2003. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 1 - 153 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Regulatory peptides ; 126,1/2 = Special issue)
Zs A 1593 -126-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Halle <Saale> 2005

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Humangenetik:
16. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humangenetik gemeinsam mit der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Humangenetik und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Genetik
: Halle/Saale, 9. - 12.3.2005 ; [Abstracts] ; [Tagungsband 2005]. - München : Verl. Medizinischegenetik, 2005. - S. [9] - 135
(Medizinische Genetik ; 17,1)
Zs A 3294 -17-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Hamburg 2002

Globalisation, global health governance and national health politics in developing countries : an exploration into the dynamics of interfaces. - Hamburg : Dt. Übersee-Inst., 2003. - 367 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Schriften des Deutschen Übersee-Instituts Hamburg ; 60)
ISBN: 3-926953-60-8
2005 A 967
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Hamburg 2003

Hämophilie-Symposion <34, 2003, Hamburg>:
34th Hemophilia Symposium
: Hamburg 2003. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - XXXIII, 395 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
2005 A 117
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Hamburg 2003

Deutscher Aids-Kongress <9, 2003, Hamburg>:
9. Deutscher und 14. Österreichischer AIDS-Kongress
: Hamburg, 14. - 17. Mai 2003 ; [wissenschaftliche Beiträge (Abstractband)] = 9th German and Austrian AIDS Conference. - Munich : Holzapfel, 2003. - 114 S.
(European journal of medical research ; 8, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 4636 -8,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Hamburg 2004

Norddeutsche Anästhesietage <17, 2004, Hamburg>:
/ 17. Norddeutsche Anästhesie-Tage : 10. - 11. September 2004, Hamburg = 17th North German Anaesthesia Conference, 2004
Zs A 257 -39-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Hamburg 2004

Breaking barriers: recent advances in the treatment of breast cancer : [based on presentations from the Symposium "Breaking Barriers: Recent Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer" held at the 4th European Breast Cancer Conference in Hamburg, Germany, on March 16, 2004]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier [u.a.], 2004. - S37 S. : graph. Darst.
(The breast ; 13, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3620 -13,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Hamburg 2004

Unfallmedizinische Tagung <Landesverband Nordwestdeutschland der Gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, 2004, Hamburg>:
Unfallmedizinische Tagung
: Hamburg, 05. und 06. März 2004. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - S260 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Trauma und Berufskrankheit ; 7, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5074 -7,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Hamburg 2004

Viszeralchirurgische Jahrestagung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern <2004, Schwerin>:
Viszeralchirurgische Jahrestagung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
: 25. Juni 2004, Schloss Hasenwinkel bei Schwerin ; [Abstracts], 2005
Uk I Zs 25 -130-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Harrisburg <Pa.> 2004

2004: Educating for future competence: educating for excellence, evaluating for competence : Harrisburg, PA, June 4 - 6, 2004, 2004
(Abstracts presented at the spring annual meeting of the Society for Education in Anesthesia ; 2004)
Zs A 2622 -16-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Harrogate 2002

British Society for Immunology:
Joint congress of the British Society for Immunology and the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology
: 3 - 6 December 2002, Harrogate, UK ; abstracts. - London : British Soc. for Immunology, 2002. - 140 S.
(Immunology ; 107, Suppl. 1)
Ud II Zs 181 -107,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Perspektiven für Suchtkranke : Teilhabe fördern, fordern, sichern. - Bonn : Neuland, 2005. - 316 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Schriftenreihe des Fachverbandes Sucht e.V. ; 28)
ISBN: 3-87581-247-6
2005 A 1318
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Heidelberg 2000

International Consensus Workshop on Quality Criteria, Rating, Appraising and Filtering of Health Information on the Web <1, 2000, Heidelberg>:
Programme and background material
/ 1st International Consensus Workshop on Quality Criteria, Rating, Appraising and Filtering of Health Information on the Web (Heidelberg eHealth Quality Workshop) : 21. - 22. Sept. 2000. - [S.l.] : MedCERTAIN, [ca. 2000]. - getr. Zählung
2005 A 1642
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Heidelberg 2000

The vascular system in thyroid disease : international workshop preceding the symposium organized by Henning Berlin. - Berlin : BMV, 2000. - 89 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 3-88040-209-4
2005 A 701
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Heidelberg 2004

The molecular basis of skeletal growth : IPNA Seventh Symposium on Growth and Development in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease ; 1 - 3 April 2004, Heidelberg, Germany ; abstracts, 2005
Zs A 2196 -20-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Helsinki 2001

Constructions of health and illness : European perspectives. - Aldershot [u.a.] : Ashgate, 2004. - VI, 143 S. : graph. Darst.
ISBN: 0-7546-3276-8
2005 A 2477
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Helsinki 2002

Local occupational health and safety profiles and indicators : proceedings of an international follow-up workshop ; 22 - 23 November 2002, Helsinki, Finland. - Helsinki, 2004. - 127 S. : graph. Darst.
(People and work research reports ; 64)
ISBN: 951-802-577-0
2005 A 726
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Helsinki 2004

International Symposium on Radionuclide Therapy and Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry <1, 2004, Helsinki>:
1st International Symposium on Radionuclide Therapy and Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry
: RTRD ; 4 - 8 Sept. 2004, Helsinki, Finland, 2005
Zs A 1896 -20-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Hollywood <Fla.> 2004

Moving forward in the gastrointestinal tract: modulating motility and sensitivity : [Novartis GI: Advancing the Science Consultants Conference, held in Hollywood, FL, USA in April 2004]. - Oxford [u.a.] : Blackwell, 2004. - 60 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics ; 20, Suppl. 7)
Zs A 2206 -20,Suppl.7-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Hong Kong 2004

International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics:
Innovations for quality living
: Hongkong, 1 - 6 August, 2004 ; conference proceedings. - [S.l.], 2004
(World Congress of the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics ; 11)
2005 MO 39
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Hong Kong 2004

Prevention of progression of renal disease : ISN 2004 Hong Kong HKSN ; [International Society of Nephrology 2004 Conference on Prevention of Progression of Renal Disease, held June 29 to July 1, 2004, Hong Kong]. - Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Publ, 2005. - S-141 S. : graph. Darst.
(Kidney international : Supplement ; 94)
Zs A 797 -Suppl.94-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Honolulu <Hawaii> 2004

Infant and child neurotoxicity studies : [subtle and long-term effects] ; meeting report and program from the 21st International Neurotoxicology Conference ; [held February 10 - 14, 2004... in Honolulu, Hawaii] ; [abstracts], 2004
Zs A 1547 -25-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Honolulu <Hawaii> 2004

Global Genito-Urinary Oncology Conference <1, 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii>:
Proceedings of the 1st Global Genito-Urinary Oncology Conference
: October 2 and October 3, 2004 [held in Honolulu, Hawaii]. - St. Laurent, Quebec, 2005. - A7, 105 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(The Canadian journal of urology ; 12, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5607 -12,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Indianapolis <Ind.> 2003

International Symposium on Regulation of Enzyme Activity and Synthesis in Normal and Neoplastic Tissues <44, 2003, Indianapolis, Ind.>:
Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth International Symposium on Regulation of Enzyme Activity and Synthesis in Normal and Neoplastic Tissues
: held at Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, September 22 - 23, 2003. - 1. ed. - Oxford [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - XVIII, 402 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Advances in enzyme regulation ; 44)
ISBN: 0-08-044414-8
Uc I Zs 364 -44-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Indianapolis <Ind.> 2004

Cochlear implants : proceedings of the VIII International Cochlear Implant Conference held in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA between 10 and 13 May 2004. - 1. ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2004. - XX, 478 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(International congress series ; 1273)
ISBN: 0-444-51848-7
Ua VI Zs 294/a -1273-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Innsbruck 2002

Angeborene Stoffwechselstörungen : Verzweigtketten-Aminoazidopathien & MR-Spektroskopie. - 1. Aufl. - Heilbronn : SPS Publ., 2003. - 109 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Symposia proceedings)
ISBN: 3-936145-09-1
2005 A 982
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Innsbruck 2004

Status of vascular surgery in Europe : an ESVS/EDBVS collaboration for the XVIII annual meeting of the European Society for Vascular Surgery held in Innsbruck, Austria between 17 and 19 September 2004. - 1. ed. - Amsterdam {u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004
(International congress series ; 1272)
ISBN: 0-444-51762-6
Ua VI Zs 294/a -1272-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Innsbruck 2005

Kongress Kardiologie <7, 2005, Innsbruck>:
Med. Universität Innsbruck - Kongress Kardiologie 2005
: 18. und 19. März 2005. - Wien : Springer, 2005. - 30 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift : Skriptum ; 2,1)
Zs A 903 -Skriptum2,1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Irsee 2003

Regionaler Forschungskongress der Psychiatrischen und Neurologischen Fachkrankenhäuser Bayerns <4, 2003, Irsee>:
4. Regionaler Forschungskongress der Psychiatrischen und Neurologischen Fachkrankenhäuser Bayerns
: 21. - 23.10.2003, Bildungszentrum Irsee. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Thieme, 2004. - S183 : graph. Darst.
(Psychiatrische Praxis ; 31, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 971 -31,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Irvine <Calif.> 2004

Systematics and the origin of species: on Ernst Mayr's 100th anniversary : Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia of the National Academy of Sciences [Systematics and the Origin of Species: on Ernst Mayr's 100th Anniversary, held December 16 - 18, 2004... in Irvine, CA]. - Washington, DC, 2005. - IV S., S. 6515 - 6635 : graph. Darst.
(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ; 102, Suppl. 1) (Arthur M. Sackler colloquia of the National Academy of Sciences)
Zs A 1148 -102,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Irvington <Va.> 2003

First International Symposium on Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease : [September 16 - 18, 2003, Irvington, Virginia, USA]. - Hagerstown, Md. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. - S52 S. : Ill.
(Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition ; 40, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1728 -40,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Ischia 2003

Asthma and allergic diseases : physiology, immunopharmacology and treatment ; sixth international symposium. - Oxford : Blackwell Science, 2004. - V S., S. 35 - 259 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Clinical & experimental allergy : Reviews ; 4,2)
Zs A 767 -Rev.4,2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Ispra 2002

Alternatives to animal experiments : progress made and challenges ahead ; the proceedings of the ECVAM Status Seminar 2002, held on 4-6 June 2002, in the Amphitheatre at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy. - Nottingham : FRAME, 2002. - 125 S.
(ATLA ; 30, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 3391 -30,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

±Istanbul 2000

Zolpidem "as needed": a new treatment paradigm : 15th European Sleep Research Society Congress, 12 - 16 September 2000, Istanbul, Turkey ; satellite symposium - Sanofi-Synthelabo. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2004. - S33 S. : graph. Darst.
(Sleep medicine reviews ; 6, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5901 -6,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Jaca 2005

Seminario Nacional Neurológico de Invierno <21, 2005, Jaca>:
XXI Seminario Nacional Neurológico de Invierno
: Jaca, (Huesca), 30 de enereo a 5 de febrero de 2005, 2005
Zs A 5003 -40-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Jeia±n-hm_a_i 2000

Network epidemiology : a handbook for survey design and data collection. - Oxford [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press, 2004. - XII, 237 S. : Ill.
(International studies in demography)
ISBN: 0-19-926901-7
2005 A 846
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kanóni 2004

Plasmid biology 2004 : abstracts, 2005
Zs A 1736 -53-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Karuizawa 2002

Asian and Oceanian Epilepsy Congress <4, 2002, Karuizawa>:
Proceedings of the 4th Asian and Oceanian Epilepsy Congress and the 36th congress of the Japan Epilepsy Society
: Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan, September 11 - 14, 2002. - Malden, MA : Blackwell Publ., 2005. - 95 S.
(Epilepsia ; 46, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 517 -46,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kassel 2004

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lymphologie:
Abstracts der Vorträge
: 28. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Lymphologie (DGL) und 14. Fortbildungstage der Gesellschaft für Manuelle Lymphdrainage nach Dr. Vodder (GMLV) ; 30.9. - 2.10.2004 in Kassel, 2004
Zs A 4847 -8-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Katowice 2004

Polish Society of Neonatology:
20th anniversary conference of the Polish Society of Neonatology
: May 20th - 22nd, 2004, Katowice, Poland ; proceedings book. - Warszawa : Medical Science Internat., 2004. - 120 S. : graph. Darst.
(Medical science monitor ; 10, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 4924 -10,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kiel 2004

Experimentelle Radiologie 2004 - Techniken, Trends und Visionen : 10. - 11. September 2004, Kiel ; Abstracts, 2005
Ue I Zs 12 -177-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kiel 2004

Molecular mechanisms of epithelial defense : [International Congress on Molecular Mechanisms of Epithelial Defense] ; [June 11 - 13, 2004, Kiel, Germany]. - Bethesda, MD : Federation of American Soc. for Experimental Biology, 2005. - S. 439 - 585 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of leukocyte biology ; 77,4)
Zs A 603 -77-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kiel 2005

Universitäts-Frauenklinik Kiel und Michaelis-Hebammenschule 1806 - 2005 : eine medizinhistorische Studie zum 200-jährigen Bestehen ; [wissenschaftliche Tagung am 30. April 2005... Kiel]. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Thieme, 2005. - VII, 188 S. : zahlr. Ill.
ISBN: 3-13-142031-6
2005 A 1823
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kita-Kyushu 2004

Brain inspired IT I : invited papers of the 1st Meeting Entitled Brain IT 2004 held in Hibikino, Kitakuyushu, Japan between 7 and 9 March 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.) : Elsevier, 2004. - XII, 201 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(International congress series ; 1269)
ISBN: 0-444-51717-0
Ua VI Zs 294/a -1269-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kobe 2000

Frontier of rheumatology : the 9th International Rheumatology Symposium in Kobe ; March 17 - 18, 2000, Kobe, Japan ; abstracts, 2000
Zs B 2982 -10-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kobe 2002

International Rheumatology Symposium <11, 2002, Kobe>:
/ the 11th International Rheumatology Symposium in Kobe : April 22 - 24, 2002, Kobe, Japan, 2002
Zs B 2892 -12-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Köln 2003

Menschen mit Demenz erreichen - Hilfen zur Kommunikation : KDA-Fachtagung am 24. November 2003 in Köln. - Köln : KDA, 2004. - 79 S. : Ill.
(Thema / Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe ; 192)
ISBN: 3-935299-60-5
2005 A 499
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Köln 2004

Manfred-Donike-Workshop <22, 2004, Köln>:
Proceedings of the Manfred Donike Workshop
: 22nd Cologne Workshop on Dope Analysis, 7th to 12th March 2004. - Köln : Sport und Buch Strauß, 2004. - 500 S. : zahlr. graph. Darst.
(Recent advances in doping analysis ; 12)
ISBN: 3-89001-216-7
2005 A 1355
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Psychiatrie ohne Betten? : Beiträge Bundesdirektorenkonferenz 18./19. Oktober 2001 in der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Köppern. - Regensburg : Roderer, 2002. - 74 S. : Ill.
(Schriftenreihe der Bundesdirektorenkonferenz Psychiatrischer Krankenhäuser ; 8)
ISBN: 3-89783-314-X
2005 A 1037
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kraków 2004

Symposium Cox Isoenzymes <2004, Krákow>:
Special issue: 12th Jagiellonian Medical Research Centre Symposium: Cox Isoenzymes
: 2004 update, 18th September 2004, Krakow, Poland. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 69 - 145 : graph. Darst.
(Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and fatty acids ; 72,2)
Zs B 2123 -72-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kromeríz 2004

Ceská Konference Kognitivne Behaviorální Terapie <4, 2004, Kromeríz>:
4. Ceská Konference Kognitivne Behaviorální Terapie
: (Kromeríz, 20. - 22. kvetna 2004). - Praha, 2004. - 116 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Ceská a slovenská psychiatrie ; 100, Suppl. 1)
Zs B 372 -100,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kru±ndeb 2003

Seminar on Food and Water Borne Parasitic Zoonoses <4, 2003, Krun±deb>:
Proceedings of the 4th Seminar on Food- and Water Borne Parasitic Zoonoses and the 2nd International Meeting on Gnathostomiasis
: [during 2 - 4 December 2003 at... Bangkok, Thailand]. - Bangkok : SEAMEO, 2004. - 336 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health ; 35, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 844 -35,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kru±ndeb 2003

Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting <2003, Krun±deb>:
Proceedings of the Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting 2003
: [2 - 4 December 2003, Bangkok, Thailand]. - Bangkok : SEAMEO, 2004. - II, 58 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health ; 35, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 844 -35,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kulmbach 2003

Ergebnisse der In-vitro-Ringversuche: S-35 in Urin sowie Am-241 und Pu-Isotope in Urin : Workshop zu den In-vitro-Ringversuchen 2001 und 2002 der Leitstelle Inkorporationsüberwachung des BfS am 1.Juli 2003 im Bayerischen Landesamt für Umweltschutz, Kulmbach. - Bremerhaven : Wirtschaftsverlag N. W. Verlag für neue Wissenschaft, 2005. - 46 S.
(BFS-SE ; 33)
ISBN: 3-86509-264-0
2005 A 869
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kyoto 2003

Current status of drug dependence abuse studies : cellular and molecular mechanisms of drugs of abuse and neurotoxicity ; [result of a Conference Entitled Current Status of Dependence Abuse Studies: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Drugs of Abuse and Neurotoxicity, held on July 30 - August 1, 2003 in Kyoto, Japan]. - New York, NY, 2004. - XIV, 642 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; 1025)
ISBN: 1-57331-522-2. - 1-57331-523-0
Se 110 -1025-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kyoto 2003

Research and development in breast ultrasound : publications from... the 13th ICUEB,.. held in Kyoto, Japan, in April 2003. - Tokyo [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - XI, 207 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 4-431-40277-2
2005 A 2358
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Kyoto 2004

The residents' forum : [ten reviews on the latest MRI proceedings from IRSNA 2004, Kyoto, Japan]. - Scotch Plains, NJ : Anderson, 2005. - 111 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Applied radiology ; 2005,Jan., Suppl.)
Zs B 1933 -2005,Jan.,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

København 2002

The biology of psychoses : European Congress of Biological Psychiatry, 13 - 16 June 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark ; abstracts. - Glasgow : WFSBP, [2002]. - 43 S.
(The world journal of biological psychiatry ; 3, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5956 -3,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

København 2004

World Congress of Psycho-Oncology <7, 2004, København>:
Abstracts of the 7th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology
: August 25th - 28th, 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark. - Chichester : Wiley, 2004. - S233 S.
(Psycho-oncology ; 13,8, Suppl.)
Zs A 3550 -13,8,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

København 2005

European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases <15, 2005, København>:
/ 15th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases : Copenhagen, Denmark 2 - 5 April 2005. - Oxford : Blackwell Science, 2005. - 783 S. : graph. Darst.
(Clinical microbiology and infection ; 11, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 4541 -11,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

La Serena 2003

Chilean Congress of Transplantation <19, 2003, La Serena>:
19th Chilean Congress of Transplantation
: October 1 - 4, 2003, La Serena, Chile ; [proceedings], 2005
Zs A 835 -37-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lake Buena Vista <Fla.> 2004

Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology:
Selected manuscripts from 2004 CREOG and APGO annual meeeting
: March 3 - 6, 2004, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 2004
Um I Zs 152 -191-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Langen <Offenbach, Main> 2003

PDA/EMEA European virus safety forum : Langen, September 29 - October 1, 2003 ; proceedings of a conference ; 33 tables. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2004. - XII, 177 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Developments in biologicals ; 118)
ISBN: 3-8055-7873-3
2005 A 196
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Las Vegas <Nev.> 2003

International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and Electrophoresis <26, 2003, Las Vegas, Nev.>:
26th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and Electrophoresis
: Las Vegas, NV, USA, 18 - 22 May 2003. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S. 1 - 304 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of chromatography : A ; 1027,1/2 = Symposium volume)
Zs A 813 -1027-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Las Vegas <Nev.> 2004

Symposium Protecting Patients from Infectious Complications: The Role of Nutrition in Surgical and Critical Care <2004, Las Vegas, Nev.>:
Proceedings of the Symposium Protecting Patients from Infectious Complications: The Role of Nutrition in Surgical and Critical Care
: Nutrition Week, February 8 - 12, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada. - [S.l.] : American Soc. of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 2005. - S. S49 - S105 S. : graph. Darst.
(Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition ; 29,1, Suppl. [2])
Zs A 1524 -29,1,Suppl.[2]-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lausanne 2004

International Meeting on Pharmacovigilance in Psychiatry, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Pharmacogenetics of Psychotropic Drugs <2004, Lausanne>:
International Meeting on Pharmacovigilance in Psychiatry, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Pharmacogenetics of Psychotropic Drugs
: September 1 - 3, 2004, Lausanne, Switzerland ; a joint meeting of the AGNP-TDM Group, of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie... ; [abstracts], 2005
Zs A 481 -38-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Leeds 2004

Neurons and networks : [presented at the Journal of Physiology Symposium in Honour of the Late Eberhard H. Buhl on Structure/Function Correlates in Neurons and Networks ; Leeds, UK, 10 September 2004] ; symposium reports, 2005
Uc I Zs 65 -562-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Leipzig 2003

"... so ist die Naturwissenschaft das wahre internationale Band der Völker" : Wissenschaftsbeziehungen in Medizin und Naturwissenschaften zwischen Deutschland und dem Russischen Reich im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert ; Vorträge des Symposiums vom 11. und 12. September 2003 am Karl-Sudhoff-Institut für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Leipzig. - Aachen : Shaker, 2004. - IX, 366 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Deutsch-russische Beziehungen in Medizin und Naturwissenschaften ; 9)
ISBN: 3-8322-2928-0
2005 A 2387
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Leipzig 2003

Leipzig Research Festival for Life Sciences <2, 2003, Leipzig>:
2nd Leipzig Research Festival for Live Sciences 2003
: 24. Oktober 2003 ; [abstract book ; Ort: Max-Bürger-Forschungszentrum]. - Zwickau : Verl. Wiss. Schriften, 2003. - 192 S.
ISBN: 3-928921-96-7
2005 A 2023
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Leipzig 2004

Abstracts from the "Regenerative and predictive medicine of cardiovascular disease" : the 9th Leipziger Workshop and the 2nd International Workshop on Slide Based Cytometry ; April 22 - 24, 2004, Leipzig, Germany, 2005
Zs A 1688/A -64-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Leipzig 2004

Ex Tech <6, 2004, Leipzig>:
ExTech 2004
: 6th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies ; Leipzig, Germany, 6 - 8 September 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 1 - 147 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of chromatography : A ; 1072,1 = Symposium vol.)
Zs A 813 -1072-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lille 2004

Printemps de la Médecine Interne <10, 2004, Lille>:
Les 10es Printemps de la Médecine Interne
: Lille, 30 et 31 mars 2004. - Paris : Elsevier, 2004. - S. S205 - S312 : Ill.
(La revue de médecine interne ; 25, Suppl. 2)
Zs B 2451 -25,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lille 2004

Conférence de Consensus Grossesse et Tabac <2004, Lille>:
Conférence de Consensus Grossesse et Tabac
: texte des recommandations - version longue ; 7 et 8 octobre 2004 à Lille, 2005
Uk I Zs 141 -61-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lille 2005

Congrès de Pneumologie de Langue Française <9, 2005, Lille>:
9e Congrès de Pneumologie de Langue Française
: Lille, 4 - 7 février 2005 ; résumés des communications scientifiques. - Paris [u.a.] : Masson, 2005. - S140 S.
(Revue des maladies respiratoires ; 22, Hors sér. 1)
Zs A 1945 -22,HorsSér.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lindau <Bodensee>

Psychoanalyse mit und ohne Couch : Haltung und Methode ; [Vorträge der 53. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie... 2002... Lindau]. - Gießen : Psychosozial-Verl., 2003. - 671 S.
(Bibliothek der Psychoanalyse)
ISBN: 3-89806-238-4
2005 A 1113
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lisboa 2003

The management of pain and inflammation : what is the role of NSAIDs? ; proceedings of a satellite symposium at the 4th annual congress of the European League Against Rheumatism, Lisbon, Portugal, 18 - 21 June 2003. - Oxford : Blackwell, 2004. - 32 S. : graph. Darst.
(International journal of clinical practice : Supplement ; 144)
Ua VI Zs 301 -Suppl.144-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lisboa 2004

Renal haemodynamic alterations in contrast medium induced nephropathy and the benefit of hydration : [result of a symposium held at the European Renal Association and the European Dialysis and Transplantation Association meeting in Lisbon, 2004]. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. - i22 S. : graph. Darst.
(Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation ; 20, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 2198 -20,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Liverpool 2005

International Inflammatory Bowel Disease Meeting <4, 2005, Liverpool>:
Abstracts presented at the Fourth International Inflammatory Bowel Disease Meeting
: Liverpool, 7 - 8 February 2005, 2005
Zs A 2206 -21-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Ljubljana 2003

Pathology of the head and neck : proceedings ; joint meeting of the Working Group on Head and Neck Pathology of the European Society of Pathology... ; Ljubljana, September 4 - 6, 2003. - Ljubljana : Inst. of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of Ljubljana, 2003. - 176 S. : Ill.
ISBN: 961-6264-47-8
2005 A 159
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Ljubljana 2003

Update in pathology : proceedings. - Ljubljana : Univ. of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Inst. of Pathology, 2003. - 524 S. : Ill.
ISBN: 961-6264-48-6
2005 A 145
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Ljubljana 2004

International Congress on Thrombosis <18, 2004, Ljubljana>:
Reports from the 18th International Congress on Thrombosis
: Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 20 - 24, 2004. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2004. - S. 234 - 509 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Pathophysiology of haemostasis and thrombosis ; 33, 5/6)
ISBN: 3-8055-7892-X
Zs A 896 -33-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Locarno 2004

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie:
Joint annual meeting
/ Swiss Society of Rheumatology ; Swiss Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation : Locarno, 16 - 17 September, 2004 ; abstracts. - [S.l.] : EMH Swiss Med. Publ., 2004. - S18 S.
(Swiss medical weekly : Suppl. ; 142)
Ua VI Zs 152 -Suppl.142-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


Photodynamic therapy : applications in gastroenterology and pulmonology ; proceedings of a symposium... held at the Royal Society of Medicine, London. - London : Royal Soc. of Med. Press, 2004. - VI, 71 S. : Ill., graph. Darst
(International congress and symposium series ; 255)
ISBN: 1-85315-585-3
2005 A 828
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 1998

Symposium Cardioprotection <1998, London>:
Papers based on the Symposium "Cardioprotection"
: dedicated to Prof. J. R. Parratt for his distinguished contribution to this topic ; September 17 to 19, 1998, London, United Kingdom, 2000
Zs A 6009 -5-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2001

Age related macular degeneration (AMD) and lutein : assessing the evidence ; proceedings of a round table discussion held at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK, on 7 June 2001. - London : Royal Soc. of Med. Press, 2001. - 78 S.
(Round table series / Royal Society of Medicine ; 73)
ISBN: 1-85315-500-4
2005 A 1543
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2001

Novel perspectives in antibacterial action : proceedings of a round table discussion held at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, on 20 November 2001. - London : Royal Soc. of Med. Press, 2002. - 74 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Round table series / Royal Society of Medicine ; 76)
ISBN: 1-85315-530-6
2005 A 1714
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2001

Optimal patient management with botulinum toxins : evidence and experience ; proceedings of a round table discussion held at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK, on 30 October 2001. - London : Royal Soc. of Med. Press, 2002. - 78 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Round table series / Royal Society of Medicine ; 74)
ISBN: 1-85315-519-5
2005 A 1542
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2002

Antibiotic resistance in cystic fibrosis - an emerging crisis? : proceedings of a symposium held under the auspices of the Public Health Laboratory Service... in London, 3 May 2002. - London : Royal Soc. of Med. Press, 2003. - VIII, 67 S. : Ill., graph. Darst
(International congress and symposium series ; 254)
ISBN: 1-85315-539-X
2005 A 231
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2002

Current developments in autologous chondrocyte transplantation : proceedings of a round table discussion, held at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK, on 14 September 2002. - London : Royal Soc. of Med. Press, 2003. - 69 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Round table series / Royal Society of Medicine ; 77)
ISBN: 1-85315-543-8
2005 A 1541
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2002

Oral health care : a multidiscilinary approach ; proceedings of four round table discussions held at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, on 31 October and 14 November 2002; University House, Leeds, on 6 November 2002; and the Royal College of General Practitioners, Edinburgh, on 12 November 2002. - London : Royal Soc. of Med. Press, 2003. - 74 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Round table series / Royal Society of Medicine ; 79)
ISBN: 1-85315-555-1
2005 A 1328
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2003

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: a European and Japanese perspective : proceedings of the Eisai Europe/Japan GERD Expert Meeting, London, UK, 22 September 2003. - Oxford [u.a.] : Blackwell, 2004. - 54 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics ; 20, Suppl. 8)
Zs A 2206 -20,Suppl.8-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2003

Measurement of sexual behaviour : [selected papers from a Workshop on the Measurement of Sexual Behaviour in the Era of HIV AIDS held at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in September 2003]. - London : BMJ Publ. Group, 2004. - 90 S. : graph. Darst.
(Sexually transmitted infections ; 80, Suppl. 2)
Ui VI Zs 108 -80,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2003

Recent advances in urogynaecology : proceedings of the joint RCOG/BSUG Meeting on Incontinence and Prolapse, RCOG, 16 - 19 June 2003. - Oxford : Blackwell, 2004. - 90 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(BJOG ; 111, Suppl. 1)
Um I Zs 121 -111,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2004

Attachment and sexuality in clinical practice : the John Bowlby Memorial Conference monograph 2004 ; [this collection of papers from the 11th John Bowlby Memorial Conference, Attachment and Sexuality in Clinical Practice... 2004, London]. - London : Karnac, 2005. - VIII, 97 S. : Ill.
ISBN: 1-85575-392-8
2005 A 2200
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2004

Certitudes et controverses sur l'hypertrophie bénigne de la prostate : 1res Interfaces en Urologie, 7 - 8 février 2004, Londres. - Paris : Elsevier, 2004. - S67 S. : graph. Darst.
(Annales d'urologie ; 38, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 84/10 -38,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2004

Genetics of autoimmunity. - Chichester : Wiley, 2005. - VIII, 251 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Novartis Foundation symposium ; 267)
ISBN: 0-470-02137-3
2005 A 1720
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2004

The hERG cardiac potassium channel : structure, function and long QT syndrome ; [Symposium on The hERG Cardiac Potassium Channel: Structure, Function, and long QT Syndrome, held at the Novartis Foundation, London, 4 - 6 May 2004]. - Chichester [u.a.] : Wiley, 2005. - IX, 297 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Novartis Foundation symposium ; 266)
ISBN: 0-470-02140-3
2005 A 714
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2004

Molecular approaches to osteoarthritis research : abstracts of the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology symposium, Imperial College London, United Kindgom, April 18 - 20 2004. - Oslo [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis, 2005. - 41 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Scandinavian journal of rheumatology : Supplement ; 120)
Zs A 832 -Suppl.120-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2004

Nocturia and daytime energy - the underestimated impact on patients' quality of life : [based on an expert meeting... held on 8 November in London, United Kingdom]. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2005. - 32 S. : graph. Darst.
(European urology : Supplements ; 3,6)
Zs A 1247 -Suppl.3,6-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2004

International Conference Ethics, Law and Moral Philosophy of Reproductive Biomedicine <2004, London>:
Papers presented at the International Conference Ethics, Law and Moral Philosophy of Reproductive Biomedicine
: London, UK, 30 September - 1 October 2004. - Cambridge : Reproductive Healthcare, 2005. - IV, 147 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Reproductive bioMedicine online ; 10, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5792 -10,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2004

The psychological challenges of intensive care : [... Intensive Care Society's focus meeting held in February 2004... London]. - London : BMJ Books [u.a.], 2005. - XII, 92 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Critical care focus ; 12)
ISBN: 0-7279-1794-3
2005 A 2261
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2004

What about the workers? : Proceedings of a symposium held at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK, on 30 March 2004... - London : Royal Soc. of Med. Press, 2004. - IV, 58 S. : graph. Darst.
ISBN: 1-85315-650-7
2005 A 323
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2005

European Lupus Meeting <6, 2005, London>:
6th European Lupus Meeting
: 03 - 05 March 2005, the Royal College of Physicians, London, UK. - London : Hodder Arnold, 2005. - S. 181 - 262 : graph. Darst.
(Lupus ; 14,3 = Special issue)
Zs A 3717 -14-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

London 2005

Nuclear organization in development and disease : [Novartis Foundation Symposium on Nuclear Organization in Development and Disease... London, 27-29 January, 2004]. - Chichester : Wiley, 2005. - X, 290 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Novartis Foundation symposium ; 264)
ISBN: 0-470-09373-0
2005 A 1023
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Long Beach <Calif.> 2005

Medicine meets virtual reality 13 : the magical next becomes the medical now. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press, 2005. - XXI, 638 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Studies in health technology and informatics ; 111)
ISBN: 1-58603-498-7
2005 A 490
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Los Angeles <Calif.> 2004

National Oral Health Conference <2004, Los Angeles, Calif.>:
2004 National Oral Health Conference
: May 1 - 3, 2004, Los Angeles, California. - Springfield, IL : American Assoc. of Public Health Dentistry, 2004. - S72 : Ill.
(Journal of public health dentistry ; 64, Suppl. 1)
Zs B 801 -64,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Los Angeles <Calif.> 2005

The older adolescent, young adult : March 30 - April 2, 2005, Los Angeles, California ; abstracts. - New York, NY : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 95 - 154
(Annual meeting program issue / Society for Adolescent Medicine ; 2005) (Journal of adolescent health ; 36,2)
Zs B 2453 -36-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Louisville <Ky.> 2005

International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology <9, 2005, Louisville, Ky.>:
/ Ninth International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology : Louisville, Kentucky, April 23 - 28, 2005, 2005
Zs A 1503 -27-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Louvain 2003

Neuromodulation by means of electrical brain stimulation : First meeting of the Benelux Neuromodulation Society, Chapter of the International Neuromodulation Society ; November 21 - 22, 2003, Leuven, Belgium ; abstracts, 2004
Zs A 5912 -7-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Louvain 2004

Progress towards meeting the challenges in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases : a workshop of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases ; [held in Leuven, Belgium, 17 - 19 March 2004]. - Oxford : Blackwell Science, 2005. - 51 S. : graph. Darst.
(Clinical microbiology and infection ; 11, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 4541 -11,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Louvain 2005

Congrès d'Endocrinologie Diabétologie <2, 2005, Louvain>:
2e Congrès UCL d'Endocrinologie Diabétologie
: 5 mars 2005, [Louvain]. - Louvain, 2005. - S62 S. : graph. Darst.
(Louvain médical ; 124,3 = Numéro spécial)
Zs A 1119 -124-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lübeck 2001

Psychotherapie in Psychiatrischen Fachkrankenhäusern : [beim 4. Psychotherapiekongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) vom 04. bis 07. April 2001 in Lübeck wurde im Rahmen der Bundesdirektorenkonferenz ein Symposium zum Thema "Psychotherapeutische Medthoden der Kliniken für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie" abgehalten]. - Regensburg : Roderer, 2002. - 82 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Schriftenreihe der Bundesdirektorenkonferenz Psychiatrischer Krankenhäuser ; 7)
ISBN: 3-89783-299-2
2005 A 1038
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lübeck 2001

Twentieth century ethics of human subjects research : historical perspectives on values, practices, and regulations ; [originally presented as papers at a Conference on "History of Human Experimentation During the Twentieth Century", held in May 2001... Lübeck]. - Stuttgart : Steiner, 2004. - 361 S.
ISBN: 3-515-08455-X
2005 A 2552
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lübeck 2004

Mycoses in surgery. - Berlin [u.a.] : Blackwell, 2005. - 107 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(... wissenschaftliche Tagung der Deutschsprachigen Mykologischen Gesellschaft ; 38) (Mycoses ; 48, Suppl. 1)
Ud II Zs 176 -48, Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Luhacovice 2004

Czech Congress of Nephrology <30, 2004, Luhacovice>:
/ 30th Czech Congress of Nephrology : June 17 - 19, 2004, Luhacovice, 2005
Zs A 1458 -28-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lund 2003

Coronary arteries in children : anatomy, flow and function ; [Lund in September 2003]. - Stockholm [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis, 2004. - 85 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Acta paediatrica : Supplement ; 446)
Um IV Zs 95 -Suppl.446-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lund 2004

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : a disorder of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems ; Lund, Sweden, April 15 - 16, 2004. - New York, NY : ATS, 2005. - S. [5] - 100 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society ; 2,1)
Zs A 5828 -2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Luxembourg 2004

Signal transduction pathways, chromatin structure, and gene expression mechanisms as therapeutic targets : [... proceedings of Science Week 2004 held on January 25 - 31, 2004 at the European Conference Center in Luxembourg]. - New York, NY, 2004. - XIII, 674 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; 1030)
ISBN: 1-57331-573-7. - 1-57331-574-5
Se 110 -1030-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Luzern 2005

Swiss Respiratory Society:
Annual conference
/ Swiss Respiratory Society ; Swiss Society for Thoracic Surgery ; Swiss Society for Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology : Lucerne, April 7 - 8, 2005 ; abstracts. - [S.l.] : EMH Swiss Med. Publ., 2005. - S46 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Swiss medical weekly : Suppl. ; 145)
Ua VI Zs 152 -Suppl.145-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lyon 2003

Cruciferous vegetables, isothiocyanates and indoles : [this publication represents the views and opinions of an IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Cancer Preventive Strategies which met in Lyon, France, 18 - 24 November 2003]. - Lyon : IARC Press, 2004. - XI, 262 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(IARC handbooks of cancer prevention ; 9)
ISBN: 92-832-3009-4
2005 A 638
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Lyon 2004

Journées Francophones de Nutrition <5, 2004, Lyon>:
5es Journées Francophones de Nutrition
: Lyon, 15 - 17 décembre 2004. - Paris : Elsevier, 2004. - S81 S.
(Nutrition clinique et métabolisme ; 18, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3512 -18,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Madrid 2004

Renal disease as a cardiovascular risk factor : [some of the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hypertension and the Kidney... held in Madrid in February 2004]. - Malden, MA : Blackwell Publ., 2005. - S-73 S. : graph. Darst.
(Kidney international : Supplement ; 93)
Zs A 797 -Suppl.93-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Magdeburg 2004

Schwerpunktheft: Gesundheit - Wirtschaftlichkeit und Gerechtigkeit : Magdeburg, 22. - 24.9.2004. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Thieme, 2005. - S. 67 - 162 : graph. Darst.
(Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention ; 40) (Das Gesundheitswesen ; 67,2)
Un I Zs 402 -67-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Mainz 2001

Was kann, was darf der Mensch? : Symposium zu aktuellen Fragen der Bioethik im Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz am 16. Oktober 2001 [in Mainz]. - Mainz, 2002. - 152 S. : Ill.
(Schriftenreihe des Landtags Rheinland-Pfalz ; 17)
2005 A 874
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Mainz 2005

Mainzer Allergie-Workshop <17, 2005, Mainz>:
/ 17. Mainzer Allergie-Workshop 2005 : Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Klinische Immunologie (DGAI) ; 11. - 12. März 2005 = Conference abstracts, 2005
Zs A 3566 -14-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Málaga 2002

Treatment of tobacco dependence : [derived from proceedings of the Consensus Meeting on Smoking Cessation, which was held June 13 - 14, 2002, in Malaga, Spain]. - Memphis, Tenn. : Physicians Postgraduate Press, 2003. - 105 S. : graph. Darst.
(The journal of clinical psychiatry : Monograph ; 18,1)
Zs A 4731 -18,1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Manassas <Va.> 2003

Conference on Aquatic Animal Models of Human Disease <2003, Manassas, Va.>:
Contributions from a Conference on Aquatic Animal Models of Human Disease
: Manassas, Virginia, USA, September 29 - October 2, 2003. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S. 229 - 409 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Comparative biochemistry and physiology :B ; 138,3)
Zs A 44/C -138-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Manáus 1998

Excitatory amino acids : ten years later ; [second EAA Meeting held in Manaus (Brazil), November 18 - 22, 1998. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press [u.a.], 2001. - VIII, 346 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Biomedical and health research ; 45)
ISBN: 1-58603-072-8
2005 A 232
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Mannheim 2004

Meeting on Surgical Research <8, 2004, Mannheim>:
/ 8th Annual Meeting on Surgical Research : 8. Chirurgische Forschungstage 2004 ; 27 - 30 October 2004, Mannheim, Germany, 2004
Uk I Zs 10 -389-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Mannheim 2004

Information - wir leben sie : AGMB Jahrestagung 2004, Mannheim, [27. - 29. September 2004]. - Wien : AGMB, 2005. - S. 11 - 57 : graph. Darst.
(Medizin - Bibliothek - Information ; 5,1)
Zs A 5385 -5-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Mannheim 2005

Hämostaseologie aus interdisziplinärer Sicht : [23. - 26. Februar 2005, Mannheim]. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Schattauer, 2005. - S. 1 - 54, [A1] - A93 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Kongressausgabe der GTH-Jahrestagung ; 49) (Hämostaseologie ; 25,1)
Zs A 1631 -25-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Mantova 2004

Prevenzione in nefrologia e dialisi : atti del terzo Convegno [sulla Prevenzione in Nefrologia e Dialis, Mantova, 8 - 9, Maggio 2004]. - Milano : Wichtig, 2005. - S160 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Giornale italiano di nefrologia : Supplemento ; 31)
Zs A 4313 -Suppl.31-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Mar del Plata 2004

Congreso Conjunto de Sociedades Biomedicas <2004, Mar del Plata>:
Congreso Conjunto de Sociedades Biomedicas
: 16 al 20 de noviembre de 2004, Mar del Plata. - Buenos Aires, 2004. - XX, 395 S.
(Medicina ; 64, Supl. 2)
Zs B 163 -64,Supl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Marignano 2004

The uterus and human reproduction : [this volume contains the proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Uterus and Human Reproduction, held by the Italian Ministry of Education, Higher Education, and Research... on June, 3 - 5, 2004, in Marignano, Italy]. - New York, NY, 2004. - IX, 376 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; 1034)
ISBN: 1-57331-535-4. - 1-57331-536-2
Se 110 -1034-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Marseille 2005

Conference on Postural and Gait Research <17, 2005, Marseille>:
Abstracts of the XVIIth Conference on Postural and Gait Research
: Marseille, May 29th - June 2nd, 2005. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - XXII, S169 S.
(Gait & posture ; 21, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3804 -21,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Marseille 2005

Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française <2005, Marseille>:
Résumés des communications affichées et des sociétés associées
/ Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française : Marseille, 27 - 30 avril 2005. - Paris : Masson, 2005. - 2S224 S.
(Revue neurologique ; 161,4, Suppl.)
Ui II Zs 45 -161,4,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Maywood <Ill.> 2003

Alcohol and Immunology Workshop <2003, Maywood, Ill.>:
Proceedings of Alcohol and Immunology Workshop
: in conjunction with the 8th meeting of the Alcohol and Immunology Research Interest Group (AIRIG) ; Maywood, Illinois, USA, November 21, 2003. - New York, NY : Elsevier, 2004. - S. 169 - 249 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Alcohol ; 33,3 = Special issue)
Zs A 2011 -33-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Medellín 2004

Simposio Nacional de Virología <1, 2004, Medellín>:
Primer Simposio Nacional de Virología
: Medellín, Septiembre de 2004, 2004
Zs A 4595 -17-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Milano 2001

Anaemia in cancer : [it is the result of a joint effort by the members of the ESO Task Force on Anaemia in Cancer... symposia... which were held in Milan and Rome between 2001 and 2004]. - 2. ed. - Edinburgh[u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - VIII, 292 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(European School of Oncology scientific updates ; 6)
ISBN: 0-08-044575-6
2005 A 559
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Milano 2003

International Symposium on ALS, MND <14, 2003, Milano>:
Abstracts from the 14th International Symposium on ALS MND
: Milan, Italy, 17 - 19 November 2003. - Basingstoke : Taylor & Francis, 2003. - 227 S.
(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ; 4, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5874 -4,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Milano 2004

Patologie cardio-polonari: una nuova era per lo pneumologo : Simposio 5 Congesso Nazionale di Pneumologia, Milano, 6 - 9 ottobre 2004. - Ospedaletto : Pacini, 2004. - 14 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Rassegna di patologia dell'apparato respiratorio ; 19,S3 = Suppl.)
Zs A 3472 -19,S3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Mittweida 2003

Medizintechnik. - Mittweida : Hochsch., 2003. - 116 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Scientific reports / University of Applied Sciences Mittweida ; 2003,7) (... International scientific conference Mittweida)
2004 A 4551
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Monaco 2004

Stratégies thérapeutiques actuelles et nouvelles approches de la prise en charge du cancer bronchique non à petites cellules et du cancer du sein métastatique : revue d'actualité ; synthèse de données présentées lors de la VIème Biennale Monégasque de Cancérologie (Monaco, 28 - 31 janvier 2004) et du XVème International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment (ICACT, Paris 9 - 12 février 2004) = Current therapeutic strategies and new approaches to the management of non-small cell lung cancer and metastatic breast cancer. - Auckland : Adis International, 2004. - 20 S. : graph. Darst.
(American journal of cancer ; 3, Spec. iss. 2)
Zs A 5909 -3,Spec.iss.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Montauk <NY> 2003

Summer Neuropeptide Conference <13, 2003, Montauk, NY>:
/ Summer Neuropeptide Conference : the 3rd joint meeting of the Summer Neuropeptide Conference (13th annual meeting) & the European Neuropeptide Club (13th annual meeting) ; Montauk, NY, June 8 - 12, 2003, 2003
Zs A 1592 -37-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Montauk <NY> 2003

Doctor Abraham Spector International Symposium <2003, Montauk, NY>:
Dr. Abraham Spector International Symposium
: papers presented... honoring him on the occasion of his retirement... in Montauk, Long Island, New York, from October 11 - 13, 2003. - New York, NY [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S. 737 - 956 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Experimental eye research ; 79,6)
Zs A 163 -79-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Monte Carlo 2004

European Society of Hypertension:
ESH ESC guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
: how to implement in daily clinical practice ; Montecarlo round table, 23 january 2004. - Auckland [u.a.] : Adis, 2004. - 11 S. : graph. Darst.
(Disease managment & health outcomes ; 12, Spec. iss. 1)
Zs A 4857 -12,Spec.iss.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Monte Carlo 2004

Integrating gemcitabine into breast cancer therapy : Highlights from an Interchange Meeting [Entitled "Integrating Gemcitabine intoBreast Cancer Therapy"] held in conjunction with the 3rd European Conference: perspectives in Breast Cancer, Monte Carlo, November 15, 2003. - Manhasset, NY : CMP Healthcare Media, 2004. - 48 S. : graph. Darst.
(Oncology ; 18,14, Suppl. 12)
Zs A 3168 -18,Suppl.12-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Monterey <Calif.> 2003

Craniofacial surgery : Monterey, California (USA), 2003. - Bologna : Medimond, 2004. - XXVI, 506 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Craniofacial surgery ; 10) (Proceedings of the... international congress of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery ; 10)
ISBN: 88-7587-097-7
2005 A 1769
2005 MO 398 [Begleitmaterial]
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Montpellier 2004

Découvrir un diabète, et après? : [journal d'automne de L'Alfediam Paramédical... à Montpellier, le 19 novembre 2004]. - Paris : Masson, 2005. - 31 S. : Ill.
(Soins ; 694, Cah. 2)
Zs B 2545 -694,Cah.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Montréal 2003

Principles and practical applications of benchmarking : [based on the proceedings of a consultant advisory board meeting held on October 15, 2003, at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy's 2003 educational conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada]. - Alexandria, VA : Acad. of Managed Care Pharmacy, 2005. - S23 S.
(Journal of managed care pharmacy ; 11,1, Suppl. A)
Zs A 5450 -11,1,Suppl.A-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Montréal 2004

Immunization in Canada: science, programmes, collaboration : 6th Canadian Immunization Conference ; December 5 - 8, 2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2004
Zs A 3099 -15-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Montréal 2004

Tennet - ISHN joint conference : Ninth annual meeting of the International Society for the History of Neurosciences ; June 26 - 29, 2004 ; held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2004
Zs A 4266 -13-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Montreux 2004

The evolving role of angiotensin receptor blockade in cardiovascular disease : conference proceedings ; Montreux, Switzerland, 24 - 25 April, 2004. - Orlando, Fla. [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - H66 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(European heart journal : Supplements ; 6H)
Zs A 1563 -Suppl.6H-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Montreux 2004

The next steps forward in reducing the impact of preterm birth : proceedings of the 2nd International Preterm Labour Congress, 2 - 4 September 2004, Montreux, Switzerland. - Oxford : Blackwell, 2005. - 121 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(BJOG ; 112, Suppl. 1)
Um I Zs 121 -112,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

München 1999

Gerontechnology : technology and aging - starting into the third millennium ; [...Third International Conference of Gerontechnology at the Technical University of Munich in 1999...]. - Aachen : Shaker, 2002. - VI, 332 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 3-8322-0895-X
2005 A 2225
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

München 2004

Magnesium-Symposium <25, 2004, München>:
/ 25. Magnesium-Symposium of the Society for Magnesium Research : October 8 - 9, 2004, Munich, Germany, 2005
Zs A 1976 -22-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

München 2004

Contribution of medical informatics to health : integrated clinical data and knowledge to support primary, secondary, tertiary and home care ; proceedings of the European Federation for Medical Informatics special topics conference 2004, Munich, June 13-16, 2004. - Berlin : Akademische Verl.-Ges. Aka [u.a.], 2004. - V, 132 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 1-58603-435-9. - 3-89838-055-6
2005 A 724
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

München 2004

Evolving needs - treatment revolution : proceedings of a satellite symposium held during the European Society of Cardiology congress in Munich, Germany, August 30, 2004. - Orlando, Fla. [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - I18 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(European heart journal : Supplements ; 6I)
Zs A 1563 -Suppl.6I-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

München 2004

Symposium Statin Therapy: Setting New Standards in the Management of Dyslipidaemia <2004, München>:
A Symposium Statin Therapy: Setting New Standards in the Management of Dyslipidaemia
: based on a satellite symposium held on August 28, 2004... in Munich, Germany. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. - A28 S. : graph. Darst.
(European heart journal : Supplements ; 7A)
Zs A 1563 -Suppl.7A-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

München 2005

Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerischer Kongress für Sportorthopädie und Sporttraumatologie <20, 2005, München>:
/ 20. Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerischer Kongress für Sportorthopädie und Sporttraumatologie : (Jahreskongress der GOTS) ; München, 16. Juni - 19. Juni 2005, 2005
Zs A 2107 -21-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

München 2005

Deutscher Koloproktologen-Kongress <31, 2005, München>:
/ 31. Deutscher Koloproktologen-Kongress : 17. - 20. März 2005, München, 2005
Zs A 1527 -27-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Münster <Westfalen> 2000

Jahrestagung Trinkwasserringversuche NRW - Niedersachsen <1, 2000, Münster, Westfalen>:
Erste Jahrestagung Trinkwasserringversuche NRW - Niedersachsen
: Veranstaltung am 26.01.2000 in Münster. - Bielefeld [u.a.] : lögd, 2000. - 61 S. : graph. Darst.
(Materialien "Umwelt und Gesundheit" ; 16)
2005 A 141
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Napa <Calif.> 2004

Cryer, Byron:
Management of NSAID associated upper GI disorders using AMCP's framework for quality drug therapy
: [based on the proceedings of a FMCP Symposium held on July 17, 2004, in Napa Valley, California]. - Alexandria, VA : Acad. of Managed Care Pharmacy, 2005. - S19 S. : graph. Darst.
(Journal of managed care pharmacy ; 11,2, Suppl.)
Zs A 5450 -11,2,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Napoli 2000

Biology, biologists and bioethics : concerns for scientists, politicians and consumers ; proceedings of the International Workshop Biology, Biologists and Bioethics: Concerns for Scientists, Politicians and Consumers held in Naples (Italy) on June 16th- 17th, years 2000. - Marano di Napoli : Foxwell & Davies Italia, 2004. - VIII, 170 S.
ISBN: 88-8448-008-6
2004 A 5712
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Neubiberg 2003

Kooperation, Integration, Fusion - Alternativen zur Privatisierung? : 12. Neubiberger Krankenhausforum, 2. Juli 2003. - München, 2003. - 109 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
2005 A 2001
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Neubiberg 2004

Europäisierung des Krankenhausmarktes - Chancen und Risiken für deutsche Krankenhäuser : 6. Juli 2004. - München : Univ. der Bundeswehr, 2004. - 93 S.
2005 A 1378
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Neuchâtel 2004

European Meeting on the Neurogenetics of Drosophila <10, 2004, Neuchâtel>:
Tenth Annual European Meeting on the Neurogenetics of Drosophila
: Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 4 - 8 September, 2004, 2004. - S. 435 - 612
(Journal of neurogenetics ; 18,3/4)
Zs A 1878 -18-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2003

Conference on Mesenchymal and Nonhematopoietic Stem Cells <3, 2003, New Orleans, La.>:
3rd Annual Conference on Mesenchymal and Nonhematopoietic Stem Cells
: focus on adult stem cells ; October 9 - 11, 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA ; [abstracts], 2004
Zs A 5601 -6-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2003

Clinical advances in the management of postoperative pain : based on the proceedings of a symposium held December 8, 2003... in New Orleans, LA. - [S.l.] : American Soc. of Health-System Pharmacists, 2004. - S24 S. : Ill.
(American journal of health-system pharmacy ; 61,8, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 419 -61,8,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2003

Clinical update on opportunistic infections in transplantation : articles based on the proceedings of a symposium held December 9, 2003 during the 38th ASHP midyear clinical meeting in New Orleans, LA. - [S.l.] : American Soc. of Health-System Pharmacists, 2005. - S24 S. : Ill.
(American journal of health-system pharmacy ; 62,8, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 419 -62,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2003

Role of aldosterone blockade in managing heart failure : new and emerging treatment options ; based on the proceedings of a symposium held December 9, 2003... in New Orleans, LA. - [S.l.] : American Soc. of Health-System Pharmacists, 2004. - S24 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(American journal of health-system pharmacy ; 61,9, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 419 -61,9,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2003

Targeting vascular endothelial growth factor : a novel approach in the treatment of cancer ; based on the proceedings of a symposium held December 9, 2003... New Orleans, LA. - [S.l.] : American Soc. of Health-System Pharmacists, 2004. - S29 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(American journal of health-system pharmacy ; 61,21, Suppl. 5)
Zs A 419 -61,21,Suppl.5-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2003

International Food Allergy Symposium <11, 2003, New Orleans, La.>:
XI International Food Allergy Symposium
: (in cooperation with the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology) ; November 6, 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana. - Arlington Heights, IL : American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 2004. - S56 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology ; 93,5, Suppl. 3)
Uh III Zs 136 -93,Suppl.3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2004

International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine <17, 2004, New Orleans, La.>:
Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine
: the annual meeting of the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 8 - 12 December 2004. - Uetikon-Zürich : ttp, Trans Tech Publ., 2005. - XXVIII, 1087 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Bioceramics ; 17) (Key engineering materials ; 284/286)
ISBN: 0-87849-961-X
2005 A 163
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2004

International Respiratory Congress <50, 2004, New Orleans, La.>:
2004 open forum at the International Respiratory Congress
: the annual convention & exhibition of the American Association for Respiratory Care ; December 4 - 7, 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. ; [50th] International Respiratory Congress ; [abstracts], 2004
Zs B 2285 -49-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2004

Joint Symposium Contributions to the Treatment of GI Disease by Laparoscopy, Endoluminal, and Transluminal Therapies <2004, New Orleans, La.>:
2004 SSAT SAGES Joint Symposium - Contributions to the Treatment of GI Disease by Laparoscopy, Endoluminal, and Transluminal Therapies
: presented at the Forty-Fifth annual meeting of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 19 - 22, 2004, 2004
Zs A 5207 -8-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2004

Conference on Mesenchymal and Nonhematopoietic Stem Cells <4, 2004, New Orleans, La.>:
Abstracts from the 4th Annual Conference on Mesenchymal and Non-Hematopoietic Stem Cells
: focus on adult stem cells ; October 14 - 16, 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2005
Zs A 5601 -7-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2004

Evidence-based management of ACS :... based on the proceedings of a Symposium Staying the Course - Evidence-based Management of ACS, held on March 9, 2004, at the time of the scientific session of the American College of Cardiology. - St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby, 2005. - 2A S., S. S74 - S106 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(American heart journal ; 149,4, Suppl.)
Ui IV Zs 15 -149,4,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2004

IGF-I and IGF Binding Proteins : basic research and clinical management ; [based on presentations at a Symposium Entitled IGFs and IGFBPs: Assessment and Therapeutic Benefit... held in New Orleans in June 2004] ; 7 tables. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005. - IX, 175 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Endocrine development ; 9)
ISBN: 3-8055-7926-8
2005 A 2198
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2004

The pulse of current cardiovascular concern: anti-inflammatory medications : [based on transcripts and slides of presentations as delivered by the faculty at the "The Pulse of Current Cardiovascular Concern: Anti-Inflammatory Medications" Symposium held at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana on November 8, 2004]. - [S.l.], 2004
([Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons ; 12,6, Beil.])
Zs MO 274 -12,6,Beil.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2004

HIV AIDS Law and Practice Conference <2004, New Orleans, La.>:
Special issue: Papers from the HIV/AIDS Law & Practice Conference 2004
: [in January 2004... in New Orleans]. - Hagerstown, Md. : University Publ. Group, 2004. - S. 3 - 72
(AIDS & public policy journal ; 19,1/2)
Zs A 2905 -19-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2004

TransAtlantic-Pacific summit: dialogues in acid related disorders : [Meeting TransAtlantic-Pacific Dialogues in Acid-Related Disorders" in New Orleans, USA, in May 2004]. - Oxford [u.a.] : Blackwell, 2005. - 24 S. : graph. Darst.
(Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics ; 21, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 2206 -21,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2005

American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine:
Abstracts and index
: annual assembly of American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, 2005
Zs A 5440 -8-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New Orleans <La.> 2005

International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders <9, 2005, New Orleans, La.>:
Abstracts of the Ninth International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders
: March 5 - 8, 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Liss, 2005. - S192 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Movement disorders : Supplement ; 10)
Zs A 2555 -Suppl.10-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2000

Improvement of clinical outcomes in hypertension: advantages of angiotension receptor blockers : [Symposium Titled "Improvement of Clinical Outcomes in Hypertension: Advantages of Angiotensin Receptor Blockers", held May 20, 2000, In New York City]. - New York, NY : Elsevier, 2001. - S. 225S - 247S : Ill., graph. Darst.
(American journal of hypertension ; 14,7, Pt. 2 = Suppl.)
Zs A 2329 -14,7,Pt.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2003

International Symposium on Platinum Coordination Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy <9, 2003, New York, NY>:
9th International Symposium on Platinum Coordination Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy and the 40th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology
: [October 8 - 11, 2003, New York]. - Philadelphia, PA : Saunders, 2004. - 33 S.
(Seminars in oncology ; 31,6, Suppl. 14)
Zs A 1348 -31,Suppl.14-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2003

Biobehavioral stress response : protective and damaging effects ; [result of the Conference Entitled Protective and Damaging Effects of the Biobehavioral Stress Response: 34th Annual ISPNE Conference... held on September 7 - 9, 2003 in New York City]. - New York, NY : New York Acad. of Sciences, 2004. - XVI, 331 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; 1032)
ISBN: 1-57331-518-4. - 1-57331-519-2
Se 110 -1032-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2003

From hypertension to heart failure: breaking the chain of cardiovascular disease : [based on a symposium presented at the eighteenth annual scientific meeting of the American Society of Hyptertension, which was held May 14 - 17, 2003, in New York City]. - New York, NY : Elsevier, 2003. - 22S S. : graph. Darst.
(American journal of hypertension ; 16,9, Pt. 2 = Suppl.)
Zs A 2329 -16,9,Pt.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2003

Inhaled corticosteroids in the treatment of asthma and COPD : [Symposium Inhaled Corticosteroids in the Treatment of Asthma and COPD ; held in New York on July 11 - 13, 2003]. - New York, NY : American Thoracic Society, 2004. - S. [151] - 287 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society ; 1,3)
Zs A 5828 -1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2003

New directions in hypertension: beyond JNC VI : [a symposium presented at the eighteenth annual scientific meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, May 14, 2003, Marriott Marquis, New York, New York]. - New York, NY : Elsevier, 2003. - 54S S. : graph. Darst.
(American journal of hypertension ; 16,11, Pt. 2 = Suppl.)
Zs A 2329 -16,11,Pt.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2003

Oral tolerance : new insights and prospects for clinical application ; [result of a Conference Entitled Oral Tolerance: Mechanisms and Applications... held on October 23 - 26, 2003 in New York City]. - New York, NY, 2004. - XI, 425 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; 1029)
ISBN: 1-57331-508-7. - 1-57331-509-5
Se 110 -1029-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2004

Are all atypical antipsychotics equal for the treatment of cognition and affect in schizophrenia? : [Based on proceedings from the 157th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, held May 1 - 6, 2004, in New York City]. - New York, NY : MBL Communications, 2004. - 41 S. : graph. Darst.
(CNS spectrums ; 9,10, Suppl. 11)
Zs A 5171 -9,Suppl.11-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2004

Symposium Innovative Cancer Therapy for Tomorrow <22, 2004, New York, NY>:
Chemotherapy Foundation Symposium XXII Innovative Cancer Therapy for Tomorrow
: November 10 - 13, 2004, New York, NY, USA. - Philadelphia, Pa. : Taylor & Francis, 2005. - 117 S.
(Cancer investigation ; 23, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1862 -23,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2004

Choosing the right dose of the atypical antipsychotics: art or science? : [based on proceedings from the 157th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, held May 1 - 6, 2004, in New York City]. - New York, NY : MBL Communications, 2004. - 33 S. : graph. Darst.
(CNS spectrums ; 9,9, Suppl. 9)
Zs A 5171 -9,Suppl.9-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2004

Expert Roundtable Stimulants and Atomoxetine in the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder <2004, New York, NY>:
Expert roundtable highlights
: stimulants and atomoxetine in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ; [derived from the Expert Roundtable "Stimulants and Atomoxetine in the Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" which was held February 23, 2004, in New York, N.Y.]. - Memphis, Tenn. : Physicians Postgraduate Press, 2004. - 23 S.
(The journal of clinical psychiatry : Monograph ; 19,1)
Zs A 4731 -19,1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2004

Interactions in pediatric critical care : abstracts from the 15th Annual Pediatric Critical Care Colloquium ; September 30 - October 2, 2004, New York, NY, 2005
Zs A 5600 -6-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2004

New approaches to managing common skin conditions : [New Approaches to Managing Common Skin Conditions Symposium presented at the American Academy of Dermatology meeting, New York, New York, July 28 - August 1, 2004]. - Chatham, NJ : Quadrant HealthCom, 2004. - 28 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Cosmetic dermatology ; 17,11,S3 = Suppl.)
Zs A 4526 -17,11,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2004

Research in medicine 2004 : June 4, 2004 at the New York Academy of Medicine, 2004
(Abstracts /... annual Samuel Bronfman Department of Medicine research day ; 2004 = 20)
Ua VI Zs 236 -71-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

New York <NY> 2004

Unmasking bipolar disorder: overcoming the barriers to treatment success : [based on proceedings from the 157th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, held May 1 - 6, 2004, in New York City]. - New York, NY : MBL Communications, 2004. - 34 S. : graph. Darst.
(CNS spectrums ; 9,11, Suppl. 12)
Zs A 5171 -9,Suppl.12-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Newport Beach <Calif.> 2004

Innate immunity : [proceedings of 10th International Conference on Mechanisms of Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation: Innate Immunity, held February 6 - 8, 2004, in Newport Beach, California]. - New York [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - VIII, 163 S. : Ill.
(Advances in experimental medicine and biology ; 560) (Mechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulation ; 10)
ISBN: 0-387-24188-4
Zs A 3192 -560-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Nice 2004

Infections pulmonaires nosocomiales: de l'aspergillose au SARM : [Symposium Consacré aux "Infections Nosocomiales: de l'Aspergillose au SARM", à Nice 2004]. - Paris : Masson, 2004. - 5S28 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Revue de pneumologie clinique ; 60,6, Cah. 2)
Uk I Zs 141 -60,6,Cah.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Nice 2004

Proceedings / Cardiostim 2004 : June 19 - 22, 2004, Nice. - Mount Kisco, NY : Blackwell Futura, 2005. - S291 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Pacing and clinical electrophysiology ; 28, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1466 -28,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Nice 2005

Abstracts of the ECNP Workshop on Neuropsychopharmacology for Young Scientists in Europe : Nice, France, March 3 - 6, 2005. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S86 S.
(European neuropsychopharmacology ; 15, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3288 -15,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Nieuwegein 2004

ENT Meeting <205, 2004, Nieuwegein>:
Abstracts of the 205th ENT Meeting
: held in Nieuwegein, 5 and 6 November 2004, 2005
Zs A 1309 -30-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Nottwil 2004

International Symposium Autologous Transfusion - from Euphoria to Reason <3, 2004, Nottwil>:
3. Internationales Symposium "Autologe Transfusion - von der Euphorie zur Ratio: Praktisches Handeln aus Wissenschaftlicher Sicht"
: January 16 - 17, 2004 in Nottwil, Switzerland ; Mini-Symposium, 2004
Zs A 257 -39-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Obergurgl 2005

Internationales Symposium für Kinderchirurgie <34, 2005, Obergurgl>:
/ 34th International Meeting of Pediatric Surgery : Obergurgl, March 20 - 23, 2005. - Wien : Blackwell, 2005. - 27 S.
(European surgery : Supplement ; 202)
Zs A 535 -Suppl.202-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Okayama 2003

International Symposium on the Relations between IgA Nephropathy and Tonsils <2003, Okayama>:
Symposium on the Relations between IgA Nephropathy and Tonsils
: held in Okayama, Japan, April 13, 2003 ; organization of the symposium and its selected papers. - Philadelphia, Pa. : Taylor & Francis, 2004. - 63 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Acta oto-laryngologica : Supplement ; 555)
Ul II Zs 105 -Suppl.555-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Opatija 2004

Croatian Conference on Alcoholism and Other Addictions <2, 2004, Opatija>:
Book of abstracts
/ 2th Croatian Conference on Alcoholism and Other Addictions ; 6th Alpe-Adria Conference on Alcoholism : Opatija, Croatia, October 1 - 3, 2004 = Knjiga sazetaka. - Zagreb, 2004. - 120 S.
(Alcoholism ; 40, Suppl.)
Zs B 2143 -40,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Orlando <Fla.> 2003

1st International Quality Improvement Summit on Acute Coronary Syndromes - Bridging the Gap Between Evidence and Practice : proceedings based on a symposium held at the scientific sessions of the American Heart Association 2003 in Orlando, Florida, November 10, 2003. - St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby, 2004. - 2A S.,S. S28 - S58 S. : graph. Darst.
(American heart journal ; 148,5, Suppl.)
Ui IV Zs 15 -148,5,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Orlando <Fla.> 2003

Beyond cytokines - evolving role of B cells in immune-mediated inflammatory disease : proceedings of a symposium ; October 25, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA. - Toronto, Ont., 2005. - 34 S. : graph. Darst.
(The journal of rheumatology : Supplement ; 73)
Zs A 1168 -Suppl.73-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Orlando <Fla.> 2003

PPARs: altering clinical responses in type-2 diabetes and atherosclerosis : based on a satellite symposium... held on Nov. 10, 2003 during the scientific sessions 2003 of the American Heart Association, Nov. 9 - 12, 2003, Orlando, Florida. - Mahwah, N.J. : Foundation for Advances in Medicine and Science, 2004. - IV-20 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Clinical cardiology ; 27,7, Suppl. 4)
Zs A 1423 -27,Suppl.4-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Orlando <Fla.> 2004

Non-cosmetic uses of botulinum neurotoxin : scientific and clinical update ; based on proceedings of a symposium to be held December 5, 2004... in Orlando, FL. - [S.l.] : American Soc. of Health-System Pharmacists, 2004. - S29 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(American journal of health-system pharmacy ; 61,22, Suppl. 6)
Zs A 419 -61,22,Suppl.6-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Orlando <Fla.> 2005

Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology:
Joint annual meeting of the Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology and the International Society of Pelvic Neuromodulation
: February 24 - 27, 2005, Orlando, Florida ; program schedule, 2005
Zs A 1828 -24-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Orlando <Fla.> 2005

Clinical Nutrition Week <2005, Orlando, Fla.>:
Nutrition practice poster abstracts
/ Clinical Nutriton Week 2005 : [Orlando, Fla., 2005], 2005
Zs A 2451 -20-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Osaka 2002

International Symposium on Adrenomedullin and PAMP <3, 2002, Osaka>:
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Adrenomedullin and PAMP
: International Symposium for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, COE International Symposium ; in Osaka, Japan, November 21, 2002. - Osaka : Japanese Soc. of Hypertension, 2003. - S146 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Hypertension research ; 26, Suppl. Feb.)
Zs A 3898 -26,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Osijek 2004

Perinatalni Dani Ante Drazancic <21, 2004, Osijek>:
XXI. Perinatalni Dani "Ante Drazancic"
: Bizovacke Toplice, Osijek, 20. - 22.X.2004. ; [proceedings]. - Zagreb, 2004. - 172 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Gynaecologia et perinatologia ; 13, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 3590 -13,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Oslo 2003

Detrusor contractility: progress and new subjects since the second obslut in 1995 : the Sixth Oslo Biennial Symposium on Lower Urinary Tract Physiology and Pathophysiology ; Holmenkollen Park Rica Hotel, 7 and 8 November 2003. - Stockholm : Taylor & Francis, 2004. - 108 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology : Supplement ; 215)
Zs A 601 -Suppl.215-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Oslo 2004

Urbanisation and health: new challenges in health promotion and prevention : 12th EUPHA conference, Oslo, 7 - 9 October 2004. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2004. - 120 S.
(European journal of public health ; 14,4, Suppl.) (Abstracts of the... annual EUPHA meeting ; 12)
Zs A 3499 -14,4,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Ostrava 2001

Pokroky v revmatologii a imunologii : program a abstrakta ; 23.11.2001. - Ostrava, [ca. 2001]. - 20 S.
2005 A 1647
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


International Conference on AIDS and STDs in Africa <12, 2001, Ouagadougou>:
Livre des résumés
/ XIIème Conférence Internationale sur le SIDA et les MST en Afrique : 9 - 13 Décembre 2001, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso ; les communautés s'engagent = Abstract book / XIIth International Conference on AIDS and STDs in Africa. - [S.l.], [ca. 2001]. - II, 453 S.
2005 A 4
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Oxford 2005

From grid to healthgrid : proceedings of Healthgrid 2005 ; [... third annual conference of the Healthgrid Association ; from 7 - 9 April 2005 in Oxford, UK]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press, 2005. - XI, 324 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Studies in health technology and informatics ; 112)
ISBN: 1-58603-510-X
2005 A 1547
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Pacific Grove <Calif.> 2004

International Conference on Plasma Membrane Redox Systems and Their Role in Biological Stress and Disease <7, 2004, Pacific Grove, Calif.>:
Papers from the 7th International Conference on Plasma Membrane Redox Systems and Their Role in Biological Stress and Disease
: Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 14 - 18 April 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Pr., 2004. - S. 183 - 258 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Biofactors ; 20,4 = Special issue)
Zs A 2473 -20-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paderborn 2002

Qualitätsmanagement im psychiatrischen Arbeitsalltag : vom Unterschied zwischen Etikett und Inhalt ; [das 7. Forum Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie in Paderborn war vom 29. bis 30. Oktober 2002 dem "Qualitätsmanagement im psychiatrischen Arbeitsalltag" gewidmet]. - Regensburg : Roderer, 2003. - 194 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Schriftenreihe der Bundesdirektorenkonferenz Psychiatrischer Krankenhäuser ; 10)
ISBN: 3-89783-392-1
2005 A 1040
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Padova 2004

International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease <12, 2004, Padova>:
Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Nutrition & Metabolism in Renal Disease
: June 18 - 22, 2004, Padua, Italy. - Phildadelphia, PA : Saunders, 2005. - S. 1 - 192 : graph. Darst.
(Journal of renal nutrition ; 15,1)
Zs A 3273 -15-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Palermo 2004

Prévention des récidives dépressives : Palerme, 18 - 21 mars 2004. - Paris : Masson, 2004. - III, S51 S. : graph. Darst.
(L'encéphale ; N.S.,30, Cah. 2)
Ui II Zs 65 -30,Cah.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2001

Non-overt disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) - is death really coming? : proceedings of a special symposium organized on the occasion of the XVIIIth congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Paris, France, july 7, 2001. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2002. - S34 S. : graph. Darst.
(Blood reviews ; 16, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 2207 -16,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2002

International Scientific Symposium on the Health Effects of Glycol Ethers <3, 2002, Paris>:
Proceedings of the Third International Scientific Symposium on the Health Effects of Glycol Ethers
: October 17th and 18th, 2002... Paris, France. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 1 - 225 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Toxicology letters ; 156,1 = Special issue)
Zs A 1367 -156-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2003

Independent living for persons with disabilities and elderly people : [Paris]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press [u.a.], 2003. - XII, 202 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Assistive technology research series ; 12)
ISBN: 1-58603-380-8. - 4-274-90621-3
2005 A 554
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2003

Post-genomic perspectives in modeling and control of breathing : [proceedings of the IXth Oxford Conference on Modeling and Control of Breathing, held September 13 - 16 in Paris, France]. - New York [u.a.] : Kluwer/Plenum, 2004. - XVIII, 342 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Advances in experimental medicine and biology ; 551)
ISBN: 0-306-48507-9
Zs A 3192 -551-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

The role of IGF parameters in the management of growth disorders and acromegaly : diagnosis, efficacy and safety. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005. - 115 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Hormone research ; 62, Suppl. 1)
ISBN: 3-8055-7837-7
Zs A 414 -62,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

International Workshop on Fetal Genetic Pathology <8, 2004, Paris>:
/ 8th International Workshop on Fetal Genetic Pathology : Paris, 19 - 20 March 2004, 2004
Zs A 2043 -23-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Rencontres Francophones de Pédiatrie <18, 2004, Paris>:
Communications libres
/ XVIIIe Rencontres Francophones de Pédiatrie : 9 octobre 2004, Paris, 2004
Un I Zs 557 -97-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Conférence de Consensus la Protection Rénale Périopératoire <2004, Paris>:
Conférence de Consensus La Protection Rénale Périopératoire
: Paris, 10 juin 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 86 - 226 : graph. Darst.
(Annales Françaises d'anesthésie et de réanimation ; 24,2)
Zs B 2591 -24-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Efficacité de la promotion de la santé : actes du colloque organisé par l'Inpes avec la collaboration de l'UIPES ; [Colloque sur l'Efficacité de la Promotion de la Santé... la 4 décembre 2003 à Paris]. - Saint-Denis : IUHPE/UIPES, 2004
(Promotion & education ; 2004, Hors sér. 1 = Suppl.)
Zs A 4010 -2004,Hors-sér.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Infection au VIH : des stratégies thérapeutiques actuelles aux concepts de demain ; 18 mars 2004, Paris. - Paris : Elsevier, 2004. - S. S193 - S235 : graph. Darst.
(Médecine et maladies infectieuses ; 34, Suppl. 3)
Zs A 1410 -34,Suppl.3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Les infections à bactéries atypiques : 20es journées annuelles du Groupe de Pathologie Infectieuse Pédiatrique, 18 - 19 juin 2004, Paris, France. - Paris : Elsevier, 2005. - VIII, S71 S. : Ill.
(Archives de pédiatrie ; 12, Suppl. 1) (Journées Annuelles du Groupe de Pathologie Infectieuse pédiatrique ; 20)
Zs A 3942 -12,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Journées Annuelles de Diabétologie <2004, Paris>:
Journées Annuelles de Diabétologie de l'Hôtel-Dieu
: 13, 14 et 15 mai 2004. - Paris : Flammarion, 2004. - VI, 240 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 2-257-10843-4
2005 A 1931
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Journées Dermatologiques <2004, Paris>:
Livre des résumés
/ Journées Dermatologiques de Paris : 7 - 11 Décembre, Paris 2004. - Paris [u.a.] : Masson, 2004. - S303 S.
(Annales de dermatologie et de vénéréologie ; 131, Hors sér. 1)
Ui VI Zs 30 -131,HorsSer.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Neuroplasticity as an explanation of the pathophysiology of depression: is the puzzle solved? : proceedings of a satellite symposium held on the occasion of the CINP congress, June 20 - 24, 2004, Paris, France. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S. S481 - S521 : graph. Darst.
(European neuropsychopharmacology ; 14, Suppl. 5)
Zs A 3288 -14,Suppl.5-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Ostéoporose: combien de temps traiter? : Nouvelles données fracturaires et qualité osseuse ; [symposium 16 novembre 2004, Paris]. - Paris : Expansion Scientifique Française, 2005. - 11 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Revue du rhumatisme : Ed. Française ; 72, Hors-sér. 1)
Uh III Zs 111 -72,Hors-sér.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Prise en charge de la douleur veineuse : séance du 9 octobre 2004, Paris ; [communications], 2005
Zs B 632 -58-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Scientific Workshop What's New in Blood Pressure Measurement <2004, Paris>:
Proceedings from the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring Scientific Workshop "What's New in Blood Pressure Measurement?"
: held in June 2004 in Paris, France. - Hagerstown, MD : Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2004. - S. 281 - 325 : graph. Darst.
(Blood pressure monitoring ; 9,6)
Zs A 4626 -9-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

European Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection <6, 2004, Paris>:
Proceedings of the 6th European Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection, 24th Réunion Interdisciplinaire de Chimiothérapie Anti-Infectieuse
: 1 - 3 December 2004, Paris, France. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S. S77 - S278
(International journal of antimicrobial agents ; 24, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 3368 -24,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Le rajeunissement facial: techniques de complément et de substitution à la chirurgie : [Paris,22 - 24 novembre 2004]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S. 409 - 556 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Congrès national de la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique ; 49) (Annales de chirurgie plastique esthétique ; 49,5)
Zs A 84/2 -49-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2004

Congrès Français d'Urologie <98, 2004, Paris>:
/ 98. Congrès Français d'Urologie : Paris, 17 - 20 novembre 2004. - Paris : CNIT, 2004. - 19, 71A, 3 S.
(Progrès en urologie ; 14,5, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3959 -14,5,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2005

Journées de Neuroradiologie de Langue Française <7, 2005, Paris>:
7es Journées de Neuroradiologie de Langue Française
: Paris, 29-30-31 mars 2005. - Paris : Masson, 2005. - 144 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of neuroradiology ; 32,2)
Zs A 1062 -32-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2005

Appareil locomoteur : séance plénière. - Paris : Méditions Carline
(Rhumatologie ; 57,1)
Zs B 29 -57-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2005

Société Française de Pédiatrie:
Congrès national de la Société Française de Pédiatrie, congrès de l'Association des Pédiatres de Langue Française
: Paris, 1 - 4 juin 2005. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 643 - 1059 : graph. Darst.
(Archives de pédiatrie ; 12,6)
Zs A 3942 -12-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2005

La génétique moléculaire au service de l'endocrinologue : 48es Journées Internationales d'Endocrinologie Clinique Henri-Pierre Klotz ; Paris, 19 - 20 mai 2005. - Paris : Masson, 2005. - S. 165 - 314 : graph. Darst.
(Annales d'endocrinologie ; 66,3)
Uh III Zs 132 -66-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2005

Journées Francophones de Pathologie Digestive <29, 2005, Paris>:
Livre des résumés
/ Les Journées Francophones de Pathologie Digestive : Paris du 2 au 6 avril 2005. - Paris : Masson [u.a.], 2005. - XLVII, A192 S.
(Gastroentérologie clinique et biologique ; 29, Hors sér. 1)
Zs A 1346 -29,HorsSér.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2005

Journées Francophones de Pathologie Digestive <2005, Paris>:
Résumés d'endoscopie digestive
/ Journées Francophones de Pathologie Digestive : Paris, 2 - 6 avril 2005 ; [abstracts], 2005
Zs A 669 -37-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2005

Journées Mireille Brochier <2005, Paris>:
Résumés des communications et des posters
/ Journées Mireille Brochier : 19 - 22 janvier 2005, Paris = Books of abstracts. - Paris : Baillière, 2004. - 131 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journées européennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie ; 15) (Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux ; 98, Nr. spéc. 2)
Ui IV Zs 8 -98,Nr.Spéc.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2005

Spécial cardiologie : journées européennes, Paris 2005 ; [Journées Européennes de Cardiologie en janvier 2005]. - Paris : Masson, 2005. - 2S24 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Soins ; 692, Suppl. 2)
Zs B 2545 -692,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2005

Journées Parisiennes d'Allergie <12, 2005, Paris>:
XIIes Journées Parisiennes d'Allergie
: Paris, 12 - 14 janvier 2005. - Paris : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 1 - 84 : graph. Darst.
(Revue Française d'allergologie et d'immunologie clinique ; 45,1)
Zs B 185 -45-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Paris 2005

Journées Parisiennes Obstétrico-Pédiatriques <13, 2005, Paris>:
XIIIe Journées Parisiennes Obstétrico-Pédiatriques
: Jeudi 3 et vendredi 4 février 2005, Paris. - Paris : Masson, 2005. - 2S136 S. : Ill.
(Journal de gynécologie obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction ; 34,1, Suppl.) (Journée du Groupe d'Étude Néonatale de l'Ile-de-France ; 6)
Zs A 855 -34,1,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Park City <Utah> 2004

Clinical Aphasiology Conference <34, 2004, Park City, Utah>:
34th Clinical Aphasiology Conference
: Park City, Utah, May 25th to May 29th, 2004. - Champlain, NY : Taylor & Francis, 2005. - S. 209 - 484 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Aphasiology ; 19,3/5)
ISBN: 1-84169-994-2
Zs A 2264 -19-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Pécs 2000

International Symposium on Myocardial Cytoprotection <3, 2000, Pécs>:
Third International Symposium on Myocardial Cytoprotection
: from basic science to clinical perspectives ; September 28 to 30, 2000, Pécs, Hungary, 2001
Zs A 6009 -6-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Petaling Jaya 2004

Asia Pacific Travel Health Conference <5, 2004, Petaling Jaya>:
5th Asia Pacific Travel Health Conference
: 4 - 7 October 2004, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. - Kuala Lumpur : Malaysian Med. Assoc., 2004. - X, 121 S.
(The medical journal of Malaysia ; 59, Suppl. E)
Zs A 1206 -59,Suppl.E-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Philadelphia <Pa.> 2003

Towards a strategic plan for research to support the global program to eliminate lymphatic filariasis : summary of immediate needs and opportunities for research on lymphatic filariasis ; indentified by the filariasis community of scientists in association with an "LF reasearch forum", convened in Philadelphia, December 9 - 10, 2003. - Northbrook, Ill. : American Soc. of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2004. - III, 46 S. : graph. Darst., Kt.
(The American journal of tropical medicine & hygiene ; [N.F.] 71,5, Suppl.)
Ud II Zs 61 -71,5,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Philadelphia <Pa.> 2004

International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques <28, 2004, Philadelphia, Pa.>:
28th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques
: Philadelphia, PA, USA, 12 - 18 June 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - 410 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of chromatography : A ; 1073,1/2 = Symposium vol.)
Zs A 813 -1073-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Philadelphia <Pa.> 2004

International Cytoprotection Investigators' Congress <4, 2004, Philadelphia, Pa.>:
4th International Cytoprotection Investigators' Congress
: [May 2004]. - Philadelphia, PA : Saunders, 2004. - 73 S. : graph. Darst.
(Seminars in oncology ; 31,6, Suppl. 18)
Zs A 1348 -31,Suppl.18-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Philadelphia <Pa.> 2004

International Symposium on ALS, MND <15, 2004, Philadelphia, Pa.>:
Abstracts from the 15th International Symposium on ALS MND
: Philadelphia, USA 2 - 4 December 2004. - Basingstoke : Taylor & Francis, 2004. - 157 S.
(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ; 5, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 5874 -5,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Pörtschach 2000

Schmerz. - Wien : Österr. Apothekerkammer, 2000. - 59 S.
2005 A 892
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Portoroz 2004

Monolith Summer School <1, 2004, Portoroz>:
1st Monolith Summer School
: Portoroz, Slovenia, 6 - 9 June 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 1 - 144 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of chromatography : A ; 1065,1 = Symposium volume)
Zs A 813 -1065-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Potsdam 2001

Strategien und Projekte zur Reduktion alkoholbedingter Störungen : Präventionsfachkongress Alkohol - Bund, Länder, Wirtschaft ; [... Beiträge der Potsdamer Tagung im November 2001...]. - Lengerich [u.a.] : Pabst, 2002. - 293 S. : graph. Darst.
ISBN: 3-936142-73-4
2005 A 738
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Praha 2000

International Symposium on the Developing Heart <2000, Praha>:
Abstracts of the International Symposium on the Developing Heart
: May 18 - 20, 2000, Prague, Czech Republic, 2000
Zs A 6009 -5-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Praha 2000

International Symposium on the Developing Heart <2000, Praha>:
Focused issue based on the International Symposium on the Developing Heart
: Prague, Czech Republic, May 18 to 20, 2000, 2001
Zs A 6009 -6-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Praha 2002

Toxicogenomics and proteomics : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Toxicogenomics and Proteomics, 16 - 20 October 2002, Prague, Czech Republic]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press, 2004. - VIII, 207 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(NATO science series : Series 1, Life and behavioural sciences ; 356)
ISBN: 1-58603-402-2
2005 A 398
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Praha 2003

Clinical effectiveness in psychosis : proceedings of the international roundtable meeting held 19 September 2003, during the 16th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology congress, Prague, Czech Republic. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - VI S., S. S435 - S479 : graph. Darst.
(European neuropsychopharmacology ; 14, Suppl. 4)
Zs A 3288 -14,Suppl.4-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Praha 2003

Vascular dementia : proceedings of the third International Congress on Vascular Dementia, held in Prague, Czech Republic on October 23 - 26, 2003 (including all abstracts). - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - 389 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of the neurological sciences ; 229/230 = Special issue)
Zs A 308 -229/230-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Praha 2004

Czech Conference of the Laboratory Animals <7, 2004, Praha>:
Abstract of the 7th Czech Conference of the Laboratory Animals
: Prague, Czech Republic, April 21 - 22, 2004, 2005
Zs A 228 -54-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Praha 2004

Progress in implantable gastric stimulation for obesity : proceedings of a symposium at the European interim congress of IFSO, Prague, Czech Republic, May 28, 2004. - Niagara Falls, NY : FD-Communications, 2004. - S48 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Obesity surgery ; 14, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3381 -14,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Puerto Vallarta 2004

Symposium Management of Asthma in Specific Patient Populations <2004, Puerto Vallarta>:
Symposium Management of Asthma in Specific Patient Populations
: [presented at the Southwest Allergy Forum... Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, January 18, 2004], 2004
Zs A 1804 -25-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Québec 2003

The role of gene regulation in obesity and its complications : Loews Le Concorde, Québec City, Québec, Canada, November 22, 2003 ; [highlights of the fifth symposium... which was Entitled "The Role of Gene Regulation in Obesity and its Complications]. - Avenel, NJ : Nature Publ. Group, 2005. - S39 S. : Ill.
(International journal of obesity ; 29, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1325 -29,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Regensburg 2004

Bewegungsstörungen bei Psychosen : Kernsymptom oder Nebenwirkung?. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Thieme, 2005. - S52 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Psychiatrische Praxis ; 32, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 971 -32,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Remagen 2002

Physikalische Methoden der Laser- und Medizintechnik. - Als Ms. gedr. - Düsseldorf : VDI-Verl., 2003. - X, 310 S. : zahlr. Ill. und graph. Darst.
(Fortschritt-Berichte / VDI : Reihe 17, Biotechnik, Medizintechnik ; 231)
ISBN: 3-18-323117-4
2005 A 818
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Richmond <Va.> 2004

Evidence-based approach to hernia surgery : based on the proceedings of a symposium that was held on April 24, 2004 as part of the 28th annual meeting of the Association of VA Surgeons in Richmond, Virginia. - New York, NY : Excerpta Medica, 2004. - 34S S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(The American journal of surgery ; 188,6A = Suppl.)
Uk I Zs 42 -188,6A-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Richmond <Va.> 2004

Surgical Symposium <28, 2004, Richmond, Va.>:
Papers from the Association of VA Surgeons presented at the 28th Annual Surgical Symposium
: held in Richmond, Virginia, April 25 - 27, 2004. - New York, NY : Excerpta Medica, 2004. - S. [451] - 621 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(The American journal of surgery ; 188,5)
Uk I Zs 42 -188-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Rio de Janeiro 2004

Jornada Internacional de Nutrição Oncológica <2, 2004, Rio de Janeiro>:
II Jornada Internacional de Nutrição Oncológica, I Jornada Luso-Brasileira de Nutrição Oncológica
: 18 e 19 de Novembro de 2004, Rio de Janeiro, 2004
Zs B 904 -50-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Rio de Janeiro 2004

Nitric oxide, cytokines and inflammation : an International Symposium [Nitric Oxide, Cytokines and Inflammatio, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from June 6 to 9, 2004]. - Rio de Janeiro : Memórias do Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 2005. - 226 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz ; 100, Suppl. 1)
Ud II Zs 33 -100,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Rio de Janeiro 2004

Protelos ® : a new dimension in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis ; proceedings of a Satellite Symposium "A New Dimension in the Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis" held during the IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2004. - Guildford, Surrey : Springer, 2005. - S19 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Osteoporosis international ; 16, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3163 -16,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Riva 2004

International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography <27, 2004, Riva>:
27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography
: Riva del Garda (Italy), 31 May - 4 June 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 1 - 288 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of chromatography : A ; 1071,1/2 = Symposium volume)
Zs A 813 -1071-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Rogaska Slatina 2003

Suicide in respect of forensic medicine : Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia, 29 - 31 May, 2003. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S80 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Forensic science international ; 147, Suppl.)
Zs B 1104 -147,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Roma 2003

Almotriptan, from clinical research to routine clinical practice : satisfying patient needs ; proceedings of a satellite symposium at the International Headache Society congress 2003, Rome, Italy. - Oxford : Blackwell, 2004. - 30 S. : graph. Darst.
(Cephalalgia ; 24, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 1645 -24,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Roma 2004

Evaluation of certain veterinary food additives and contaminants : [sixty-second meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committe on Food Additives, Rome, 4 - 12 February 2004]. - Geneva : World Health Organization, 2004. - VI, 72 S.
(Evaluation of certain veterinary food additives in food ; 62) (WHO technical report series ; 925)
ISBN: 92-4-120925-9
Un I Zs 471 -925-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Roma 2004

Inequalities in dementia care across Europe: an agenda for change : proceedings of the Facing Dementia Forum, Rome, Italy, 29 - 30 June 2004. - Oxford : Blackwell, 2005. - 42 S. : graph. Darst.
(International journal of clinical practice : Supplement ; 146)
Ua VI Zs 301 -Suppl.146-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Roma 2004

Strategie ed azioni per migliorare la qualità delle cure : Roma, 3 - 6 novembre 2004. - Roma : Il Pensiero Scient. Ed., 2004. - S. [117] - 312
(Atti del... congresso nazionale / Società Italianan di Farmacia Ospedaliera ; 25) (Giornale italiano di farmacia clinica ; 18,3)
Zs A 2834 -18-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Roma 2004

International Multidisciplinary Congress the New Frontiers of Dermo-Cosmetology <7, 2004, Roma>:
VII ISCD International Multidisciplinary Congress the New Frontiers of Dermo-Cosmetology
: efficacy, stability and safety ; Rome, 4 - 6 November 2004 ; [programme and abstracts]. - Roma : Internat. Ediemme, 2004. - XXX S., S. 165 - 279 : graph. Darst.
(Journal of applied cosmetology ; 22,4)
Zs A 2396 -22-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Roma 2005

European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis <5, 2005, Roma>:
Programme and abstracts
/ Fifth European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis : 16 - 19 March 2005, Roma, Italy. - Guildford, Surrey : Springer, 2005. - A43, S123 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Osteoporosis international ; 16, Suppl. 3)
Zs A 3163 -16,Suppl.3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Rostock 2004

Rostocker Gespräch über Kardiovaskuläre Funktion und Hypertonie <33, 2004, Rostock>:
/ 33rd Rostock Seminar for Cardiovascular Function and Hypertension : June 26, 2004, Rostock, Germany, 2005
Zs A 1976 -22-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Rostock 2004

Andropathologie, Transplantationspathologie : die besten Forschungsbeiträge 2004 ; mit 32 Tabellen ; 88. Tagung, gehalten in Rostock vom 2. bis 5. Juni 2004. - München [u.a.] : Urban & Fischer, 2004. - VIII, 314 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie ; 88)
ISBN: 3-437-31179-4
Ud II Zs 11 -88-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Rostock 2004

Rostocker Gespräch über Kardiovaskuläre Funktion und Hypertonie <33, 2004, Rostock>:
Autorenreferate, Abstracts
/ 33. Rostocker Gespräche über Kardiovaskuläre Funktion und Hypertonie : Rostock, 26. Juni 2004, 2005
Zs A 887 -34-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Rotterdam 2005

Preventie, je leve(n) lang : Nederlands Congres Volksgezondheid 2005 ; 13 - 14 april 2005, Rotterdam ; [programma ; posters, abstracts], 2005
Zs A 449 -83-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Saalfelden 2004

Dermatologie und Venerologie : Arbeitsunterlagen zur 38. Wissenschaftlichen Fortbildungswoche für Apothekerinnen und Apotheker vom 27. Februar bis 4. März 2005 in Saalfelden. - Wien, [2005]. - 413 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
2005 A 1643
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Saarbrücken 2005

Conference of Hyperhomocysteinemia <4, 2005, Saarbrücken>:
/ 4th Conference of Hyperhomocysteinemia : Saarbrücken, Germany, April 14 - 16, 2005, 2005
Zs A 121 -43-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Saint Andrews 2002

Health care policy, performance and finance : strategic issues in health care management. - Aldershot [u.a.] : Ashgate, 2004. - XX, 291 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 0-7546-3865-0
2005 A 2518
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Saint Petersburg <Fla.> 2004

Proteasome inhibition in hematologic malignancies: clinical update and practical applications : presentations from the 8th Annual "Making a Difference in Oncology" Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, April 1 - 4, 2004. - Manhasset, NY : CMP Healthcare Media, 2004. - 24 S.
(Oncology ; 18,14, Suppl. 11)
Zs A 3168 -18,Suppl.11-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Salvador 2003

International Symposium on Schistosomiasis <9, 2003, Salvador>:
9th International Symposium on Schistosomiasis
: Salvador, BA, Brazil, 2 - 5 Novermber 2003. - Rio de Janeiro : Memórias do Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 2004. - 134 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz ; 99, Suppl. 1)
Ud II Zs 33 -99,5,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Salzburg 2000

Zentrale Fortbildungsveranstaltung Erkrankungen im HNO-Bereich und ihre Therapie <2000, Salzburg; Wien>:
Zentrale Fortbildungsveranstaltung Erkrankungen im HNO-Bereich und ihre Therapie
: Salzburg, 4. - 5. November 2000, Wien, 11. - 12. November 2000. - Wien : Österr. Apothekerkammer, 2000. - 97 S.
2005 A 891
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Salzburg 2003

Telemedizin & Ökonomie : ökonomische Effekte, Abrechnungsmodalitäten, Geschäftsmodelle. - Dresden-Friedrichstadt : General Hospital, 2003. - 158 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Health academy ; 2003,1)
2005 A 1552
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Salzburg 2004

Minimal invasive Chirurgie - aktueller Stand : 3. gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaften Minimal Invasive Chirurgie AMIC (Österreich), CAMIC (Deutschland), SALTC (Schweiz), Salzburg, 19. bis 21. Februar 2004. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2004. - 47 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Chirurgische Gastroenterologie interdisziplinär ; 20, Suppl. 2)
ISBN: 3-8055-7893-8
Zs A 2103 -20,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Salzburg 2004

Proceedings of mental dysfunctions in Parkinson's disease : Salzburg, Austria, October 24 - 27, 2004. - Bologna : Medimond, 2004. - VII, 196 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 88-7587-095-0
2005 A 47
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Antonio <Tex.> 2003

The changing face of breast cancer - meeting the challenges : presents papers from a consultative conference held on 2nd December 2003 in San Antonio, TX, USA. - Dordrecht [u.a.] : Kluwer, 2004. - S29 S. : graph. Darst.
(Breast cancer research and treatment ; 87, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1655 -87,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Antonio <Tex.> 2004

San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium <27, 2004, San Antonio, Tex.>:
27th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium
: December 8 - 11, 2004. - Dordrecht [u.a.] : Kluwer, 2004. - S265 S. : graph. Darst.
(Breast cancer research and treatment ; 88, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1655 -88,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Antonio <Tex.> 2004

National VAC® Education Conference <2004, Los Angeles, Calif.>:
Proceedings from the 2004 National VAC® Education Conference
: [May, San Antonio, Texas]. - Malvern, PA : HMP Communications, 2004. - 33S S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Ostomy wound management ; 50,11A = Suppl.)
Zs A 3333 -50,11A-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Diego <Calif.> 2003

Clinical aspects of Bcl-2 antisense and other apoptosis based therapies : an educational symposium presented at the American Society of Hematology 45th annual meeting and exposition, December 5, 2003, San Diego, California. - Manhasset, NY : CMP Healthcare Media, 2004. - 44 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Oncology ; 18,13, Suppl. 10)
Zs A 3168 -18,13,Suppl.10-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Diego <Calif.> 2003

Contrast Media Research Symposium <2003, San Diego, Calif.>:
Contrast Media Research Symposium
: San Diego, California, October 28 - November 1, 2003. - Philadelphia, Pa. : Elsevier, 2005. - S85 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Academic radiology ; 12, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 4594 -12,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Donato 2003

International Workshop on Interventional Pediatric Cardiology <4, 2003, San Donato>:
4th International Workshop on Interventional Pediatric Cardiology
: San Donato Milanese 2 - 5 Aprile 2003. - Vicenza, 2003. - S64 S. : Ill.
(La pediatria medica e chirurgica ; 25,S2 = Suppl.)
Zs A 2022 -25,S2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Francisco <Calif.> 2002

Neuroethics: mapping the field : conference proceedings, May 13 - 14, 2002, San Francisco, California. - New York, NY : Dana Press, 2002. - VII, 367 S. : Ill.
ISBN: 0-9723830-0-X
2005 A 388
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Francisco <Calif.> 2003

Hallett, Mark [Hrsg.]:
Advances in clinical neurophysiology
: proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, AAEM 50th anniversary and 57th annual meeting of the ACNS joint meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 15 - 20 September 2003. - 1. ed. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - XXI, 760 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Clinical neurophysiology : Supplement ; 57)
ISBN: 0-444-51439-2
Ui II Zs 140 -Suppl.57-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Francisco <Calif.> 2004

Adapting your practice in the wake of medicare reform : a look at luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist therapy ;... based on a satellite symposium held May 7, 2004 in San Francisco, California at the American Urological Association annual meeting. - New York, NY : Elsevier Science, 2004. - 18 S. : graph. Darst.
(Urology ; 64,5A = Suppl.)
Zs A 1142 -64,5A-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Francisco <Calif.> 2004

Biological and bioinspired materials and devices : symposium held April 13 - 16, 2004, San Francisco, California, USA. - Warrendale, Pa. : Materials Research Soc., 2004. - XII, 264 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Materials Research Society symposium proceedings ; 823)
ISBN: 1-55899-773-3
2005 A 1771
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Francisco <Calif.> 2004

Patard, Jacques-J.:
Congrès de l'American Urological Association (AUA): actualités du cancer de la prostate
: [San Francisco du 9 au 12 mai 2004]. - Paris : Elsevier, 2004. - S. S69 - S82
(Annales d'urologie ; 38, Suppl. 3)
Zs A 84/10 -38,Suppl.3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San Francisco <Calif.> 2004

World Congress on In Vitro Biology <2004, San Francisco, Calif.>:
Late submission abstracts
/ 2004 World Congress on In Vitro Biology : May 22 - 26, 2004, San Francisco, CA ; 2004 meeting of the Society for In Vitro Biology, 2004
Zs A 851 -40-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

San José <Calif.> 2000

Optical biopsy III : 23 - 24 January 2000 San Jose, California. - Bellingham, Wash. : SPIE, 2000. - IX, 268 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(SPIE proceedings series ; 3917) (Progress in biomedical optics and imaging ; 1,11)
ISBN: 0-8194-3533-3
2005 A 1290
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sankt Gallen 2004

Primary therapy of early breast cancer : 9th international conference, 26 - 29 January 2005. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - XVIII, S56 S.
(The breast ; 14, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3620 -14,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Santos 2003

Equity, diversity and working hours : challenges and solutions ; [selection of papers presented at the XVIth International Symposium on Night and Shiftwork held in Santos, Brazil, in November 2003]. - São Paulo : Fac. de Saúde Pública da USP, 2004. - 91 S. : graph. Darst.
(Revista de saúde pública ; 38, Suppl.)
Zs B 864 -38,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Santos 2003

Special issue on Equity and working time: a challenge to achieve : devoted to the XVIth International Symposium on Night and Shift Work, Santos, Brazil, November 17 - 21, 2003. - New York, NY [u.a.] : Dekker, 2004. - VI S., S. 813 - 1077 : graph. Darst.
(Chronobiology international ; 21,6)
Zs A 2068 -21-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sassendorf 2002

Internes und externes Qualitätsmanagement in der Sozialmedizin : 7. Sozialmediziner-Tag in Bad Sassendorf am 13., 14. September 2002. - Münster, 2003. - 144 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
2005 A 2530
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Scottsdale <Ariz.> 2001

Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists : evidence and experience examined ; proceedings of a round table discussion held in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA on 8 December 2001. - London : Royal Soc. of Med. Press, 2002. - 45 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Round table series / Royal Society of Medicine ; 75)
ISBN: 1-85315-521-7
2005 A 1696
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Scottsdale <Ariz.> 2005

International Congress on Endovascular Interventions <18, 2005, Scottsdale, Ariz.>:
Abstracts from International Congress XVIII on Endovascular Interventions
: [February 13 - 17, 2005, Scottsdale, Arizona]. - Phoenix, Ariz. : Internat. Soc. of Endovascular Specialists, 2005. - A-10, I-50 S.
(Journal of endovascular therapy ; 12, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 4547 -12,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Seattle <Wash.> 2002

Fatigue and Performance Modeling Workshop <2002, Seattle, Wash.>:
Proceedings of the Fatigue and Performance Modeling Workshop
: June 13 - 14, 2002, Seattle, WA. - Alexandria, VA : Aerospace Med. Assoc., 2004. - A199 S. : graph. Darst.
(Aviation, space & environmental medicine ; 75,3, Sect. 2 = Suppl.)
Zs A 57 -75,3,Sect.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sendai <Miyagi-ken> 2003

Venous thromboembolism : prevention and treatment ; [based on the International Symposium on Pulmonary Thromboembolism, held in Sendai on November 2, 2003]. - Tokyo [u.a.] : Springer Tokyo, 2005. - XIII, 185 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
ISBN: 4-431-22080-1
2005 A 286
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sendai <Miyagi-ken> 2004

The international symposium of the 90th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
: April 21 - 23, 2004, Sendai, Japan. - Tokyo : Sprin ger, 2005. - 50 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of gastorenterology : Supplement ; 16)
Zs A 620 -Suppl.16-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sevilla 2002

The thyroid and brain : with 49 tables. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Schattauer, 2003. - XVII, 358 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 3-7945-2223-0
2005 A 2317
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sevilla 2004

Cardiac MR and CT imaging. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - B61 S. : zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst.
(European radiology ; 15, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 3300 -15,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sevilla 2004

Lysosomal diseases: natural course, pathology and therapy : natural history and ERT, biomarkers in LSDs, new therapeutic developments, genotype phenotype correlations ; 4th international symposium, Seville, April 2004 ; proceedings. - Stockholm : Taylor & Francis, 2005. - 133 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Acta paediatrica : Supplement ; 447)
Um IV Zs 95 -Suppl.447-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sevilla 2004

Congreso Nacional de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria <24, 2004, Sevilla>:
XXIV Congreso Nacional de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria
: Sevilla, del 8 al 11 de diciembre de 2004. - Barcelona : Doyma, 2004. - VIII, 206 S.
(Atención primaria ; 34, Extraord. 1) (Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria ; 24)
Zs A 4054 -34,Extraord.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sheffield 2002

Palliative Care Congress <2002, Sheffield>:
Abstracts of oral presentations
: University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 9 - 11 April 2002. - [S.l.] : Allen, [ca. 2002]. - 23 S.
(International journal of palliative nursing ; [8, Suppl.])
Zs A 5870 -8,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Singapore 2004

Asian & Oceanic Congress of Neurology <11, 2004, Singapore>:
Abstracts of the 11th Asian & Oceanic Congress of Neurology
: Singapore 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S108 S.
(Journal of clinical neuroscience ; 11, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3999 -11,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Singapore 2004

Selected abstracts from: TransplantAsia 2004 : 1 - 4 December, Singapore. - New York, NY : Elsevier, 2004. - S. 584S - 636S : graph. Darst.
(Transplantation proceedings ; 36,10S)
Zs A 835 -36,10S-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Singapore 2004

Toward a human friendly assistive environment. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press, 2004. - XIII, 284 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Assistive technology research series ; 14)
ISBN: 1-58603-457-X
2005 A 555
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sorrento 2004

Monitoraggio biologico e ambienti confinati non industriali: aggiornamenti e prospettive : Sorrento, 3 - 6 novembre 2004 ; relazioni. - Pavia : PI-ME, 2004. - S. 267 - 428 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Giornale Italiano di medicina del lavoro ed ergonomia ; 26,4) (Congresso nazionale / Società Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro e Igiene Industriale ; 67)
Zs B 2328 -26-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sousse 2004

Euro-Mediterranean Congress New Targets in Cancer Therapy <1, 2004, Susa, Tunis>:
Abstracts from the First Euro-Mediterranean Congress New Targets in Cancer Therapy
: biology and clinical applications ; May 20 - 22, 2004, Sousse (Tunisia), 2004
Zs A 3447 -15-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Southampton 2004

Blair Bell Research Society:
Abstracts presented at a joint meeting of the Blair Bell Research Society and the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Society
: at Southampton University, 30th September - 1st October 2004, 2005
Um I Zs 121 -112-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Spa 2005

Belgian Week of Gastroenterology <17, 2005, Spa>:
/ XVIIth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology 2005 : [February 24 - 26, 2005, Spa], 2005
Ui V Zs 37 -68-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Speyer 2003

Finanzierungsprobleme der Gesundheitsreform und GKV-Modernisierungsgesetz : Referate der 5. Speyerer Gesundheitstage am 27./28. März 2003. - Speyer : Dt. Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften, 2004. - 175 S. : graph. Darst.
(Speyerer Arbeitshefte ; 162)
2005 A 2002
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Stanford <Calif.> 2003

International Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology <9, 2003, Stanford, Calif.>:
9th International Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology
: Stanford, USA, 13 - 23 August 2003. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 197 - 322 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Infection, genetics and evolution ; 5,3 = Special issue)
Zs A 5645 -5-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Stockholm 2003

Monitoring molecules in neuroscience : 10th International Conference on In Vivo Methods ; [Stockholm, Sweden, on June 24 - 27, 2003]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S. 1 - 193 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of neuroscience methods ; 140,1/2 = Special issue)
Zs A 1486 -140-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Stockholm 2004

Bile acid biology and its therapeutic implications : proceedings of the Falk Symposium 141 (XVIII International Bile Acid Meeting) held in Stockholm, Sweden, June 18 - 19, 2004. - Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - XV, 270 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Falk symposium series ; 141)
ISBN: 1-4020-2893-8
2005 A 1430
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Strasbourg 2005

Zentner, Josef [Hrsg.]:
Neurochirurgie 2005
: livre des résumés ; abstract book ; Abstractband ; Strasbourg, 7 - 11 Mai 2005. - Niebüll : Videel, 2005. - 187 S.
(Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie e.V. ; 56)
ISBN: 3-89906-088-1
2005 A 1953
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Stuttgart 2003

European Conference on Biomaterials <18, 2003, Stuttgart>:
/ 18th European Conference on Biomaterials including Third Young Scientists' Forum : 1. - 4. October 2003, Stuttgart, Germany, CSI-Center. - Denkendorf : DGBM, 2003. - 387 S. in getr. Zählung
2004 A 4165
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sydney 2004

Advances in the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders : [based on material presented at the International Congress of Biological Psychiatry Meeting, held February 9 - 14, 2004, in Sydney, Australia]. - New York, NY : MBL Communications, 2004. - 31 S. : graph. Darst.
(CNS spectrums ; 9,6, Suppl. 4)
Zs A 5171 -9,Suppl.4-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sydney 2004

Photodynamic therapy presentations : made at the annual scientific meeting, Sydney, 16 - 19 May 2004. - Carlton, Victoria : Blackwell, 2005. - S27 S. : Ill.
(Australasian journal of dermatology ; 46, Suppl.)
Zs A 236 -46,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Sµoul 2004

Bridging between East and West biological psychiatry, bridging between basic and clinical neuroscience : 9 - 11 July, 2004, Seoul, Korea. - Glasgow : WFSBP Administrative Office, 2004. - 142 S.
(The world journal of biological psychiatry ; 5, Suppl. 2) (WFSBP Asia-Pacific congress ; 2004)
Zs A 5956 -5,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

São Paulo 2002

International Congress on Obesity <9, 2002, São Paulo>:
Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Obesity
: Sao Paulo, 2002. - Montrouge [u.a.] : Libbey, 2003. - XIII, 1062 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Progress in obesity research ; 9)
ISBN: 2-7420-0460-2
Se 372 -9-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tällberg 2004

Special issue Molecular mechanisms of biological systems : 130th Nobel Symposium ; [September 10 - 15, 2004, Tällberg, Dalarna, Sweden]. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 851 - 962 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(FEBS letters ; 579,4)
Zs B 282 -579-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tahoe City <Calif.> 1991

Ergonomics guidelines and problem solving : [this book is outcome of three different invited symposia on ergonomics guidelines and problem solving held between 1991 and 1996, the First Invited International Symposium on Ergonomics Guidelines and Problem Solving was held in Lake Tahoe, USA in June 1991, the Second International Symposium on Ergonomics Guidelines and Problem Solving was held in Copenhagen, Denmark in June 1993, the Third International Symposium on Ergonomics Guidelines and Problem Solving was held in Zurich, Switzerland in July 1996]. - 1. ed. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2000. - IX, 479 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Elsevier ergonomics book series ; 1)
ISBN: 0-08-043643-9
2005 A 1194
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Taibei 2004

International Congress on Cardiovascular Diseases <3, 2004, Taibei>:
Abstracts of the 3rd International Congress on Cardiovascular Disease
: Taipei, Taiwan, 26 - 28 November, 2004. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S81 S. : Ill.
(International journal of cardiology ; 97, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 1673 -97,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Taormina 2004

Toll Conference <2004, Taormina>:
Proceedings papers from the Toll 2004 Conference
: held in Taormina, Sicily, May 2004, 2004
Zs A 4017 -10-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Taormina 2005

Emerging pathologies in cardiology : proceedings of the Mediterranean Cardiology Meeting (Taormina, April 7-9, 2005). - Milan [u.a.] : Springer Italia, 2005. - XV, 407 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 88-470-0311-3
2005 A 2553
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tarnów 2004

Krajowy Kongres Ekologiczny <8, 2004, Tarnów>:
Post½epy w ochronie srodowiska a zdrowie czºlowieka
. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Przegl½ad Lekarski, 2004. - 68 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Przegl½ad lekarski ; 61, Supl. 3)
Zs B 640 -61,Supl.3-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tarragona 2004

Congreso Nacional de Enfermería Intensiva <30, 2004, Tarragona>:
Mesas redondas del XXX Congreso Nacional de Enfermería Intensiva
: [mesas redondas del XXX congreso nacional de la SEEIUC ; Tarragona, 6 - 9 de junio de 2004] = Round tables of the XXX National Congress of Intensive Nursing, 2004
Zs A 5234 -15-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tatranské Zruby 2004

Immunology Conference <6, 2004, Tatranské Zruby>:
The 6th EFIS Tatra Immunology Conference
: [Tatraské Zruby (Tatra Mountains), Slovakia, September 11 - 16, 2004]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 161 - 259 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Immunology letters ; 97,2 = Special issue)
Zs A 1512 -97-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tel-Avîv 2003

Israeli Symposium on Computer Aided Surgery, Medical Robotics, and Medical Imaging <6, 2003, Tel-Avîv>:
Abstracts from ISRACAS 2003
: Sixth Israeli Symposium on Computer Aided Surgery, Medical Robotics, and Medical Imaging ; held in Tel-Aviv, Israel, on May 15, 2003, 2003
Zs A 4497 -8-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tokyo 2001

2001 frontier of rheumatology : the 10th International Rheumatology Symposium in Tokyo ; March 23 - 24, 2001, Tokyo, Japan ; abstracts, 2001
Zs B 2982 -11-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tokyo 2003

Symposium on the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease <12, 2003, Tokyo>:
12th Symposium on the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
: November, 15, 2003, Tokyo, Japan. - Darmstadt : Steinkopff [u.a.], 2004. - VII/30 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of neurology ; 251, Suppl. 7)
Ui II Zs 40 -251,Suppl.7-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tokyo 2003

International Rheumatology Symposium <12, 2003, Tokyo>:
/ the 12th International Rheumatology Symposium in Tokyo : April 24 - 26, 2003, Tokyo, Japan, 2003
Zs B 2982 -13-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tokyo 2003

Workshop on Ontology and Genome <2, 2003, Tokyo>:
Special issue: Ontology Workshop Tokyo 2003
. - Amsterdan [u.a.] : IOS Press, 2004. - 96 S. : graph. Darst.
(In silico biology ; 4,1)
Zs A 5988 -4-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tokyo 2004

Special issue: Vaccines and immunisation : based on the Fourth World Congress on Vaccines and Immunisation ; Tokyo, Japan, 30 September - 3 October 2004. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 2023 - 2406 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Vaccine ; 23,17/18)
Zs A 1930 -23-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tokyo 2004

Eosinophils in allergy and related diseases : proceedings of a workshop, Tokyo, Japan, June 26, 2004. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005. - 84 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(International archives of allergy and immunology ; 137, Suppl. 1)
ISBN: 3-8055-7952-7
Uh III Zs 155 -137,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tokyo 2004

Focus on the future. - [S.l.] : Blackwell Asia, 2004. - S. S137 - S252, S. A51 - A94 : zahlr. Ill.
(Digestive endoscopy ; 16, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 3854 -16,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tokyo 2004

International Symposium on the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test <6, 2004, Tokyo>:
Program of the 6th Biennial International Symposium on the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test
: August 6 - August 8, 2004... Tokyo, Japan ; [abstracts & short articles], 2004
Zs A 1257 -29-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Toronto 2004

CME Congress <2004, Toronto>:
CME Congress 2004
: [Toronto, Ontario]. - Lewiston, NY : Decker, 2004. - S64 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(The journal of continuing education in the health professions ; 24, Suppl. 1)
Zs B 2557 -24,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Toronto 2004

The science of myelin : a symposium of the Society for Experimental Neuropathology... in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 3, 2004 ; special section, 2005
Zs A 308 -228-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Toronto 2005

Frontiers in inflammatory joint diseases : a Canadian arthritis research forum, Toronto, Canada, May 7 - 9, 2004. - Toronto, Ont., 2005. - 63 S. : graph. Darst.
(The journal of rheumatology : Supplement ; 72)
Zs A 1168 -Suppl.72-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Treviso 2004

Advanced peripheral nerve surgery and minimal invasive spinal surgery : [Third Course on Peripheral Nerve Microsurgery and on Minimally Invasive Treatments for Spinal Diseases held in Treviso, February 9 - 11, 2004]. - Wien [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - 154 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Acta neurochirurgica : Supplement ; 92)
ISBN: 3-211-23368-7
Uk I Zs 180 -Suppl.92-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Trieste 2004

Anaesthesia, pain, intensive care and emergency : A.P.I.C.E. ; proceedings of the 19th Postgraduate Course in Critical Care Medicine, Trieste, Italy - November 12 - 15, 2004. - Milan [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - XXIV, 760 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 88-470-0288-5
2005 A 2056
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tsukuba 2003

International Conference on Endothelin <8, 2003, Tsukuba>:
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Endothelin
: held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, November 23 - 26, 2003. - Hagerstown, MD : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004. - XIV, S496 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Endothelin ; 8) (Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology ; 44, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1471 -44,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tucson <Ariz.> 2004

Empirically appropriate antibiotic therapy : from pathology to policy ; based on the proceedings of a symposium held in Tucson, Arizona, April 16 - 18, 2004. - Boston, MA : Pharmacotherapy Publ., 2004. - S. 204S - 243S : graph. Darst.
(Pharmacotherapy ; 24,12, Pt. 2)
Zs A 1738 -24,12,Pt.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tunis 2003

Technologies de l'information et de la communication pour les pratiques médicales : comptes rendus des dixièmes Journées Francophones d'Informatique Médicale, Tunis, 4 et 5 septembre 2003. - Paris : Springer, 2004. - 316 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Informatique et Santé ; 16)
ISBN: 2-287-21436-4
2005 A 832
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Tutzing 2005

Tutzing Antiphospholipid Conference <2, 2005, Tutzing>:
2nd Tutzing Antiphospholipid Conference
: 18.04.2005 - 21.04.2005. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - 58 S. : graph. Darst.
(Immunobiology ; 209, Suppl. 1)
Ud II Zs 32 -209,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Uberaba 2003

Reunião de Pesquisa Aplicada em Doença de Chagas <19, 2003, Uberaba>:
XIX Reunião Anual de Pesquisa Aplicada em Doença de Chagas e VII Reunião Anual de Pesquisa Aplicada em Leishmanioses
: Uberaba, MG 24 a 26 de outubro de 2003. - Uberaba, 2003. - 118 S. : graph. Darst., Kt.
(Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical ; 36, Supl. 2)
Zs A 2726 -36,Supl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Uppsala 2004

Addressing the allergy epidemic : Addressing the Allergy Epidemic Workshop [Uppsala, Sweden, May 2004] ; proceedings. - Copenhagen : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2005. - 31 S. : graph. Darst.
(Allergy : Supplement ; 79)
Uh III Zs 150 -Suppl.79-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Utsunomiya 2004

State of the art : ultrasonics in medicine ; proceedings of the 7th congress of the Asian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, held in Utsunomiya, Japan, between 17 and 21 May 2004. - 1. ed. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - IX, 202 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(International congress series ; 1274) (Proceedings of the... congress of the Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology ; 7)
ISBN: 0-444-51640-9
Ua VI Zs 294/a -1274-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Valdivia <Chile> 2003

Congreso Chileno de Oftalmología <19, 2003, Valdivia, Chile>:
XIX Congreso Chileno de Oftalmología
: Valdivia, Diciembre 2003. - Santiago de Chile : Sociedad Chilena de Oftalmologia, 2003. - S. 7 - 111 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Archivos Chilenos de oftalmologia ; 60,2)
Zs B 1275 -60-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Vancouver <British Columbia> 2002

David W. Smith Workshop on Malformations and Morphogenesis <2003, Vancouver, British Columbia>:
Abstracts from the 2003 David W. Smith Workshop on Malformations and Morphogenesis
: August 7 - 11, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2004
Se 1167 -23-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Varna 2003

Risk infections and possibilites for biomedical terrorism : [proceedings of the NATO Aadvanced Research Workshop on Risk Infections and Possibilites for Biomedical Terrorism 28 - 31 May 2003, Varna, Bulgaria]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press, 2004. - XVI, 139 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(NATO science series : Series 1, Life and behavioural sciences ; 361)
ISBN: 1-58603-441-3
2005 A 397
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Veldhoven 2004

Congres Kindergeneeskunde <26, 2004, Veldhoven>:
Zesentwintigste Congres Kindergeneeskunde
: 3,4 en 5 november 2004, Veldhoven ; samenvattingen der voordrachten. - Utrecht, 2004. - 115 S. : graph. Darst.
(Tijdschrift voor kindergeneeskunde ; 2004, Suppl. 1)
Um IV Zs 160 -2004,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Venezia 2002

International Symposium on the New Prion Biology: Basic Science, Diagnosis and Therapy <2002, Venezia>:
International Symposium on the New Prion Biology
: basic science, diagnosis and therapy ; programme and abstracts ; Venezia, April 12 - 13, 2002. - Venezia, [2002]. - 120 S.
ISBN: 88-88143-08-4
2005 A 978
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Venezia 2003

Post-transplant diabetes mellitus and renal function with tacrolimus: a decade of use, a decade of evidence : [proceedings from a Fujisawa Satellite Symposium Entitled PTDM and Renal Function with Tacrolimus: a Decade of Use, a Decade of Evidence... in Venice, Italy, September 2003]. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2004. - vi22 S. : graph. Darst.
(Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation ; 19, Suppl. 6)
Zs A 2198 -19,Suppl.6-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Venezia 2004

International Conference New Perspectives: Bone Involvement in Arthritis <1, 2004, Venezia>:
1st International Conference New Perspectives: Bone Involvement in Arthritis
: Venezia, 29 - 30 ottobre 2004. - Pavia : EDIMES, 2004. - [34] S. : Ill.
(Reumatismo ; 56,3, Nr. spec. 4)
Zs B 392 -56,3,Nr.spec.4-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Venezia 2004

Advances in targeted therapies VI : proceedings of the sixth international symposium, Venice, Italy, 28 April to 2 May 2004. - London : BMJ Publ. Group, 2004. - ii101 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Annals of the rheumatic diseases ; 63, Suppl. 2)
Uh III Zs 114 -63,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Venezia 2005

World Congress on Human Reproduction <12, 2005, Venezia>:
12th World Congress on Human Reproduction
: Venice, March 10 - 13, 2005. - Roma : CIC Ed. Intern., 2005. - S. 157 - 188
(Giornale Italiano di ostetricia e ginecologia ; 27,5)
Zs A 1939 -27-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Venezia 2005

Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry <7, 2005, Venezia>:
Seventh Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry "Financing Mental and Addictive Disorders"
: Venice, March 18 - 20, 2005 ; abstract supplement. - Milano : International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 2005. - S48 S.
(The journal of mental health policy and economics ; 8, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 5278 -8,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Veyrier-du-Lac 2003

Immunological approaches against nosocomial infections : proceedings of the international workshop organized by the Mérieux Foundation, Les Pensières, Veyrier-du-Lac (French Alps), 19 - 21 November 2003. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2004. - S54 S. : Ill.
(Vaccine ; 22, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1930 -22,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Vicenza 2005

Cardiovascular disorders in hemodialysis : 28 tables ; [proceedings... 14th International Vicenza Course on Hemodialysis, Vicenza, Italy, May, 24 - 27, 2005]. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005. - XII, 363 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Contributions to nephrology ; 149)
ISBN: 3-8055-7938-1
2005 A 2197
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Vichy 2004

Dietary polyphenols and health : proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Polyphenols and Health held in Vichy, France, November 18 - 21, 2004. - Bethesda, Md. : American Soc. for Clinical Nutrition, 2005. - S. 215S - 335S : graph. Darst.
(The American journal of clinical nutrition ; 81,1S = Suppl.)
Ue I Zs 208 -81-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Villasimius 2004

Summer School Medicina d'Urgenza <2004, Villasimius>:
/ Summer School Medicina d'Urgenza : Villasimius (CA), 19 - 23 settembre 2004, 2004
Zs B 3112 -19-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wageningen 2004

Netherlands Society for Glycobiology:
: 15 joint meeting of the "Netherlands Society for Glycobiology", the "Studiengruppe Glykobiologie der Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie" and the "Groupe Lillois de Glycobiologie" ; November 28 - 30, 2004, Wageningen, The Netherlands. - Norwell, MA : Kluwer, 2004. - S. 393 - 420
(Glycoconjugate journal ; 21,7)
Zs A 2171 -21-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Warszawa 2003

Advanced Research Workshop on Preparedness Against Bioterrorism and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases <2003, Warszawa>:
Preparedness against bioterrorism and re-emerging infectious diseases
: [proceeding of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Preparedness Against Bioterrorism and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases, 15 - 18 January 2003, Warsaw, Poland]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press, 2004. - XVII, 255 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(NATO science series : Series 1, Life and behavioural sciences ; 357)
ISBN: 1-58603-417-0
2005 A 529
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Warszawa 2004

Conference Inflammatory Process During Development of the Central Nervous System <2004, Warszawa>:
Abstracts from Conference "Inflammatory Process During Development of the Central Nervous System"
: Warszawa,September 24, 2004, 2004
Zs A 716 -42-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Warszawa 2004

Degenerative disorders of the central nervous system : materials / abstracts from conference of Polish Association of Neuropathologists ; Warszawa, May 22, 2004 ; dedicated to the memory of Professor Józef Kaluza, 2004
Zs A 716 -42-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Washington <DC> 2002

World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility <3, 2002, Washington, DC>:
Free papers
/ The Third World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility : Washington, D.C., USA, June 20 - 23, 2002. - Bologna : Monduzzi, 2002. - 51 S. : graph. Darst.
ISBN: 88-323-2621-3
2005 A 1431
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Washington <DC> 2003

Heart disease - pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment : proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Heart Disease - New Trends in Research, Diagnosis and Treatment ; Washington, DC, USA, July 12 - 15, 2003. - Bologna : Monduzzi/Medimond, 2004. - XVI, 474 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN: 88-7587-004-7
2005 A 5
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Washington <DC> 2003

Hepatitis C virus infection and substance abuse : medical management and developing models of integrated care ; [conference held on 11 - 13 November 2003 in Washington, DC]. - Chicago, Ill. : Univ. of Chicago Press, 2005. - S. S259 - S378 : graph. Darst.
(Clinical infectious diseases ; 40, Suppl. 5)
Zs A 1505 -40,Suppl.5-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Washington <DC> 2003

Pediatric Bipolar Disorder Conference <2, 2003, Washington, DC>:
Proceedings of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Pediatric Bipolar Disorder Conference
: Washington D.C., March 21, 2003. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - S128 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of affective disorders ; 82, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 1485 -82,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Washington <DC> 2003

Specialty Conference in Pediatric Pathology <2003, Washington, DC>:
Specialty Conference in Pediatric Pathology
: United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology specialty conference case reports ; USCAP meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 2003, 2005
Zs A 5063 -8-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Washington <DC> 2003

Symposium on the Heart of Ablation <2003, Washington, DC>:
Symposium on the Heart of Ablation
: May 2003, Washington, D.C. - Malden, Ma. : Blackwell Futura Publ., 2004. - S34 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology ; 15,10, Suppl.)
Zs A 2863 -15,10,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Washington <DC> 2005

National Conference on Special Care Issues in Dentistry <17, 2005, Washington, DC>:
17th Annual National Conference on Special Care Issues in Dentistry
: [April 13 - 17, 2005, Washington, DC] ; [abstracts], 2005
Zs B 2515 -25-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Washington <DC> 2005

Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting <2005, Washington, DC>:
2005 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting
: May 14 - 17, Washington, DC ; abstracts2View TM on CD-RoM. - The Woodlands, TX : Pediatric Acad. Societies, 2005
([Pediatric research ; 57,6, Beil.])
Zs MO 373 -57,6,Beil.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Washington <DC> 2005

Cardiovascular device development : papers... of the Annual Three Day Symposium on Cardiovascular Drug Development held in Washington, D.C., [circa 2005], 2005
Zs A 4351 -12-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Washington <DC> 2005

International Symposium on Osteoporosis <6, 2005, Washington, DC>:
Program and abstracts
/ Sixth International Symposium on Osteoporosis: Current Status and Future Directions : April 6 - 10 2005, Washington, DC. - Guildford, Surrey : Springer, 2005. - XX, S67 S.
(Osteoporosis international ; 16, Suppl. 4)
Zs A 3163 -16,Suppl.4-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wien 2001

Quantitative Approaches in Health Care Management : proceedings of the 27th meeting of the European Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS), Vienna, Austria, July 30 - August 4, 2001. - Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] : Lang, 2003. - 307 S.
ISBN: 3-631-39009-2. - 0-8204-5470-2
2005 A 2489
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wien 2003

Wiggers Bernard Conference on Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Shock, Sepsis, and Organ Failure <7, 2003, Wien>:
/ Seventh Wiggers Bernard Conference on Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Shock, Sepsis, and Organ Failure : Vienna, Austria, December 4 - 7, 2003. - Hagerstown, Md. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. - 96 S. : graph. Darst.
(Shock ; 23, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 3985 -23,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wien 2003

Gynäkologie : zentrale Fortbildungsveranstaltung, Wien, 15. - 16. November 2003. - Wien : Österr. Apothekerkammer, 2004
2004 MO 538
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wien 2003

New approaches to managing multiple risk factors in cardiovascular disease : [from a Symposium Entitled "New Approaches to Managing Multiple Risk Factors in Cadiovascular Disease", which was held at the XXV annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology, in Vienna, on 2 September 2003]. - Orlando, Fla. [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2004. - G17 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(European heart journal : Supplements ; 6G)
Zs A 1563 -Suppl.6G-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wien 2003

Optimizing hemoglobin levels and beyond: strength for living and meaningful survival? : proceedings of the 3rd Educational Symposium on Cancer Anemia Management ; Vienna, Austria, March 20 - 23, 2003. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005. - 32 S. : graph. Darst.
(Oncology ; 68, Suppl. 1)
ISBN: 3-8055-7912-8
Uh III Zs 151 -68,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wien 2004

Diet diversification and health promotion : European Academy of Nutritional Sciences (EANS) conference, Vienna, May 14 - 15, 2004 ; 45 tables. - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, 2005. - VII, 174 S. : graph. Darst., Kt.
(Forum of nutrition ; 57)
ISBN: 3-8055-7872-5
2005 A 294
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wien 2004

European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis:
: 9th Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation in MS October 6 - 9, 2004, Austria Center, Vienna, Austria. - London : Arnold, 2004. - S. S97 - S283
(Multiple sclerosis ; 10, Suppl. 2) (Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis ; 20)
Zs A 4428 -10,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wien 2004

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie und Rehabilitation:
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie und Rehabilitation gemeinsam mit der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des Knochens und Mineralstoffwechsels
: 26. und 27. November 2004, Wien. - Wien [u.a] : Springer, 2004. - 18 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift : Skriptum ; 1,10)
Zs A 903 -Skriptum1,10-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wien 2004

Wider die Geschichtslosigkeit der Pflege. - Wien : ÖGVP, 2004. - 181 S. : Ill.
2005 A 246
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wien 2005

International Symposium on Sympathetic Surgery <6, 2005, Wien>:
6th International Symposium on Sympathetic Surgery (ISSS)
: ISSS abstracts ; 4th - 6th May, 2005, University Campus Vienna, Austria, 2005
Zs A 3270 -15-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Wien 2005

Vienna Shock Forum <8, 2005, Wien>:
8. Wiener Schockgespräche
: January 27 - 30, 2005, Vienna, Austria. - Hagerstown, Md. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. - 89 S.
(Shock ; 23, Suppl. 2)
Zs A 3985 -23,Suppl.2-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Windermere 2001

Symposium in Honour of the Work of Professor W. M. Edgor <2001, Windermere>:
Special issue: Symposium in Honour of the Work of Professor W. M. Edgor
: [on 7th October 2001... on the banks of Lake Windermere... in the north of England]. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S. 173 - 273 : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Journal of dentistry ; 33,3)
Zs A 860 -33-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Winnipeg <Manitoba> 2004

Workshop on Alternatives to Mammography <2004, Winnipeg, Manitoba>:
Workshop on Alternatives to Mammography
: [held in Winnipeg, Canada, September 18 - 20, 2004], 2005
Zs A 5871 -4-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Würzburg 2004

Körperlichkeit und Kultur 2004 - Interdisziplinäre Medikalkulturforschung : Dokumentation des 7. Arbeitstreffens des "Netzwerk Gesundheit und Kultur in der volkskundlichen Forschung", Würzburg, 31. März - 2. April 2004. - Bremen : Univ. Bremen, 2005. - 260 S. : Ill.
(Volkskunde & historische Anthropologie ; 10) (... Arbeitstreffen des "Netzwerk Gesundheit und Kultur in der volkskundlichen Forschung" ; 7)
ISBN: 3-88722-633-x
2005 A 1879
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Yamaguchi 2003

NASH and nutritional therapy : [15th Yamaguchi Symposium on Liver Disease, 2003]. - Tokyo [u.a.] : Springer, 2005. - X, 117 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Frontiers in hepatology)
ISBN: 4-431-21388-0
2005 A 284
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Yokohama 2002

Families and mental disorders : from burden to empowerment ; [this volume includes several chapters developed from presentations delivered at the 12th World Congress of Psychiatry (Yokohama, Japan, 24 - 29 August, 2002)]. - Chichester [u.a.] : Wiley, 2005. - X, 299 S.
ISBN: 0-470-02382-1
2005 A 1691
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Yokohama 2005

International Gastric Cancer Congress <6, 2005, Yokohama>:
Special articles: to commemorate the 6th International Gastric Cancer Congress
: [May 4 - 7, 2005, Yokohama], 2005
Zs A 5290 -8-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

York 2004

International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation <8, 2004, York>:
Special issue: Eighth International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation
: [held in York during July 2004]. - London [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - IV S., S. 101 - 291, V S.
(Archives of oral biology ; 50,2)
Ul III Zs 151 -50-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

York 2005

UK Radiation Oncology Conference <3, 2005, York>:
/ 3rd UK Radiation Oncology Conference : Monday 11 April 2005 - Wednesday 13 April 2005, University of York, UK. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005. - S41 S.
(Clinical oncology ; 17, Suppl. 1)
Zs A 2774 -17,Suppl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Yumebutai 2003

Endoscopy Forum Japan <5, 2003>:
Proceedings of the Fifth Endoscopy Forum Japan
: [held on August 9 and 10 in 2003, at Yumebutai International Conference Center]. - [S.l.] : Blackwell Asia, 2004. - S136 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
(Digestive endoscopy ; 16, Suppl.)
Zs A 3854 -16,Suppl.-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Zhuhai 2004

Comparative Physiology Conference <5, 2004, Zhuhai>:
Report on the 5th Comparative Physiology Conference of the Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences
: 28 June - 2 July 2004, Zhuhai, China ; [abstracts of the conference], 2005
Zs A 44/A -140-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

ºLódz 2004

Post½epy w leczeniu krwi½a i czynnikami krwiotwórczymi : zdrowie 2004 ; ºLódz, 5 - 6 listopada 2004 r. = Progresses in the treatment with blood components and hematopoietic growth factors. - ºLódz, 2004. - 169 S.
(Acta haematologica polonica ; 35, Supl. 1)
Zs A 969 -35,Supl.1-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen

Åre 2005

Nordic IVF Meeting <16, 2005, Åre>:
Free comunications and posters
/ XVI Nordic IVF Meeting : Åre, Sweden, 3 - 6 January, 2005, 2005
Um I Zs 168 -84-
Verfügbarkeit prüfen


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